La saison des publications se poursuit, en particulier sur les entreprises de taille intermédiaire, dévoilant généralement leurs résultats après les banques et bluechips corporates. Si nous n’allons pas, une énième fois, rassurer nos lecteurs en détaillant chacune de ces publications pour affirmer que 1/ les entreprises sont prudentes du fait de l’incertitude, 2/ les publications sont généralement bonnes et sans surprises, avec un maintien des marges et du chiffre d’affaires, 3/ les leviers moyens chutent de manière continue, nous les regarderons plutôt cette fois ci par thématique pour tenter de voir un peu plus clair sur les tendances macro-économiques à venir. Ce sont essentiellement deux thèmes que nous avons distingués cette semaine.

matthieu bailly octo am 3

Premièrement, de nombreuses entreprises de consommation cyclique, comme cette semaine Douglas dans les cosmétiques, Birkenstock dans la mode, Thom Group dans la joaillerie, Autodis dans les pièces détachées automobiles, Edreams dans les réservations de voyage en ligne, publient des chiffres solides, en croissance et affichent des perspectives sereines. Pourtant si l’on écoute la Banque de France, cette semaine encore, les ventes de commerce de détail se trouvent plutôt en nette baisse avec notamment l’électroménager à -6% en avril, la bijouterie et le meuble à -4% ou l’électronique à -11.5%.
Il ne faut pas voir dans ces chiffres d’entreprises et ces statistiques économiques une contradiction mais le phénomène combiné du ralentissement économique et de l’évolution de la société occidentale à la suite des divers chocs récents que furent le Covid, le spectre de la guerre, des relents de pénurie, l’inflation puis la crainte d’une récession commentée partout dans les medias.
Du point de vue des statistiques, il est évident que la politique restrictive de la banque centrale touchera les 30% du panier de consommation cyclique, les 70 autres pourcents étant des biens ou des services de première nécessité et donc très peu élastiques à l’inflation, le niveau de liquidités dans l’économie ou quoi ou qu’est ce…
Mais au sein même de ces 30%, nous notons déjà et continuerons d’observer de grandes disparités : 

• Disparité des chiffres tout d’abord avec d’un côté l’électronique qui chute par exemple de 11% en avril tandis que les cosmétiques bondissent de 8%. De manière plus générale, il est probable que les tensions inflationnistes fortes créent des reports d’achats sur les biens les plus chers (comme l’électronique, ou l’automobile) et que tout ou partie de l’épargne ainsi préservée par ce report se dirige vers des biens et services « plaisir » de plus faible valeur absolue : les cosmétiques ou la culture par exemple.

• Certains secteurs sont aussi faussement cycliques ou contracycliques d’une période de ralentissement économique. Ainsi Autodis n’est-il pas une exception dans son secteur avec ses bons résultats puisque l’équipement automobile est un des rares secteurs à voir ses ventes augmenter ces derniers mois, avec par exemple +6.3% en avril. Nous avions déjà largement évoqué cet exemple lors de la crise du Covid, si l’on achète moins de voitures, il faut bien les réparer !

Enfin, on observe, outre ces phénomènes économiques récents, des tendances de consommation profondes et de long terme, qui viennent significativement infléchir les tendances actuelles liées à l’inflation : 

  • Le grand écart de consommation entre low-cost et luxe, segments plébiscités au détriment du milieu de gamme
  • L’abandon par les jeunes générations de certains pans de consommation comme l’automobile personnelle ou certains types de tourisme
  • Le développement de la ‘seconde main’ sur des secteurs peu concernés jusqu’alors comme le textile
  • Le recentrage sur une consommation durable, de bien-être, de focus sur le foyer, privilégiant notamment ces dernières années les secteurs comme les cosmétiques de certaines catégories (notamment durables) ou le bricolage
  • Enfin le télétravail, impactant inévitablement, même à hauteur d’une ou deux journées par semaine et par personne, négativement, la restauration, les transports ou certains types de textiles…

Devant toutes ces tendances entrecroisées longues ou courtes, globales ou locales, sectorielles ou concurrentielles, sociales ou économiques, on conclut que la notion de secteur n’est plus du tout suffisante et qu’il ne servira à rien, à fortiori dans l’obligataire et ses méandres de qualité de crédit, de se préoccuper grandement d’allocations par secteur…
Notre second point concerne l’inflation. Régulièrement nous avons argumenté ces derniers mois que les entreprises parvenaient à maintenir leurs marges. Ce maintien quasi-généralisé des marges concernait donc la première phase inflationniste, celle des biens de première nécessité comme l’énergie, les matières premières et les denrées alimentaires.
Ainsi, pendant les premiers mois de démarrage de l’inflation, de nombreux secteurs, en particulier tertiaires, étaient peu touchés ni par les hausses des coûts, ni par un besoin de faire grimper leurs prix ; ce sont essentiellement les entreprises dans l’industrie et l’agroalimentaire qui étaient concernées et les premières à mordre la poussière furent ici les entreprises de petite taille, aux marques faibles ou inexistantes tandis que les plus grandes, celles que nous côtoyons dans l’univers obligataire, parvenaient à passer toutes les hausses de prix qu’elles voulaient.
Et puis, après une décennie de quasi déflation, un petit rebond de quelques points de prix ne heurtait finalement pas grand monde, oblitéré qui plus est par des causes beaucoup plus alarmantes, comme la guerre en Ukraine...

Nous entrons maintenant dans une seconde phase, au sein de laquelle nous observons deux différences majeures : 

- Les entreprises ne peuvent plus toutes augmenter leurs prix car : 

  • Une limite de pricing power atteinte vis-à-vis du consommateur notamment B to B.
  • Des concurrents acceptent de réduire leur marge ou ne subissent pas la même pression inflationniste par des méthodes de production ou de travail différentes ou des sources d’approvisionnement meilleur marché (notamment par une abstention de certains pays vis-à-vis de l’embargo russe)
  • Ce ne sont plus les entreprises consommant les matières premières ou le plus d’énergie qui cherchent à faire grimper leurs prix (d’autant plus que ces derniers ont plutôt reflué ces derniers mois) mais les entreprises de service employant de grandes quantités de salariés. Ainsi, les négociations salariales généralisées et presque encouragées par les gouvernements européens pour contrer l’inflation ; commencent actuellement à peser significativement sur certains comptes de résultat.

- Attention donc à certains types d’entreprises, notamment : 

  • Les services à faible valeur ajoutée et sur lesquels la concurrence est forte comme l’entretien. Nous avons déploré par exemple cette semaine les résultats faibles d’Atalian, en partie dus à cette augmentation des salaires qu’ils n’ont pas pu transmettre dans leurs prix de vente. Petit bémol cependant car ce type d’entreprise fonctionne généralement sur des contrats de une à quelques années, et l’on pourrait donc voir un ajustement progressif.

  • Les services à forte valeur ajoutée mais au sein desquels la main d’œuvre est en pénurie et donc peut exiger des augmentations plus importantes que la capacité des entreprises à faire grimper leurs prix…

    Là encore donc, il n’y aura pas de règle claire à définir et il s’agira encore de cas par cas, entreprise par entreprise, trimestre par trimestre, bien loin de quelque certitude que ce soit et surtout extrêmement vigilant sur la fiabilité des dirigeants à communiquer clairement et à respecter leurs engagements une publication après l’autre. La BCE elle-même ne semble guère sûre d’où elle sera capable d’emmener les taux, l’économie et l’inflation ou la parité Euro-Dollar, pourquoi demanderait-on à des dirigeants d’entreprises, dépendants de cette économie, de nous promettre monts et merveilles avec plusieurs années d’avance ?  La chance que nous avons, pour cette attente de temps plus clairs, est un rendement obligataire très confortable, avec toujours autour de 7% sur le marché du BB européen de maturité trois à cinq ans.

    Nous noterons enfin que cette inflation salariale, si elle pèse, ou devrait peser à terme, sur la valorisation des entreprises, entretient encore un prochain tour d’inflation et qu’il est pour le moment très présomptueux de la part de la BCE et des marchés de penser que les stades de taux et de réduction de liquidités actuels seront nécessairement suffisants… C’est pourtant ce qu’ils font, continuant de considérer que l’inflation chutera dès la fin d’année, suivie par les taux… continuant ainsi de compresser le Bund à 10 ans à 2% alors même que le taux de référence de la BCE est à 3.75%... Nous continuons de mettre en garde sur ce positionnement qui nous semble très spéculatif, peu rémunérateur et sujet à de lourdes pertes en cas de mauvaise appréciation… Un retour du Bund 10 ans sur le niveau du taux de référence actuel de la BCE à horizon 6 mois, c’est-à-dire le retour à une courbe plate, ce qui n’est pas une hérésie en soi, entraînerait des moins-values sur ces obligations souveraines allemandes d’environ 10% coupon inclus et d’environ 5% coupon inclus sur un portefeuille Investment Grade benchmarké…


Matthieu Bailly, directeur général délégué et gérant obligataire


AMPLEGEST - Le Courrier Financier

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Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds YTD
Aperture European Innovation 10,35%
R-co Valor C EUR 6,86%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 5,32%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 4,75%
Centifolia C A/I 4,08%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 3,88%
Axiom Obligataire 3,81%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 3,78%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 3,60%
IVO Short Duration SRI 3,40%
Athymis Patrimoine P 3,24%
Ethna-AKTIV 3,00%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,85%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,32%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,25%
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,17%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha 1,97%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,60%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 1,58%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,54%
Sextant Bond Picking 1,47%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 1,44%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 1,31%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 1,31%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 1,28%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 1,09%
Dorval Global Allocation 1,01%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 1,01%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,99%
MAM Target 2027 0,99%
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,74%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,70%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,62%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 0,57%
Betamax Global P 0,47%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,45%
Echiquier ARTY A 0,00%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,20%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -0,40%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -0,47%
Sextant Grand Large A -0,48%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,49%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,51%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,60%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,64%
BL Global Flexible -0,66%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -0,85%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,03%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -1,22%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,28%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -1,33%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,50%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,52%
GIS Euro Bond -1,61%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,70%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,91%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,56%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,60%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,82%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,14%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds YTD
Prévoir Pangea R 18,47%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 15,85%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 14,29%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 13,25%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,41%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 12,31%
Sélection Action Rendement International 11,62%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 10,31%
Montségur Croissance C 10,20%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 9,75%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 9,73%
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,29%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 9,16%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 8,79%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 8,58%
Claresco USA 8,44%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 8,19%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 8,13%
Clartan Valeurs C 8,04%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 8,01%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 7,87%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 7,82%
Vega France Opportunités RC 7,78%
Montségur Rendement C 7,73%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 7,71%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 7,43%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 7,32%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 7,25%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,16%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 7,15%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 7,12%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 7,09%
Seven European Equity Class I 6,96%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 6,93%
Constance Be World A 6,88%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 6,70%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 6,65%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 6,49%
Sanso Smart Climate 6,49%
Renaissance Europe C 6,38%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 6,32%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 6,31%
Lazard Equity SRI C 6,20%
Digital Stars Europe 6,09%
BDL Transition 6,09%
Europa One R 6,08%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 5,84%
Kirao Multicaps AC 5,82%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 5,78%
Mansartis Europe C 5,65%
Copernic - RC 5,46%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 5,43%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 5,40%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 5,17%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 5,15%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,12%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 5,04%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 4,99%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,87%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,77%
Covéa Terra A (C) 4,76%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 4,71%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 4,70%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 4,63%
COGEFI Elixir P 4,62%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 4,49%
Sélection Action Rendement 4,47%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 4,45%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 4,40%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 4,27%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 4,16%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 4,08%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 3,96%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 3,88%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 3,72%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 3,70%
FFG 3,64%
BSO France P 3,38%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 3,22%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 3,21%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 3,21%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 3,18%
Wise 5 3,14%
Norden SRI 3,11%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 3,10%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 3,04%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 2,97%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 2,96%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 2,94%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 2,78%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 2,77%
DNB Fund Future Waves 2,64%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 2,64%
Kirao Smallcaps 2,62%
DNB Nordic Equities 2,59%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 2,42%
Claresco Innovation 2,38%
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,10%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 2,07%
COGEFI Prospective P 1,95%
Alterna Plus 1,92%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 1,80%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 1,78%
NN Global Impact Opps 1,72%
Claresco Avenir P 1,70%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 1,65%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 1,47%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 1,34%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 1,32%
IDAM Small France R 1,32%
Mandarine Active Part R 1,26%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 0,94%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 0,68%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,35%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 0,31%
HMG Rendement D A/I 0,19%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,13%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities 0,11%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,05%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -0,26%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund -0,26%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -0,28%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -0,28%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -0,30%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -0,31%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -0,43%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -0,49%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -0,50%
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,63%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -0,72%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,83%
Federal Multi PME P -0,84%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -0,98%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,29%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -1,40%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -1,62%
Sextant PME -1,64%
Talence Euromidcap -1,65%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,70%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,03%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -2,10%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -2,51%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -2,72%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,77%
Amplegest PME IC -2,89%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,90%
Amplegest PME AC -3,27%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -3,37%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -3,59%
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,83%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -3,89%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -4,03%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -4,25%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -4,33%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -4,44%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,93%
Portzamparc PME ISR -4,96%
Nova Europe A -6,54%
CM-CIC Pierre C -6,62%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,70%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -7,91%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,80%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Axiom European Banks Equity 21,84% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 18,47% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 15,85% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 14,29% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 13,25% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,41% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 12,31% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 11,62% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 10,35% 4/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 10,31% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 10,20% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 9,75% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 9,73% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 9,59% 5/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 9,49% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,29% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 9,16% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 8,79% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 8,62% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 8,58% 6/7
Claresco USA 8,44% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 8,19% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 8,13% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 8,04% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 8,01% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 7,87% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 7,82% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 7,78% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 7,73% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 7,71% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 7,68% 5/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 7,55% 5/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 7,43% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 7,39% 7/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 7,32% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 7,27% 5/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 7,25% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,16% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 7,15% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 7,12% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 7,09% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 6,96% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 6,94% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 6,93% 6/7
Constance Be World A 6,88% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 6,86% 4/7
Comgest Monde C 6,77% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 6,70% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 6,65% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 6,49% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 6,49% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 6,38% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 6,32% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 6,31% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 6,20% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 6,09% 6/7
BDL Transition 6,09% 6/7
Europa One R 6,08% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 5,84% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC 5,82% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 5,78% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 5,65% 6/7
OMNIBOND 5,47% 3/7
Copernic - RC 5,46% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 5,43% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 5,40% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 5,32% 4/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 5,17% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 5,15% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,12% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 5,10% 5/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 5,04% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 4,99% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,87% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,77% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 4,76% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 4,75% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 4,71% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 4,70% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 4,63% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P 4,62% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 4,61% 5/7
Varenne Valeur 4,51% 5/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 4,49% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 4,47% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 4,45% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 4,41% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 4,40% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 4,27% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 4,16% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 4,08% 4/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 4,08% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 3,96% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 3,88% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 3,88% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 3,84% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 3,81% 4/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 3,78% 4/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 3,72% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 3,70% 6/7
FFG 3,64% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 3,61% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 3,60% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 3,60% 5/7
OTEA 1 3,57% 5/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 3,40% 4/7
BSO France P 3,38% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 3,30% 7/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 3,24% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 3,22% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 3,21% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 3,21% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 3,18% 6/7
Wise 5 3,14% 6/7
Norden SRI 3,11% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 3,10% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 3,04% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 3,00% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 2,97% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 2,96% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 2,94% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 2,91% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,85% 4/7
MAM Solution 2,81% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 2,78% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 2,77% 6/7
BDL REMPART 2,68% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 2,68% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 2,66% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 2,64% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund 2,64% 5/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 2,64% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps 2,62% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 2,59% 6/7
BDL Convictions 2,55% 5/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 2,52% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 2,42% 6/7
Durandal 2,40% 3/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 2,39% 3/7
Claresco Innovation 2,38% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,32% 4/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,25% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends 2,25% 7/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,17% 4/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 2,11% 3/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,10% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 2,07% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha 1,97% 4/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 1,97% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 1,96% 3/7
COGEFI Prospective P 1,95% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 1,92% 5/7
Alterna Plus 1,92% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 1,81% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 1,80% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 1,78% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 1,74% 5/7
NN Global Impact Opps 1,72% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 1,70% 6/7
Axiom 2027 1,69% /7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 1,65% 6/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 1,64% 5/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,60% 4/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR 1,60% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 1,58% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,54% 4/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 1,47% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking 1,47% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 1,44% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 1,36% 5/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 1,34% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 1,32% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 1,32% 5/7
IDAM Small France R 1,32% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 1,31% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 1,31% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 1,28% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R 1,26% 6/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 1,19% 7/7
Sanso Short Duration C 1,14% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 1,13% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 1,10% 5/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 1,09% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 1,07% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation 1,01% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 1,01% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,99% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 0,99% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 0,99% 4/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 0,94% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,94% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,85% 3/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P 0,74% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,74% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,72% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,70% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 0,68% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 0,66% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,66% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,62% 4/7
AIS Protect 0,57% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 0,57% 4/7
Betamax Global P 0,47% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,46% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,45% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 0,42% 3/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,35% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 0,31% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 0,19% 6/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,13% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities 0,11% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 0,10% 3/7
Dôm Reflex 0,07% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,05% 6/7
Echiquier ARTY A 0,00% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 0,00% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund -0,15% 5/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,20% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -0,26% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund -0,26% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth -0,27% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -0,28% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -0,28% 6/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -0,30% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -0,31% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -0,40% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -0,43% 6/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -0,47% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A -0,48% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,49% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -0,49% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -0,50% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,51% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,57% 5/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,60% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,63% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,64% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -0,66% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -0,72% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,73% 5/7
HELIUM INVEST -0,81% 3/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,83% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P -0,84% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -0,85% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -0,88% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -0,98% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,03% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -1,22% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,28% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,29% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -1,33% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -1,40% 6/7
NN Green Bond -1,40% 3/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,50% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,52% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A -1,57% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond -1,61% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -1,62% 6/7
Sextant PME -1,64% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -1,65% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,70% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,70% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -1,83% 5/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,91% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,03% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -2,10% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -2,51% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,56% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,60% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -2,72% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,77% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -2,77% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,82% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -2,89% 6/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,90% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -3,08% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,14% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC -3,27% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -3,37% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -3,59% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -3,67% 2/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,83% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -3,89% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -4,03% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -4,25% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -4,33% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -4,44% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,93% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -4,96% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -5,67% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -5,95% 5/7
Nova Europe A -6,54% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -6,62% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,70% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -7,91% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,80% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -11,50% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 1 mois
Aperture European Innovation -1,19%
R-co Valor C EUR 0,66%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 1,00%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR -0,85%
Centifolia C A/I 1,60%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 0,09%
Axiom Obligataire 0,12%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 0,60%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 0,68%
IVO Short Duration SRI 0,17%
Athymis Patrimoine P -0,09%
Ethna-AKTIV -0,30%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,38%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -2,44%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 0,41%
NN Patrimonial BEST -1,08%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -1,29%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR -0,60%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -0,55%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,40%
Sextant Bond Picking 0,62%
Flexigestion Patrimoine -0,46%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,81%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap -0,72%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR -0,27%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -1,41%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,88%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,14%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,31%
MAM Target 2027 -0,29%
Invesco Pan European High Income -0,24%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,10%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR -0,48%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -0,78%
Betamax Global P -0,18%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,25%
Echiquier ARTY A -0,28%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,06%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 0,44%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -1,25%
Sextant Grand Large A 0,45%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -1,33%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,71%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,04%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,64%
BL Global Flexible -1,11%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 0,44%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,94%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,56%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,79%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,73%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,47%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,84%
GIS Euro Bond -0,69%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,90%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,79%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -1,50%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -0,72%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,74%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -1,74%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 1 mois
Prévoir Pangea R -3,87%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 0,00%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,76%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR -0,36%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 1,32%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C -3,20%
Sélection Action Rendement International -0,13%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A -2,17%
Montségur Croissance C -2,97%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C -3,17%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A -1,68%
Haas Actions Croissance C -0,67%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -1,92%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc -2,61%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR -1,04%
Claresco USA 1,19%
Jupiter Financial Innovation -1,71%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -2,71%
Clartan Valeurs C 1,91%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -2,73%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C -2,01%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 0,02%
Vega France Opportunités RC -1,05%
Montségur Rendement C -0,28%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -2,81%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR -0,05%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 4,69%
CPR Invest – Climate Action -1,72%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR -0,19%
Russell Investments Low Carbon -0,42%
Pictet – Water – P EUR -0,84%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -2,68%
Seven European Equity Class I 0,17%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 0,06%
Constance Be World A -2,66%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 0,11%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R -0,55%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund -2,24%
Sanso Smart Climate -1,84%
Renaissance Europe C -4,13%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -0,48%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales -0,41%
Lazard Equity SRI C -1,19%
Digital Stars Europe -0,54%
BDL Transition -0,77%
Europa One R -2,01%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR -0,46%
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,36%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 2,24%
Mansartis Europe C -2,98%
Copernic - RC 0,37%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 1,18%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 0,88%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 0,24%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -2,10%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -3,47%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 -2,54%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -0,29%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology -1,01%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 0,38%
Covéa Terra A (C) -1,24%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap -0,56%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 1,35%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -4,60%
COGEFI Elixir P -2,20%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund -2,30%
Sélection Action Rendement -3,55%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) -1,07%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 0,29%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,62%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth -1,67%
EdRF Big Data A EUR -2,21%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -2,51%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC -0,27%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,97%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A -3,66%
FFG 0,17%
BSO France P -3,13%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR -1,95%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR -1,34%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU -2,16%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC -3,74%
Wise 5 -0,54%
Norden SRI -0,89%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -0,77%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 1,27%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 -2,71%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -0,49%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR -4,35%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe -0,28%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap -2,83%
DNB Fund Future Waves 0,10%
Pictet - Security – P EUR -3,45%
Kirao Smallcaps 0,45%
DNB Nordic Equities -2,76%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund -2,20%
Claresco Innovation -8,43%
MCA Entreprendre PME -0,13%
Valeur Intrinsèque P -0,50%
COGEFI Prospective P 0,17%
Alterna Plus 0,06%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 -0,75%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -2,03%
NN Global Impact Opps -1,90%
Claresco Avenir P 1,04%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,10%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 1,96%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -1,72%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -1,71%
IDAM Small France R 3,21%
Mandarine Active Part R -4,50%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs -1,99%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 0,13%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -3,03%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 0,96%
HMG Rendement D A/I 1,31%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,52%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -1,81%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund -6,32%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,02%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 0,83%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -1,69%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -1,70%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -1,86%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,46%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -2,71%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,69%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -1,51%
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,65%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -1,57%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 1,92%
Federal Multi PME P 0,39%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,73%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,70%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -0,71%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,58%
Sextant PME 1,93%
Talence Euromidcap 0,21%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,23%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,69%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -0,22%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -1,12%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -4,77%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -0,31%
Amplegest PME IC 0,42%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,49%
Amplegest PME AC 0,31%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -0,76%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -1,01%
Groupama Avenir Euro -2,66%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,57%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 0,61%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -4,35%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -0,52%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -0,78%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC 0,67%
Portzamparc PME ISR -0,25%
Nova Europe A -0,56%
CM-CIC Pierre C 1,91%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -1,26%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -4,97%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 2,90%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 1 mois SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 6,82% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R -3,87% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 0,00% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,76% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR -0,36% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 1,32% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C -3,20% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International -0,13% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation -1,19% 4/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A -2,17% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C -2,97% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C -3,17% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A -1,68% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 3,91% 5/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C -1,94% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C -0,67% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -1,92% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc -2,61% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities -0,29% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR -1,04% 6/7
Claresco USA 1,19% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation -1,71% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -2,71% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 1,91% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -2,73% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C -2,01% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 0,02% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC -1,05% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C -0,28% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -2,81% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -1,34% 5/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 1,88% 5/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR -0,05% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -2,76% 7/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 4,69% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work -2,14% 5/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action -1,72% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR -0,19% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon -0,42% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR -0,84% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -2,68% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 0,17% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends -2,65% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 0,06% 6/7
Constance Be World A -2,66% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 0,66% 4/7
Comgest Monde C -2,67% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 0,11% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R -0,55% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund -2,24% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate -1,84% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C -4,13% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -0,48% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales -0,41% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C -1,19% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -0,54% 6/7
BDL Transition -0,77% 6/7
Europa One R -2,01% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR -0,46% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,36% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 2,24% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C -2,98% 6/7
OMNIBOND 0,42% 3/7
Copernic - RC 0,37% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 1,18% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 0,88% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 1,00% 4/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 0,24% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -2,10% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -3,47% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R -0,21% 5/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 -2,54% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -0,29% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology -1,01% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 0,38% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) -1,24% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR -0,85% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap -0,56% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 1,35% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -4,60% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P -2,20% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 0,96% 5/7
Varenne Valeur -2,02% 5/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund -2,30% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement -3,55% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) -1,07% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 3,00% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 0,29% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,62% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth -1,67% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 1,60% 4/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR -2,21% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -2,51% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC -0,27% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 0,09% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 1,78% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 0,12% 4/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 0,60% 4/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,97% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A -3,66% 6/7
FFG 0,17% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR -0,03% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 0,68% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund -3,68% 5/7
OTEA 1 -0,36% 5/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 0,17% 4/7
BSO France P -3,13% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund -4,14% 7/7
Athymis Patrimoine P -0,09% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR -1,95% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR -1,34% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU -2,16% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC -3,74% 6/7
Wise 5 -0,54% 6/7
Norden SRI -0,89% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -0,77% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 1,27% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV -0,30% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 -2,71% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -0,49% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR -4,35% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc -0,91% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,38% 4/7
MAM Solution 0,15% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe -0,28% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap -2,83% 6/7
BDL REMPART 2,17% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 1,13% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 0,78% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 0,10% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund 2,16% 5/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR -3,45% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps 0,45% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -2,76% 6/7
BDL Convictions 0,50% 5/7
Exane Pleiade Fund -0,03% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund -2,20% 6/7
Durandal 0,66% 3/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 0,36% 3/7
Claresco Innovation -8,43% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -2,44% 4/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 0,41% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -2,20% 7/7
NN Patrimonial BEST -1,08% 4/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,84% 3/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -0,13% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P -0,50% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -1,29% 4/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 0,35% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R -0,04% 3/7
COGEFI Prospective P 0,17% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR -0,02% 5/7
Alterna Plus 0,06% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 0,07% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 -0,75% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -2,03% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 0,16% 5/7
NN Global Impact Opps -1,90% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 1,04% 6/7
Axiom 2027 0,21% /7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,10% 6/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -3,65% 5/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR -0,60% 4/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -3,32% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -0,55% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,40% 4/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 1,96% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking 0,62% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine -0,46% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 0,74% 5/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -1,72% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -1,71% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C -0,17% 5/7
IDAM Small France R 3,21% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,81% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap -0,72% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR -0,27% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R -4,50% 6/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 2,35% 7/7
Sanso Short Duration C 0,09% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 0,23% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) -1,12% 5/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -1,41% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 0,10% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,88% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,14% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,31% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 0,65% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 -0,29% 4/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs -1,99% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,24% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,19% 3/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -0,79% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income -0,24% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,02% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,10% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 0,13% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine -0,05% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative -0,40% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR -0,48% 4/7
AIS Protect -1,30% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -0,78% 4/7
Betamax Global P -0,18% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,01% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,25% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 0,09% 3/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -3,03% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 0,96% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 1,31% 6/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,52% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -1,81% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 0,18% 3/7
Dôm Reflex 0,12% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund -6,32% 6/7
Echiquier ARTY A -0,28% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -1,54% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund -0,80% 5/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,06% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,02% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 0,83% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth -2,89% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -1,69% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -1,70% 6/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -1,86% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,46% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 0,44% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -2,71% 6/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -1,25% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 0,45% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -1,33% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,69% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -1,51% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,71% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -1,16% 5/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,04% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,65% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,64% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -1,11% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -1,57% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC 0,47% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 1,92% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P 0,39% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 0,44% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short AC 0,43% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,73% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,94% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,56% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,79% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,70% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,73% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -0,71% 6/7
NN Green Bond -0,40% 3/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,47% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,84% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A -1,85% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond -0,69% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,58% 6/7
Sextant PME 1,93% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap 0,21% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,90% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,23% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities 1,46% 5/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,79% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,69% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -0,22% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -1,12% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -1,50% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -0,72% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -4,77% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -0,31% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions 0,16% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,74% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC 0,42% 6/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,49% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -4,57% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -1,74% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC 0,31% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -0,76% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -1,01% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -3,81% 2/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -2,66% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,57% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 0,61% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -4,35% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -0,52% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -0,78% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC 0,67% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -0,25% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 2,87% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -0,52% 5/7
Nova Europe A -0,56% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C 1,91% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -1,26% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -4,97% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 2,90% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -1,52% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 1 an
Aperture European Innovation 17,51%
R-co Valor C EUR 11,15%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 7,18%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 8,01%
Centifolia C A/I 7,39%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 5,87%
Axiom Obligataire 11,72%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 5,96%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 4,83%
IVO Short Duration SRI 10,39%
Athymis Patrimoine P 6,75%
Ethna-AKTIV 8,66%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 15,22%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,40%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 3,91%
NN Patrimonial BEST 6,80%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -2,57%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 7,34%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 6,76%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 9,90%
Sextant Bond Picking -0,17%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 5,09%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 8,87%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 11,28%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 9,68%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 4,02%
Dorval Global Allocation 3,82%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 5,24%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 4,19%
MAM Target 2027 9,33%
Invesco Pan European High Income 7,21%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 3,67%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 5,75%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 8,75%
Betamax Global P 2,89%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 3,63%
Echiquier ARTY A 6,00%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 5,63%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -6,52%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,99%
Sextant Grand Large A 3,26%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,14%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 4,21%
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,49%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 3,56%
BL Global Flexible -3,72%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 3,39%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund 2,02%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,36%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 2,41%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 2,40%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 2,10%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -5,75%
GIS Euro Bond 2,47%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,98%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) 5,61%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 4,75%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -1,62%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond 0,55%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets 0,57%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 1 an
Prévoir Pangea R 34,23%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 44,87%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 24,70%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 46,96%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 36,47%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 17,37%
Sélection Action Rendement International 24,82%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 21,24%
Montségur Croissance C 11,43%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 38,88%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 18,59%
Haas Actions Croissance C 13,01%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 8,31%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 18,50%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 9,87%
Claresco USA 31,23%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 22,51%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 11,20%
Clartan Valeurs C 19,82%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 10,76%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 19,13%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 14,05%
Vega France Opportunités RC 10,42%
Montségur Rendement C 10,36%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 9,73%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 18,63%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -0,86%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 14,45%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 20,60%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 19,90%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 17,02%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 25,85%
Seven European Equity Class I 12,02%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 16,38%
Constance Be World A 18,79%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 11,13%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,03%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 17,39%
Sanso Smart Climate 17,46%
Renaissance Europe C 13,17%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 7,33%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 6,96%
Lazard Equity SRI C 10,31%
Digital Stars Europe 6,58%
BDL Transition 15,27%
Europa One R 1,47%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 28,98%
Kirao Multicaps AC 0,93%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 13,54%
Mansartis Europe C 8,38%
Copernic - RC 12,32%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 7,77%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 4,48%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 8,74%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,75%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 31,26%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 15,94%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 7,76%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 10,67%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 6,15%
Covéa Terra A (C) 5,00%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 11,53%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 6,80%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 24,20%
COGEFI Elixir P 5,17%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 6,64%
Sélection Action Rendement 0,36%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 12,29%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 8,10%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 9,61%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 10,63%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 16,68%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 2,08%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 5,73%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 4,57%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 12,44%
FFG -3,57%
BSO France P 6,75%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 4,36%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 9,86%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,32%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 6,63%
Wise 5 -0,43%
Norden SRI 5,77%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 1,51%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 9,66%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 13,68%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 1,30%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 1,78%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 3,78%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 11,27%
DNB Fund Future Waves 4,35%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 17,30%
Kirao Smallcaps 1,59%
DNB Nordic Equities 7,04%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 3,09%
Claresco Innovation 25,40%
MCA Entreprendre PME 0,39%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 11,00%
COGEFI Prospective P -0,70%
Alterna Plus 6,11%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 14,24%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 2,82%
NN Global Impact Opps 0,17%
Claresco Avenir P 1,04%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 5,75%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,69%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 5,25%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 2,06%
IDAM Small France R 3,24%
Mandarine Active Part R 3,10%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 4,65%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 2,91%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 5,31%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 3,91%
HMG Rendement D A/I -0,07%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,92%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -25,31%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 1,81%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -18,62%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 5,01%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 5,55%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 0,24%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -4,50%
Amplegest MidCaps IC 2,48%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -0,75%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,57%
Amplegest MidCaps FC 1,86%
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,46%
Amplegest Midcaps AC 1,11%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -4,99%
Federal Multi PME P 0,32%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,22%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,72%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -8,42%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,53%
Sextant PME -1,34%
Talence Euromidcap -5,26%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -0,96%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 7,43%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -3,71%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -4,40%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 7,83%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,92%
Amplegest PME IC -6,26%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -6,77%
Amplegest PME AC -7,51%
Ecofi Avenir Plus 1,11%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 0,72%
Groupama Avenir Euro -4,99%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,95%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -6,22%
Varenne Selection A-EUR 1,67%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -5,91%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 4,25%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -7,03%
Portzamparc PME ISR -5,25%
Nova Europe A -12,74%
CM-CIC Pierre C 7,07%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -5,92%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -8,26%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 6,04%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 1 an SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 35,34% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 34,23% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 44,87% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 24,70% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 46,96% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 36,47% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 17,37% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 24,82% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 17,51% 4/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 21,24% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 11,43% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 38,88% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 18,59% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 16,09% 5/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 13,92% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 13,01% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 8,31% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 18,50% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 21,93% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 9,87% 6/7
Claresco USA 31,23% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 22,51% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 11,20% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 19,82% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 10,76% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 19,13% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 14,05% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 10,42% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 10,36% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 9,73% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 5,46% 5/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 11,52% 5/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 18,63% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 40,48% 7/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -0,86% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 12,99% 5/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 14,45% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 20,60% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 19,90% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 17,02% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 25,85% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 12,02% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 19,22% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 16,38% 6/7
Constance Be World A 18,79% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 11,15% 4/7
Comgest Monde C 20,16% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 11,13% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,03% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 17,39% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 17,46% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 13,17% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 7,33% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 6,96% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 10,31% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 6,58% 6/7
BDL Transition 15,27% 6/7
Europa One R 1,47% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 28,98% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC 0,93% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 13,54% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 8,38% 6/7
OMNIBOND 13,27% 3/7
Copernic - RC 12,32% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 7,77% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 4,48% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 7,18% 4/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 8,74% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,75% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 31,26% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 7,33% 5/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 15,94% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 7,76% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 10,67% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 6,15% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 5,00% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 8,01% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 11,53% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 6,80% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 24,20% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P 5,17% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 4,39% 5/7
Varenne Valeur 9,74% 5/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 6,64% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 0,36% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 12,29% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 6,14% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 8,10% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 9,61% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 10,63% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 7,39% 4/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 16,68% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 2,08% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 5,73% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 5,87% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 11,22% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 11,72% 4/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 5,96% 4/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 4,57% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 12,44% 6/7
FFG -3,57% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 9,50% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 4,83% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 13,30% 5/7
OTEA 1 9,33% 5/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 10,39% 4/7
BSO France P 6,75% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 20,18% 7/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 6,75% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 4,36% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 9,86% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,32% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 6,63% 6/7
Wise 5 -0,43% 6/7
Norden SRI 5,77% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 1,51% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 9,66% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 8,66% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 13,68% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 1,30% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 1,78% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 10,16% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 15,22% 4/7
MAM Solution 9,42% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 3,78% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 11,27% 6/7
BDL REMPART 8,30% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -0,21% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 3,84% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 4,35% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -7,71% 5/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 17,30% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps 1,59% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 7,04% 6/7
BDL Convictions 8,78% 5/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 3,78% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 3,09% 6/7
Durandal 4,12% 3/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 7,92% 3/7
Claresco Innovation 25,40% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,40% 4/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 3,91% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends 11,17% 7/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 6,80% 4/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 4,56% 3/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 0,39% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 11,00% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -2,57% 4/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 0,73% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 6,17% 3/7
COGEFI Prospective P -0,70% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 7,55% 5/7
Alterna Plus 6,11% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 3,94% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 14,24% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 2,82% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 0,88% 5/7
NN Global Impact Opps 0,17% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 1,04% 6/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 5,75% 6/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 8,09% 5/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 7,34% 4/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR 6,08% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 6,76% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 9,90% 4/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,69% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking -0,17% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 5,09% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 7,01% 5/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 5,25% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 2,06% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 3,19% 5/7
IDAM Small France R 3,24% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 8,87% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 11,28% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 9,68% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R 3,10% 6/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 7,76% 7/7
Sanso Short Duration C 3,53% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 5,30% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 9,91% 5/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 4,02% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 4,04% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation 3,82% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 5,24% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 4,19% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 5,49% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 9,33% 4/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 4,65% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 4,93% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 4,35% 3/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -0,19% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 7,21% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 3,91% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 3,67% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 2,91% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 4,78% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 3,20% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 5,75% 4/7
AIS Protect -1,01% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 8,75% 4/7
Betamax Global P 2,89% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 5,22% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 3,63% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 6,79% 3/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 5,31% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 3,91% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -0,07% 6/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,92% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -25,31% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,74% 3/7
Dôm Reflex 4,78% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 1,81% 6/7
Echiquier ARTY A 6,00% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 2,38% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 3,50% 5/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 5,63% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -18,62% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 5,01% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth 26,55% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 5,55% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 0,24% 6/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -4,50% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC 2,48% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -6,52% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -0,75% 6/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,99% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 3,26% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,14% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,57% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC 1,86% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 4,21% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive 1,62% 5/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,49% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,46% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 3,56% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -3,72% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC 1,11% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,87% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -4,99% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P 0,32% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 3,39% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -1,37% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,22% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund 2,02% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,36% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 2,41% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,72% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 2,40% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -8,42% 6/7
NN Green Bond 5,34% 3/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 2,10% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -5,75% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 14,09% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond 2,47% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,53% 6/7
Sextant PME -1,34% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -5,26% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,98% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -0,96% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -4,87% 5/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) 5,61% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 7,43% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -3,71% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -4,40% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 4,75% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -1,62% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 7,83% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,92% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -4,18% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond 0,55% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -6,26% 6/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -6,77% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -9,98% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets 0,57% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC -7,51% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus 1,11% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 0,72% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -16,38% 2/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -4,99% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,95% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -6,22% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR 1,67% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -5,91% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 4,25% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -7,03% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -5,25% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 7,45% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -6,77% 5/7
Nova Europe A -12,74% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C 7,07% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -5,92% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -8,26% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 6,04% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -13,54% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 2 ans
Aperture European Innovation 7,91%
R-co Valor C EUR 5,81%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 2,34%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 5,58%
Centifolia C A/I 9,10%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,99%
Axiom Obligataire 0,25%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 2,54%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,62%
IVO Short Duration SRI 4,00%
Athymis Patrimoine P 1,52%
Ethna-AKTIV 3,43%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,59%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -0,20%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 1,39%
NN Patrimonial BEST 1,96%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -5,88%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,90%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -0,35%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,21%
Sextant Bond Picking -3,10%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,20%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,24%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 7,78%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 2,22%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,84%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,07%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -0,79%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,58%
MAM Target 2027 0,00%
Invesco Pan European High Income 2,43%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,06%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,87%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,20%
Betamax Global P -1,86%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,16%
Echiquier ARTY A 1,69%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,56%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,65%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -7,28%
Sextant Grand Large A 1,33%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,06%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 1,68%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,77%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -1,91%
BL Global Flexible -4,87%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -2,31%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,68%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,00%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,94%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,63%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,00%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,94%
GIS Euro Bond -2,69%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,99%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,45%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 0,70%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -3,75%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,24%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,61%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 2 ans
Prévoir Pangea R 11,65%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 16,40%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 5,40%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 13,95%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 13,58%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 6,33%
Sélection Action Rendement International 8,61%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 6,57%
Montségur Croissance C 8,02%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 18,16%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 8,03%
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,22%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 3,32%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 7,92%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 3,73%
Claresco USA 13,84%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 0,60%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,43%
Clartan Valeurs C 12,92%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 7,00%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 5,13%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 12,58%
Vega France Opportunités RC 8,85%
Montségur Rendement C 8,35%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 5,98%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 5,29%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -3,67%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 5,65%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,73%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 6,95%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 5,16%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 0,74%
Seven European Equity Class I 6,11%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 5,16%
Constance Be World A 7,00%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 5,28%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,25%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 5,38%
Sanso Smart Climate 4,59%
Renaissance Europe C 9,28%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,79%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 2,01%
Lazard Equity SRI C 12,66%
Digital Stars Europe -3,47%
BDL Transition 7,60%
Europa One R 0,52%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 14,01%
Kirao Multicaps AC -1,07%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 4,77%
Mansartis Europe C 4,73%
Copernic - RC 2,07%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 8,53%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -2,45%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 10,83%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -1,04%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,28%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 6,22%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -1,17%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 6,20%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,19%
Covéa Terra A (C) 0,46%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 2,47%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,09%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 8,35%
COGEFI Elixir P 3,58%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 1,08%
Sélection Action Rendement 1,27%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 1,21%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 2,89%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR -1,17%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,41%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 6,30%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -2,41%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 6,05%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,34%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 3,52%
FFG -4,78%
BSO France P 8,41%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 2,01%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 5,97%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 7,60%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 1,77%
Wise 5 -2,61%
Norden SRI 2,30%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -6,91%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,67%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 2,84%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,05%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 2,38%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 0,52%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 5,64%
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,09%
Pictet - Security – P EUR -2,09%
Kirao Smallcaps -0,83%
DNB Nordic Equities -0,21%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,32%
Claresco Innovation -1,76%
MCA Entreprendre PME -7,42%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 10,33%
COGEFI Prospective P -8,60%
Alterna Plus 1,59%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 6,81%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -0,04%
NN Global Impact Opps -4,35%
Claresco Avenir P -3,36%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 2,20%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,87%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 2,05%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -11,11%
IDAM Small France R -0,54%
Mandarine Active Part R -0,12%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,06%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -3,96%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -1,41%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,97%
HMG Rendement D A/I -3,86%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -1,18%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -16,86%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,45%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -14,12%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 5,98%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,11%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -2,45%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -4,52%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,53%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 1,99%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,45%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -2,12%
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,24%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -2,85%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 0,92%
Federal Multi PME P -4,91%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -2,13%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,47%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -7,37%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -4,70%
Sextant PME -0,36%
Talence Euromidcap -3,58%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -3,63%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,79%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -10,15%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -6,10%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 7,25%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -5,21%
Amplegest PME IC -10,98%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -8,68%
Amplegest PME AC -12,20%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,34%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 4,46%
Groupama Avenir Euro -5,74%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -4,47%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 2,86%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -2,36%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -9,18%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -9,58%
Portzamparc PME ISR -6,18%
Nova Europe A -12,17%
CM-CIC Pierre C -17,96%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,60%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -11,07%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -13,24%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 2 ans SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 38,92% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 11,65% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 16,40% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 5,40% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 13,95% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 13,58% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 6,33% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 8,61% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 7,91% 4/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 6,57% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 8,02% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 18,16% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 8,03% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 7,74% 5/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 6,30% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,22% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 3,32% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 7,92% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 7,36% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 3,73% 6/7
Claresco USA 13,84% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 0,60% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,43% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 12,92% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 7,00% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 5,13% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 12,58% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 8,85% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 8,35% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 5,98% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -1,21% 5/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 3,91% 5/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 5,29% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -0,41% 7/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -3,67% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 6,55% 5/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 5,65% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,73% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 6,95% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 5,16% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 0,74% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 6,11% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 4,87% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 5,16% 6/7
Constance Be World A 7,00% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 5,81% 4/7
Comgest Monde C 7,11% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 5,28% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,25% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 5,38% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 4,59% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 9,28% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,79% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 2,01% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 12,66% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -3,47% 6/7
BDL Transition 7,60% 6/7
Europa One R 0,52% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 14,01% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -1,07% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 4,77% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 4,73% 6/7
OMNIBOND 4,38% 3/7
Copernic - RC 2,07% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 8,53% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -2,45% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 2,34% 4/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 10,83% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -1,04% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,28% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 5,74% 5/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 6,22% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -1,17% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 6,20% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,19% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 0,46% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 5,58% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 2,47% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,09% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 8,35% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P 3,58% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend -0,24% 5/7
Varenne Valeur 3,51% 5/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 1,08% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 1,27% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 1,21% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 -4,10% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 2,89% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR -1,17% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,41% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 9,10% 4/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 6,30% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -2,41% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 6,05% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,99% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 9,30% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 0,25% 4/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 2,54% 4/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,34% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 3,52% 6/7
FFG -4,78% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 3,03% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,62% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 2,81% 5/7
OTEA 1 2,91% 5/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 4,00% 4/7
BSO France P 8,41% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 23,68% 7/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 1,52% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 2,01% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 5,97% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 7,60% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 1,77% 6/7
Wise 5 -2,61% 6/7
Norden SRI 2,30% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -6,91% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,67% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 3,43% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 2,84% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,05% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 2,38% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 3,34% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,59% 4/7
MAM Solution 2,52% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 0,52% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 5,64% 6/7
BDL REMPART 11,21% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -1,85% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 1,70% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,09% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -3,38% 5/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR -2,09% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps -0,83% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -0,21% 6/7
BDL Convictions 9,15% 5/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 2,86% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,32% 6/7
Durandal 0,46% 3/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 2,14% 3/7
Claresco Innovation -1,76% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -0,20% 4/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 1,39% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -4,54% 7/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 1,96% 4/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,86% 3/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -7,42% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 10,33% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -5,88% 4/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) -3,70% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 2,10% 3/7
COGEFI Prospective P -8,60% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 9,66% 5/7
Alterna Plus 1,59% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 1,92% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 6,81% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -0,04% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps -3,88% 5/7
NN Global Impact Opps -4,35% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P -3,36% 6/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 2,20% 6/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -0,11% 5/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,90% 4/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -2,15% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -0,35% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,21% 4/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,87% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking -3,10% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,20% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 3,27% 5/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 2,05% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -11,11% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 0,73% 5/7
IDAM Small France R -0,54% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,24% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 7,78% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 2,22% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R -0,12% 6/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 0,39% 7/7
Sanso Short Duration C 1,51% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 0,95% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 6,94% 5/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,84% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 5,43% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,07% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -0,79% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,58% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 3,69% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 0,00% 4/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,06% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 1,96% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 2,05% 3/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -4,33% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 2,43% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 1,76% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,06% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -3,96% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 1,56% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,33% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,87% 4/7
AIS Protect -4,19% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,20% 4/7
Betamax Global P -1,86% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 2,01% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,16% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 2,72% 3/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -1,41% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,97% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -3,86% 6/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -1,18% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -16,86% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,46% 3/7
Dôm Reflex 3,19% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,45% 6/7
Echiquier ARTY A 1,69% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -2,92% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 2,75% 5/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,56% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -14,12% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 5,98% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth -8,95% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,11% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -2,45% 6/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -4,52% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,53% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,65% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 1,99% 6/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -7,28% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 1,33% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,06% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,45% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -2,12% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 1,68% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,80% 5/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,77% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,24% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -1,91% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -4,87% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -2,85% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC 1,36% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 0,92% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P -4,91% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -2,31% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short AC 0,84% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -2,13% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,68% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,00% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,94% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,47% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,63% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -7,37% 6/7
NN Green Bond -3,31% 3/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,00% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,94% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 2,91% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond -2,69% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -4,70% 6/7
Sextant PME -0,36% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -3,58% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,99% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -3,63% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -9,73% 5/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,45% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,79% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -10,15% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -6,10% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 0,70% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -3,75% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 7,25% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -5,21% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -6,52% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,24% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -10,98% 6/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -8,68% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -5,35% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,61% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC -12,20% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,34% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 4,46% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -10,41% 2/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -5,74% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -4,47% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 2,86% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -2,36% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -9,18% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -9,58% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -6,18% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -11,23% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -8,77% 5/7
Nova Europe A -12,17% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -17,96% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,60% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -11,07% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -13,24% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -10,12% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 3 ans
Aperture European Innovation 7,39%
R-co Valor C EUR 3,91%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -1,92%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 2,21%
Centifolia C A/I 7,96%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,26%
Axiom Obligataire -0,42%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,26%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,26%
IVO Short Duration SRI 1,09%
Athymis Patrimoine P 0,00%
Ethna-AKTIV 1,90%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,52%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 0,89%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,12%
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,80%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -7,46%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 0,83%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,39%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,95%
Sextant Bond Picking -2,42%
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,81%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -1,90%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 5,05%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 0,18%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,99%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,31%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,46%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,95%
MAM Target 2027 0,00%
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,49%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,28%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,58%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -2,71%
Betamax Global P -1,24%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,23%
Echiquier ARTY A -0,07%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -2,85%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,45%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -7,07%
Sextant Grand Large A 0,94%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,88%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,65%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,32%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -3,61%
BL Global Flexible -1,62%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 1,04%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,47%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,61%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 0,00%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 0,87%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -3,27%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -0,96%
GIS Euro Bond -3,80%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,04%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,80%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,13%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,67%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -4,27%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -7,12%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 3 ans
Prévoir Pangea R 8,06%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 9,33%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,19%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 1,55%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,17%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 1,37%
Sélection Action Rendement International 5,70%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 4,48%
Montségur Croissance C 1,42%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 0,00%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 6,92%
Haas Actions Croissance C 2,84%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -4,07%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 3,45%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 2,16%
Claresco USA 11,85%
Jupiter Financial Innovation -4,90%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -0,12%
Clartan Valeurs C 8,41%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -0,52%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,19%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 13,28%
Vega France Opportunités RC 5,23%
Montségur Rendement C 5,26%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -1,45%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 4,70%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -13,15%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 5,84%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,77%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 6,42%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -3,85%
Seven European Equity Class I 3,07%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 6,75%
Constance Be World A 3,05%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 2,26%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 7,32%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 4,36%
Sanso Smart Climate 0,00%
Renaissance Europe C 8,48%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,62%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 1,77%
Lazard Equity SRI C 8,82%
Digital Stars Europe -3,29%
BDL Transition 4,12%
Europa One R 1,29%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 10,04%
Kirao Multicaps AC -3,36%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 2,87%
Mansartis Europe C 1,37%
Copernic - RC 1,19%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 3,67%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -6,57%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 3,81%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,90%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -2,69%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 4,16%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 1,88%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,35%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 2,55%
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,63%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 0,00%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,99%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -0,38%
COGEFI Elixir P 0,41%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 3,78%
Sélection Action Rendement 1,02%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,01%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 7,07%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,97%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 3,56%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 8,83%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 0,82%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 1,77%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 5,77%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 1,13%
FFG -2,15%
BSO France P 7,91%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 0,84%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 4,17%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,00%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 2,67%
Wise 5 -3,64%
Norden SRI -0,09%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -8,57%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,12%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 0,50%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,66%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 4,83%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 4,76%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 0,00%
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,11%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 0,13%
Kirao Smallcaps -0,90%
DNB Nordic Equities -2,87%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 0,58%
Claresco Innovation -9,69%
MCA Entreprendre PME -2,79%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 5,62%
COGEFI Prospective P -13,47%
Alterna Plus 0,28%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 3,37%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -1,45%
NN Global Impact Opps -3,44%
Claresco Avenir P -3,32%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,57%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -4,71%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -1,38%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,86%
IDAM Small France R -2,33%
Mandarine Active Part R 0,38%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 1,99%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -4,54%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,00%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,79%
HMG Rendement D A/I -1,26%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -5,36%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -16,56%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,46%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -16,24%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 4,03%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 3,78%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -5,74%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -12,16%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -3,12%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 1,71%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,32%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -3,70%
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,07%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -4,42%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -1,48%
Federal Multi PME P -4,37%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -4,85%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -2,36%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -11,32%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -2,99%
Sextant PME -3,66%
Talence Euromidcap -5,83%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund 5,01%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 0,00%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -5,83%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 1,75%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -1,17%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -3,64%
Amplegest PME IC -5,54%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -13,46%
Amplegest PME AC -6,72%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -2,44%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 5,52%
Groupama Avenir Euro -6,61%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,25%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -1,87%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -0,97%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -6,98%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -5,66%
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,89%
Nova Europe A -7,92%
CM-CIC Pierre C -11,63%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -3,90%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -10,53%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,89%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 3 ans SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 25,14% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 8,06% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 9,33% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,19% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 1,55% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,17% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 1,37% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 5,70% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 7,39% 4/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 4,48% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 1,42% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 0,00% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 6,92% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 9,23% 5/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 3,66% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 2,84% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -4,07% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 3,45% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 8,37% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 2,16% 6/7
Claresco USA 11,85% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation -4,90% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -0,12% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 8,41% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -0,52% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,19% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 13,28% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 5,23% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 5,26% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -1,45% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -4,37% 5/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 6,82% 5/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 4,70% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -6,16% 7/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -13,15% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 1,92% 5/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 5,84% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,77% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 6,42% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -3,85% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 3,07% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends -1,78% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 6,75% 6/7
Constance Be World A 3,05% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 3,91% 4/7
Comgest Monde C 4,61% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 2,26% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 7,32% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 4,36% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 0,00% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 8,48% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,62% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 1,77% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 8,82% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -3,29% 6/7
BDL Transition 4,12% 6/7
Europa One R 1,29% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 10,04% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -3,36% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 2,87% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 1,37% 6/7
OMNIBOND 2,78% 3/7
Copernic - RC 1,19% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 3,67% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -6,57% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -1,92% 4/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 3,81% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,90% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -2,69% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 2,90% 5/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 4,16% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 1,88% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,35% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 2,55% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,63% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 2,21% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 0,00% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,99% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -0,38% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P 0,41% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 5,68% 5/7
Varenne Valeur 2,60% 5/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 3,78% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 1,02% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,01% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 -5,38% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 7,07% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,97% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 3,56% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 7,96% 4/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 8,83% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 0,82% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 1,77% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,26% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 6,77% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire -0,42% 4/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,26% 4/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 5,77% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 1,13% 6/7
FFG -2,15% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 7,81% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,26% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 0,00% 5/7
OTEA 1 -0,16% 5/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 1,09% 4/7
BSO France P 7,91% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 9,32% 7/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 0,00% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 0,84% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 4,17% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,00% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 2,67% 6/7
Wise 5 -3,64% 6/7
Norden SRI -0,09% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -8,57% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,12% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 1,90% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 0,50% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,66% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 4,83% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 1,29% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,52% 4/7
MAM Solution 3,43% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 4,76% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 0,00% 6/7
BDL REMPART 9,00% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -3,19% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 2,71% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,11% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -4,79% 5/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 0,13% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps -0,90% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -2,87% 6/7
BDL Convictions 5,23% 5/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 0,43% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 0,58% 6/7
Durandal -0,50% 3/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 1,15% 3/7
Claresco Innovation -9,69% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 0,89% 4/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,12% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -13,66% 7/7
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,80% 4/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,22% 3/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -2,79% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 5,62% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -7,46% 4/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) -0,25% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R -0,15% 3/7
COGEFI Prospective P -13,47% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 5,65% 5/7
Alterna Plus 0,28% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 0,64% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 3,37% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -1,45% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps -0,19% 5/7
NN Global Impact Opps -3,44% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P -3,32% 6/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,57% 6/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -0,45% 5/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 0,83% 4/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -3,51% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,39% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,95% 4/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -4,71% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking -2,42% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,81% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 3,23% 5/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -1,38% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,86% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C -0,54% 5/7
IDAM Small France R -2,33% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -1,90% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 5,05% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 0,18% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R 0,38% 6/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 2,41% 7/7
Sanso Short Duration C 0,93% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A -0,52% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 4,47% 5/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,99% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine -2,53% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,31% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,46% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,95% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 2,93% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 0,00% 4/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 1,99% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,72% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,53% 3/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -3,94% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,49% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,77% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,28% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -4,54% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine -0,38% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative -0,20% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,58% 4/7
AIS Protect -0,14% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -2,71% 4/7
Betamax Global P -1,24% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,65% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,23% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 1,15% 3/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,00% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,79% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -1,26% 6/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -5,36% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -16,56% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,34% 3/7
Dôm Reflex 2,01% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,46% 6/7
Echiquier ARTY A -0,07% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -0,54% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 2,06% 5/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -2,85% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -16,24% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 4,03% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth -15,41% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 3,78% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -5,74% 6/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -12,16% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -3,12% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,45% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 1,71% 6/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -7,07% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 0,94% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,88% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,32% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -3,70% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,65% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,28% 5/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,32% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,07% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -3,61% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -1,62% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -4,42% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,77% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -1,48% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P -4,37% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 1,04% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -1,31% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -4,85% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,47% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,61% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 0,00% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -2,36% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 0,87% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -11,32% 6/7
NN Green Bond -5,92% 3/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -3,27% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -0,96% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 1,30% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond -3,80% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -2,99% 6/7
Sextant PME -3,66% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -5,83% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,04% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund 5,01% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -7,26% 5/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,80% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 0,00% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -5,83% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 1,75% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,13% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,67% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -1,17% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -3,64% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -4,47% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -4,27% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -5,54% 6/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -13,46% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -2,10% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -7,12% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC -6,72% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -2,44% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 5,52% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -6,35% 2/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -6,61% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,25% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -1,87% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -0,97% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -6,98% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -5,66% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,89% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -5,33% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -5,18% 5/7
Nova Europe A -7,92% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -11,63% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -3,90% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -10,53% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,89% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -5,94% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7