Ne manquez pas le portrait de Ronan Le Calvez, Associé Gérant d'Aelis.


1) Quel est votre parcours ?

Après des Études Comptables et Financières, j’ai démarré ma vie professionnelle comme Contrôleur de Gestion Corporate chez Technip, au siège parisien.

L’envie de retrouver le grand air, l’Amour et une découverte fortuite du métier de Financial Advisor sur l’île de Jersey lors d’un petit-déjeuner sur le port à l’aube, après une nuit de navigation, ont déterminé mon choix d’épouser notre vaste métier.

Ce que j’y ai découvert lors de ce passage sur les îles Anglo-Normandes, c’était il y a 20 vingt ans déjà : l’interprofessionnalité.

On retrouve en pied d’immeuble des bureaux partagés par des hommes de loi et des hommes du chiffre.

De par ma formation, j’avais pu déceler le cloisonnement entre patrimoine privé et professionnel et les réponses inappropriées des professionnels, campant sur leurs compétences propres.

Aujourd’hui, les choses ont bien changé et les corporations ont fait preuve d’ouverture, la concurrence les obligeant à se réformer.

2) Votre cabinet aujourd’hui ? Description de la structure et spécificités éventuelles ? 

Après avoir créé mon cabinet à Rennes en 2003, j’ai acquis un premier portefeuille en 2006, puis ai rencontré un confrère de ma génération en 2008, Steve Le Goff, avec qui j’ai décidé de m’associer pour partager les joies et les peines de la vie professionnelle.

Nous nous sommes construits ensemble depuis plus de 10 ans et ouvrons maintenant le capital à nos collaborateurs. Notre philosophie vise à permettre à chaque producteur de capitaliser sur l’avenir en devenant associé une fois qu’il a fait ses preuves.

Le partage du profit est une évidence pour nous, même s’il faut bien respecter le passé et les risques que l’on a pris, Steve et moi, pour en arriver là où nous sommes aujourd’hui, en partant de rien.

Nous sommes fiers également, aux côtés de trois confrères (3A PATRIMOINE, PEA et VIP), d’avoir créé en 2008 la première société de gestion développée uniquement par des CGP.

Stéphane est un véritable dénicheur de talents et fait profiter ses clients de son ouverture au Monde et particulièrement aux innovations en provenance des US.

Enfin, notre modèle de croissance est régional.

Nous sommes un acteur incontournable en Bretagne, présents sur trois départements. Notre leitmotiv est d’être au plus près de nos clients et notre maillage nous le permet, tout en conservant une agilité liée à notre taille (200M€ sous gestion).

3) Quelles sont les conséquences, à votre avis, d’une réglementation de plus en plus forte ? Et que pensez-vous de la disparition du 3ème usage du courtage ?

Le métier change, lorsque nous avons démarré, les cabinets étaient gérés de manière artisanale, voire familiale, et maintenant nous avons affaire de plus en plus à des entrepreneurs, dont le niveau de compétences qui n’a plus rien à envier avec les Avocats, les Experts-comptables et les Notaires.

Nous touchons à beaucoup de domaines, mais devons nous organiser davantage en pôles, en prenant exemple notamment sur les Anglo-saxons. Les lobbyings de certaines professions sont à l’œuvre et nous devons nous en inspirer au risque d’être attaqués de plus en plus sur nos activités. C’est d’ailleurs pour cela que je me suis engagé depuis près de 7 ans, régionalement, pour la Chambre Nationale des Conseils en Gestion de Patrimoine.

Dans un environnement durable de taux bas, nos niveaux de marges vont sensiblement diminuer, c’est inexorable. Le débat actuel porte sur le niveau de récurrence auquel nous nous sommes habitués depuis plus de 20 ans. Du fait du vieillissement des CGP et des portefeuilles qu’ils détiennent, je trouve ce modèle d’ores et déjà totalement obsolète. Ce qui a propulsé le métier au début de ce nouveau millénaire est l’architecture ouverte et la conjoncture extrêmement favorable pour les fonds en euro (inertie des OAT dans un contexte désinflationniste).

Aujourd’hui, la demande des clients porte davantage sur la recherche de rendement du fait des papyboomers détenant une part importante des richesses, que sur la capitalisation (hors immobilier)Les produits structurés, particularité française, rappelons-le, est une première réponse, même si ce n’est pas la panacée selon moi. Mais nous travaillons également, de plus en plus, en lien direct avec l’économie de proximité via des opérations de structuration obligataires non cotées. Bien évidemment, cela n’est pas accessible pour « monsieur tout le monde » et nous devons également nous attarder sur les jeunes actifs qui ont une capacité d’épargne et du temps devant eux.

Le conseil patrimonial n’est pas assez valorisé et nous devons le développer et ne pas avoir peur de le tarifer. Nous faisons trop de « gratuit » au prétexte que nous conseillons notre client sur la gestion de ses actifs. 

La disparition du 3ème usage du courtage est inévitable et je dirais même souhaitable. Trop de banquiers, de gestionnaires ou même de Conseillers en Gestion de Patrimoine libéraux, ne font plus, ou mal leur travail. Ils dorment sur leurs stocks et refusent toute évolution. Je pense que cette ère arrive à sa fin.

Je suis d’ailleurs favorable à une limite d’âge pour la profession, comme cela devrait être le cas dans d’autres professions de conseil ou en politique. Il y a tellement de choses à faire sur cette majestueuse planète, pourquoi s’arc-bouter sur sa vie professionnelle ? …

4) Quels sont vos partenaires privilégiés ?

Nous choisissons nos partenaires en fonction des critères qui paraissent évidents : notoriété, transparence, innovation, prospérité et respect des engagements. Les qualités humaines de nos interlocuteurs sont également essentielles dans un métier de contact où l’humain doit être omniprésent.

Nous sommes également très attentifs aux investissements qu’ils réalisent, notamment en termes de digitalisation. Nous sommes fidèles, mais pouvons remettre totalement en cause une relation si nous jugeons que notre partenaire s’éloigne des valeurs que nous prônons.

5) Comment gérez-vous la crise actuelle ?

Avec philosophie et sans excès d’humeur ! Nous sommes nés sur les cendres de la bulle Internet, avons passé non sans stress la crise des subprimes, puis celle de 2011…
2020 marquera les esprits, car elle met l’homme face à sa propre existence. Les clients relativisent davantage, me semble-t-il, et nous avec.

Comme pour les crises financières, la crise sanitaire a mis en exergue son lot d’experts, prophètes de théories fumeuses, avides de servir leurs intérêts partisans.

La vertu de cette crise réside vraisemblablement dans notre capacité à remettre de la temporalité dans les stratégies patrimoniales de nos clients, de leur faire prendre conscience des risques et des espérances auxquelles ils peuvent aspirer.

dnca sommes nous a la veille d'un changement de cycle ?

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Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds YTD
Aperture European Innovation 10,20%
R-co Valor C EUR 7,87%
Centifolia C A/I 6,34%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 5,20%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 4,75%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,22%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 4,15%
Axiom Obligataire 3,98%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 3,85%
IVO Short Duration SRI 3,56%
Ethna-AKTIV 3,47%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 3,11%
Athymis Patrimoine P 2,99%
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,83%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,65%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,32%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 2,03%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha 1,97%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 1,84%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 1,76%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,74%
Sextant Bond Picking 1,63%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 1,57%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 1,55%
Invesco Pan European High Income 1,52%
Dorval Global Allocation 1,51%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 1,41%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 1,31%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 1,31%
MAM Target 2027 1,22%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 1,22%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 0,95%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 0,93%
LF Rendement Global 2028 0,91%
Betamax Global P 0,87%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,76%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,56%
Echiquier ARTY A 0,38%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 0,24%
LF Credit Innovation 0,16%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,03%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -0,01%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,04%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -0,10%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,33%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -0,34%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,35%
Sextant Grand Large A -0,35%
BL Global Flexible -0,46%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,47%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -1,14%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,19%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -1,19%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,22%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,22%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,26%
GIS Euro Bond -1,37%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,76%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -2,68%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,74%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,09%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -3,18%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds YTD
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 17,26%
Prévoir Pangea R 17,25%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 15,07%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 13,28%
Sélection Action Rendement International 12,61%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,41%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 12,34%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 11,28%
DNB Technology 11,25%
Montségur Croissance C 10,80%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 10,72%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 10,59%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 10,54%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 10,43%
Clartan Valeurs C 9,60%
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,59%
Seven European Equity Class I 9,54%
Montségur Rendement C 9,51%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 9,42%
Claresco USA 9,38%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 9,27%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 9,15%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 9,08%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 9,02%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 8,88%
Vega France Opportunités RC 8,86%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,82%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 8,76%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 8,57%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 8,51%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 8,45%
Lazard Equity SRI C 8,29%
Constance Be World A 8,14%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,11%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 8,10%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 8,06%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,98%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 7,94%
Renaissance Europe C 7,85%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 7,71%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 7,65%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 7,59%
Sanso Smart Climate 7,55%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 7,32%
Kirao Multicaps AC 7,22%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 6,87%
Mansartis Europe C 6,87%
Europa One R 6,74%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 6,61%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 6,52%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 6,48%
BDL Transition 6,22%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 6,20%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 6,19%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 6,18%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 6,06%
Sélection Action Rendement 6,06%
COGEFI Elixir P 5,95%
Digital Stars Europe 5,94%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 5,82%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 5,74%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 5,66%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 5,61%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 5,58%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 5,58%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 5,56%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 5,51%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 5,49%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,38%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 5,35%
Covéa Terra A (C) 5,33%
Norden SRI 5,16%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 5,15%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 5,05%
DNB Nordic Equities 5,04%
Copernic - RC 5,00%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 4,91%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 4,87%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 4,83%
BSO France P 4,74%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 4,70%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 4,66%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 4,46%
FFG 4,46%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 4,43%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 4,27%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 4,14%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 4,09%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 4,09%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,99%
NN Global Impact Opps 3,79%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 3,70%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 3,70%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 3,47%
Kirao Smallcaps 3,47%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 3,28%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 3,04%
Software Conviction Fund 3,02%
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,94%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 2,91%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 2,78%
DNB Fund Future Waves 2,64%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 2,63%
COGEFI Prospective P 2,49%
Lauxera HealthTech 2,48%
Wise 5 2,46%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 2,37%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact 2,29%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 2,20%
HMG Rendement D A/I 2,20%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 2,13%
Alterna Plus 2,09%
Mandarine Active Part R 2,07%
Claresco Avenir P 1,90%
Claresco Innovation 1,87%
IDAM Small France R 1,81%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 1,75%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 1,70%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 1,39%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 1,26%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 1,10%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap 0,74%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 0,63%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 0,62%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 0,31%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities 0,21%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,18%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,13%
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,12%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,00%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -0,20%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -0,30%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -0,33%
Sextant PME -0,45%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -0,52%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -0,55%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -0,56%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -0,64%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,75%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -0,76%
Talence Euromidcap -0,84%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,91%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -1,19%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,22%
Federal Multi PME P -1,33%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -1,59%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,08%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,10%
Amplegest PME AC -2,32%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -2,36%
Amplegest PME IC -2,89%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -3,13%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -3,38%
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,45%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -3,54%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -3,87%
CM-CIC Pierre C -4,02%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,39%
Portzamparc PME ISR -4,43%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -4,44%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -4,65%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -5,34%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -5,69%
Nova Europe A -6,07%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -7,06%

Tous les fonds

Axiom European Banks Equity 26,08% 7/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 17,26% 6/7
Prévoir Pangea R 17,25% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 15,07% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 13,28% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 12,61% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,41% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 12,34% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 11,28% 6/7
DNB Technology 11,25% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 10,80% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 10,72% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 10,59% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 10,54% 6/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 10,43% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 10,20% 4/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 9,95% 5/7
Clartan Valeurs C 9,60% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,59% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 9,54% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 9,51% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 9,42% 6/7
Claresco USA 9,38% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 9,32% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 9,27% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 9,23% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 9,15% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 9,08% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 9,02% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 8,96% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 8,88% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 8,86% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,82% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 8,79% 5/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 8,76% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 8,57% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 8,51% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 8,45% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 8,29% 6/7
Constance Be World A 8,14% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,11% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 8,10% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 8,06% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,98% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 7,94% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 7,91% 5/7
R-co Valor C EUR 7,87% 4/7
Renaissance Europe C 7,85% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 7,71% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 7,65% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 7,59% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 7,55% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 7,32% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 7,29% 5/7
Comgest Monde C 7,26% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps AC 7,22% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 6,87% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 6,87% 6/7
Europa One R 6,74% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 6,61% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 6,52% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 6,48% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 6,34% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 6,27% 5/7
BDL Transition 6,22% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 6,20% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 6,19% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 6,18% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 6,13% 5/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 6,06% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 6,06% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 5,96% 7/7
COGEFI Elixir P 5,95% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 5,94% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 5,82% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 5,74% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 5,66% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 5,61% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 5,58% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 5,58% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 5,56% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 5,55% 5/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 5,51% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 5,49% 6/7
OMNIBOND 5,48% 3/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 5,43% 5/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,38% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 5,35% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 5,33% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 5,20% 4/7
Norden SRI 5,16% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 5,15% 6/7
Varenne Valeur 5,07% 5/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 5,05% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 5,04% 6/7
Copernic - RC 5,00% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 4,91% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 4,87% 6/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 4,83% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 4,75% 4/7
BSO France P 4,74% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 4,70% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 4,66% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 4,58% 7/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 4,46% 6/7
FFG 4,46% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 4,45% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 4,43% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 4,41% 3/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 4,27% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,22% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 4,17% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 4,15% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 4,14% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 4,09% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 4,09% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,99% 6/7
Axiom Obligataire 3,98% 4/7
BDL Convictions 3,91% 5/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 3,85% 4/7
NN Global Impact Opps 3,79% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends 3,79% 7/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 3,75% 5/7
OTEA 1 3,73% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 3,70% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 3,70% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 3,56% 4/7
Ethna-AKTIV 3,47% 4/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 3,47% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps 3,47% 6/7
BDL REMPART 3,29% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 3,28% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 3,27% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 3,11% 4/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 3,04% 6/7
Software Conviction Fund 3,02% 6/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR 2,99% 5/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 2,99% 4/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,94% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 2,91% 5/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 2,91% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,83% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 2,83% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 2,78% 6/7
MAM Solution 2,69% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,65% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 2,64% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 2,63% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P 2,49% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 2,48% 3/7
Lauxera HealthTech 2,48% 6/7
Wise 5 2,46% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund 2,44% 5/7
Durandal 2,43% 3/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 2,37% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 2,35% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,32% 4/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 2,30% 3/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact 2,29% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 2,20% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 2,20% 6/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 2,16% 5/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 2,15% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 2,13% 5/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 2,13% 6/7
Alterna Plus 2,09% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 2,09% 3/7
Mandarine Active Part R 2,07% 6/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 2,05% 3/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 2,03% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 1,99% 4/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha 1,97% 4/7
Claresco Avenir P 1,90% 6/7
Claresco Innovation 1,87% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 1,84% 4/7
Axiom 2027 1,81% /7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 1,81% 7/7
IDAM Small France R 1,81% 6/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 1,76% 4/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 1,75% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 1,74% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,74% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 1,70% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking 1,63% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 1,57% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 1,55% 4/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 1,52% 4/7
Dorval Global Allocation 1,51% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 1,43% 5/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 1,41% 4/7
Trusteam Optimum A 1,39% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 1,39% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 1,31% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 1,31% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 1,26% 6/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 1,25% 3/7
AIS Protect 1,25% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 1,22% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 1,22% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 1,14% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 1,10% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 1,04% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 1,00% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 0,99% 5/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 0,96% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 0,95% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 0,93% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,92% 3/7
LF Rendement Global 2028 0,91% 4/7
Betamax Global P 0,87% 4/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,77% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,76% 4/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P 0,74% 5/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap 0,74% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 0,63% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 0,62% 6/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 0,59% 5/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,58% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,56% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 0,55% 3/7
Echiquier ARTY A 0,38% 4/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 0,31% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 0,24% 4/7
HELIUM FUND 0,21% 3/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities 0,21% 6/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,18% 6/7
LF Credit Innovation 0,16% 4/7
Dôm Reflex 0,14% 3/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,13% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,12% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,03% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,00% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -0,01% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,04% 4/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -0,10% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -0,20% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -0,30% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,33% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -0,33% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,33% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -0,34% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,35% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A -0,35% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,44% 5/7
Sextant PME -0,45% 6/7
BL Global Flexible -0,46% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,47% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -0,52% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -0,55% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -0,56% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -0,59% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -0,64% 6/7
HELIUM INVEST -0,66% 3/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A -0,74% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,75% 6/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -0,76% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -0,84% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,91% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -1,14% 4/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,19% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -1,19% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -1,19% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,22% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,22% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,22% 6/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,26% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P -1,33% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -1,36% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond -1,37% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -1,59% 6/7
NN Green Bond -1,73% 3/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,76% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,08% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,10% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC -2,32% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -2,36% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -2,68% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -2,69% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,74% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -2,89% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -3,03% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,09% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -3,13% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth -3,16% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -3,18% 4/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -3,38% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,45% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -3,54% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -3,55% 2/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -3,87% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -4,02% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,39% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -4,43% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -4,44% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -4,65% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -5,34% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -5,67% 5/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -5,69% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -5,91% 5/7
Nova Europe A -6,07% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -7,06% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -11,50% 7/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 1 mois
Aperture European Innovation -2,74%
R-co Valor C EUR 0,82%
Centifolia C A/I 2,43%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -0,12%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR -0,85%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R -0,47%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 0,02%
Axiom Obligataire -0,11%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 -0,61%
IVO Short Duration SRI -0,06%
Ethna-AKTIV -0,08%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,45%
Athymis Patrimoine P -1,15%
NN Patrimonial BEST -1,36%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 0,09%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -2,44%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR -0,77%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -1,29%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap -0,18%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,59%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,24%
Sextant Bond Picking 0,56%
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,11%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,87%
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,20%
Dorval Global Allocation -1,30%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR -0,24%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR -0,29%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,81%
MAM Target 2027 0,21%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,55%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -1,42%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -2,10%
LF Rendement Global 2028 -0,36%
Betamax Global P -0,93%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,12%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,08%
Echiquier ARTY A -0,61%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,67%
LF Credit Innovation -0,71%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -1,14%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,84%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,38%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 0,95%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,95%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -1,94%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,60%
Sextant Grand Large A 0,29%
BL Global Flexible -1,70%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,42%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,64%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,58%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -0,22%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,75%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,15%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,35%
GIS Euro Bond -1,09%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,43%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -2,07%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,24%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,14%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -1,77%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 1 mois
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund -2,54%
Prévoir Pangea R -7,06%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR -2,20%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund -1,03%
Sélection Action Rendement International -1,18%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 1,32%
Jupiter Financial Innovation -1,09%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C -5,44%
DNB Technology -0,08%
Montségur Croissance C -4,14%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A -3,60%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 1,15%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A -2,60%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR -0,39%
Clartan Valeurs C 0,84%
Haas Actions Croissance C -1,90%
Seven European Equity Class I 1,63%
Montségur Rendement C 0,62%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc -3,28%
Claresco USA -0,99%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 1,56%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR -1,44%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C -6,86%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -2,85%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -2,89%
Vega France Opportunités RC -0,86%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C -3,40%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -1,97%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -2,97%
Pictet – Water – P EUR -2,06%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund -2,36%
Lazard Equity SRI C -0,22%
Constance Be World A -3,08%
Russell Investments Low Carbon -2,12%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R -1,03%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 0,43%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund -1,37%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -0,88%
Renaissance Europe C -3,27%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -4,35%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR -1,83%
CPR Invest – Climate Action -3,13%
Sanso Smart Climate -2,66%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 4,69%
Kirao Multicaps AC -1,55%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 -3,03%
Mansartis Europe C -2,53%
Europa One R -2,57%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 0,45%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR -2,06%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -1,63%
BDL Transition -1,85%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth -1,72%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 0,84%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 0,15%
Dorval Manageurs Europe -0,38%
Sélection Action Rendement -2,22%
COGEFI Elixir P -1,35%
Digital Stars Europe -2,57%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -1,77%
Pictet - Security – P EUR -2,80%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 0,16%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund -2,84%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR -0,18%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap -2,81%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR -0,30%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology -2,99%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -1,58%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -5,76%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR -1,09%
Covéa Terra A (C) -1,97%
Norden SRI -0,13%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A -2,96%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR -0,80%
DNB Nordic Equities -1,62%
Copernic - RC -2,56%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU -1,60%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -0,59%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 -3,02%
BSO France P -1,42%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -6,55%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) -2,71%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -1,82%
FFG -1,20%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund -1,78%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,62%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap -4,24%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC -3,50%
EdRF Big Data A EUR -3,88%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -0,96%
NN Global Impact Opps -1,49%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 1,12%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -1,47%
Valeur Intrinsèque P -0,46%
Kirao Smallcaps 1,03%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 3,04%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 1,27%
Software Conviction Fund -2,60%
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,00%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -2,24%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe -0,28%
DNB Fund Future Waves 0,10%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -2,14%
COGEFI Prospective P -0,43%
Lauxera HealthTech -5,56%
Wise 5 -3,22%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,56%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -2,48%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -2,42%
HMG Rendement D A/I 2,37%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,78%
Alterna Plus -0,18%
Mandarine Active Part R -4,62%
Claresco Avenir P 1,07%
Claresco Innovation -10,26%
IDAM Small France R 2,47%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund -4,47%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -1,33%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 -4,02%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -0,05%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs -3,65%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,28%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund -0,94%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -2,01%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 0,96%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -0,26%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -4,38%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,52%
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,30%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,10%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,37%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -5,56%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -2,27%
Sextant PME 1,71%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -2,33%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -0,46%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR 1,05%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,06%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 0,67%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -2,39%
Talence Euromidcap -0,53%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -4,50%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,13%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,83%
Federal Multi PME P -0,76%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -2,22%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,58%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -0,48%
Amplegest PME AC 1,91%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,80%
Amplegest PME IC 0,42%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -0,93%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,65%
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,28%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -4,00%
Pluvalca Initiative PME 0,28%
CM-CIC Pierre C 0,62%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC 1,37%
Portzamparc PME ISR 0,42%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -0,78%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 2,30%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -3,86%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -1,75%
Nova Europe A -0,96%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -2,66%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 1 mois SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 7,37% 7/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund -2,54% 6/7
Prévoir Pangea R -7,06% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR -2,20% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund -1,03% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International -1,18% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 1,32% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation -1,09% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C -5,44% 6/7
DNB Technology -0,08% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C -4,14% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A -3,60% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 1,15% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A -2,60% 6/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR -0,39% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation -2,74% 4/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C -2,75% 5/7
Clartan Valeurs C 0,84% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C -1,90% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 1,63% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 0,62% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc -3,28% 6/7
Claresco USA -0,99% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -1,01% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 1,56% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 1,21% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR -1,44% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C -6,86% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -2,85% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities -2,41% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -2,89% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC -0,86% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C -3,40% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work -1,46% 5/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -1,97% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -2,97% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR -2,06% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund -2,36% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C -0,22% 6/7
Constance Be World A -3,08% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon -2,12% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R -1,03% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 0,43% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund -1,37% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -0,88% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends -2,77% 5/7
R-co Valor C EUR 0,82% 4/7
Renaissance Europe C -3,27% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -4,35% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR -1,83% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action -3,13% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate -2,66% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 4,69% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 1,30% 5/7
Comgest Monde C -3,30% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -1,55% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 -3,03% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C -2,53% 6/7
Europa One R -2,57% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 0,45% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR -2,06% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -1,63% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 2,43% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund -3,06% 5/7
BDL Transition -1,85% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth -1,72% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 0,84% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 0,15% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 0,11% 5/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe -0,38% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement -2,22% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -6,54% 7/7
COGEFI Elixir P -1,35% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -2,57% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -1,77% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR -2,80% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 0,16% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund -2,84% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR -0,18% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap -2,81% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR -0,30% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 0,62% 5/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology -2,99% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -1,58% 6/7
OMNIBOND 0,12% 3/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 0,90% 5/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -5,76% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR -1,09% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) -1,97% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -0,12% 4/7
Norden SRI -0,13% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A -2,96% 6/7
Varenne Valeur -2,75% 5/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR -0,80% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -1,62% 6/7
Copernic - RC -2,56% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU -1,60% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -0,59% 6/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 -3,02% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR -0,85% 4/7
BSO France P -1,42% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -6,55% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) -2,71% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund -3,93% 7/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -1,82% 6/7
FFG -1,20% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 1,27% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund -1,78% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 3,00% 3/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,62% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R -0,47% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 1,32% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 0,02% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap -4,24% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC -3,50% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR -3,88% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -0,96% 6/7
Axiom Obligataire -0,11% 4/7
BDL Convictions 0,84% 5/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 -0,61% 4/7
NN Global Impact Opps -1,49% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -4,78% 7/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 1,32% 5/7
OTEA 1 -0,77% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 1,12% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -1,47% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI -0,06% 4/7
Ethna-AKTIV -0,08% 4/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P -0,46% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps 1,03% 6/7
BDL REMPART 2,48% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 3,04% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 0,99% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,45% 4/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 1,27% 6/7
Software Conviction Fund -2,60% 6/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -3,14% 5/7
Athymis Patrimoine P -1,15% 4/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,00% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc -0,91% 5/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -2,24% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST -1,36% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -3,22% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe -0,28% 6/7
MAM Solution -0,79% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 0,09% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 0,10% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -2,14% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P -0,43% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 0,35% 3/7
Lauxera HealthTech -5,56% 6/7
Wise 5 -3,22% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund 1,73% 5/7
Durandal 0,78% 3/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,56% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) -0,75% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -2,44% 4/7
Exane Pleiade Fund -0,06% 3/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -2,48% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -2,42% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 2,37% 6/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 2,17% 5/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C -0,17% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) -1,15% 5/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,78% 6/7
Alterna Plus -0,18% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,78% 3/7
Mandarine Active Part R -4,62% 6/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R -0,44% 3/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR -0,77% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA -0,82% 4/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -1,29% 4/7
Claresco Avenir P 1,07% 6/7
Claresco Innovation -10,26% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap -0,18% 4/7
Axiom 2027 0,16% /7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 1,83% 7/7
IDAM Small France R 2,47% 6/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,59% 4/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund -4,47% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C -0,22% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,24% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -1,33% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking 0,56% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,11% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,87% 4/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,20% 4/7
Dorval Global Allocation -1,30% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund -0,31% 5/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR -0,24% 4/7
Trusteam Optimum A 0,10% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 -4,02% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR -0,29% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,81% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -0,05% 6/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 0,49% 3/7
AIS Protect -0,87% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 0,21% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,55% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 0,09% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs -3,65% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,14% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,17% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine -1,10% 5/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine -0,42% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -1,42% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -2,10% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C -0,03% 3/7
LF Rendement Global 2028 -0,36% 4/7
Betamax Global P -0,93% 4/7
Dorval Global Conservative -0,82% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,12% 4/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -0,79% 5/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,28% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund -0,94% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -2,01% 6/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -1,90% 5/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig -0,20% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,08% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement -0,15% 3/7
Echiquier ARTY A -0,61% 4/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 0,96% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,67% 4/7
HELIUM FUND 0,33% 3/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -0,26% 6/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -4,38% 6/7
LF Credit Innovation -0,71% 4/7
Dôm Reflex -0,22% 3/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,52% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,30% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -1,14% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,10% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,84% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,38% 4/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 0,95% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,37% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -5,56% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,95% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -2,27% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -2,07% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -1,94% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,60% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 0,29% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short IC 1,00% 5/7
Sextant PME 1,71% 6/7
BL Global Flexible -1,70% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,42% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -2,33% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -0,46% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR 1,05% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC 0,96% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,06% 6/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A -2,65% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 0,67% 6/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -2,39% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -0,53% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -4,50% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,64% 4/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,58% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -0,22% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,13% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,75% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,15% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,83% 6/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,35% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P -0,76% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -0,12% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond -1,09% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -2,22% 6/7
NN Green Bond -1,39% 3/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,43% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,58% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -0,48% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC 1,91% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,80% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -2,07% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -3,83% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,24% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC 0,42% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -1,85% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,14% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -0,93% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth -7,91% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -1,77% 4/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,65% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,28% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -4,00% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -3,00% 2/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME 0,28% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C 0,62% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC 1,37% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR 0,42% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -0,78% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 2,30% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -3,86% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 2,87% 5/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -1,75% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -1,69% 5/7
Nova Europe A -0,96% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -2,66% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -1,52% 7/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 1 an
Aperture European Innovation 17,75%
R-co Valor C EUR 13,85%
Centifolia C A/I 10,82%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 7,49%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 8,01%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 6,16%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 4,64%
Axiom Obligataire 12,14%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 6,02%
IVO Short Duration SRI 10,76%
Ethna-AKTIV 9,43%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 16,01%
Athymis Patrimoine P 6,59%
NN Patrimonial BEST 6,93%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 4,59%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,40%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 7,26%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -2,57%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 12,33%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 7,52%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 10,50%
Sextant Bond Picking 0,05%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 5,74%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 6,40%
Invesco Pan European High Income 8,38%
Dorval Global Allocation 4,42%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 10,08%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 6,57%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 8,87%
MAM Target 2027 9,90%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 4,76%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 9,62%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 4,11%
LF Rendement Global 2028 10,09%
Betamax Global P 3,96%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 3,81%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 4,07%
Echiquier ARTY A 6,54%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 4,68%
LF Credit Innovation 6,36%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,42%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund 3,04%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 6,10%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,94%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 4,68%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -5,32%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 2,82%
Sextant Grand Large A 3,74%
BL Global Flexible -3,23%
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,69%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,16%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,91%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 2,87%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 2,24%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 2,91%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -6,27%
GIS Euro Bond 2,97%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) 5,95%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets 1,24%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 4,34%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond 0,18%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,12%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 1 an
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 48,01%
Prévoir Pangea R 32,95%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 50,95%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 24,85%
Sélection Action Rendement International 25,15%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 36,47%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 27,13%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 17,78%
DNB Technology 33,33%
Montségur Croissance C 10,57%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 21,70%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 16,88%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 19,96%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 11,64%
Clartan Valeurs C 22,40%
Haas Actions Croissance C 15,58%
Seven European Equity Class I 14,24%
Montségur Rendement C 11,38%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 19,80%
Claresco USA 34,30%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 13,34%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 22,84%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 39,54%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 11,40%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 10,95%
Vega France Opportunités RC 11,26%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 21,35%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 6,34%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 9,91%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 17,89%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 20,18%
Lazard Equity SRI C 12,07%
Constance Be World A 20,66%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 21,60%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 11,59%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 8,96%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 18,46%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 10,02%
Renaissance Europe C 14,17%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 27,76%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 19,66%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 15,42%
Sanso Smart Climate 19,17%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -0,86%
Kirao Multicaps AC 2,75%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 17,95%
Mansartis Europe C 8,92%
Europa One R 2,32%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 9,15%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 32,89%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 4,46%
BDL Transition 16,09%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 13,28%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 15,12%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 10,72%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 11,58%
Sélection Action Rendement 0,91%
COGEFI Elixir P 7,14%
Digital Stars Europe 7,46%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 3,18%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 20,92%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 7,52%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 7,88%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 6,53%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 13,02%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 5,88%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 12,08%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 9,35%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 34,56%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 3,50%
Covéa Terra A (C) 6,05%
Norden SRI 9,36%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 13,34%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 11,43%
DNB Nordic Equities 10,78%
Copernic - RC 12,63%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 6,42%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 3,91%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 15,82%
BSO France P 6,94%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 25,22%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 12,91%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 6,96%
FFG -2,71%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 5,05%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 9,61%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 13,66%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 7,80%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 18,20%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 6,87%
NN Global Impact Opps 2,11%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 1,02%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 5,74%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 13,17%
Kirao Smallcaps 4,61%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 2,30%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 9,66%
Software Conviction Fund 43,08%
MCA Entreprendre PME 3,09%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 3,32%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 3,78%
DNB Fund Future Waves 4,35%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 7,64%
COGEFI Prospective P 1,82%
Lauxera HealthTech -3,72%
Wise 5 0,40%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 1,34%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -2,99%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 3,42%
HMG Rendement D A/I 2,68%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 6,82%
Alterna Plus 6,43%
Mandarine Active Part R 3,77%
Claresco Avenir P 2,57%
Claresco Innovation 27,99%
IDAM Small France R 4,53%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 2,50%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 8,63%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 15,68%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 4,86%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 4,82%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap 0,00%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 8,04%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 1,47%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 3,91%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -20,92%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 5,38%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,92%
Amilton Premium Europe R 2,08%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -15,59%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 9,78%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 1,92%
Amplegest MidCaps IC 3,33%
Sextant PME 0,66%
Amplegest MidCaps FC 2,71%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -2,64%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -0,81%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 2,24%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -4,01%
Amplegest Midcaps AC 1,93%
Talence Euromidcap -3,22%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 8,61%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 1,98%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -0,75%
Federal Multi PME P 0,69%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -6,89%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -4,97%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -1,46%
Amplegest PME AC -6,08%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,74%
Amplegest PME IC -6,26%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 1,12%
Ecofi Avenir Plus 1,17%
Groupama Avenir Euro -2,82%
Varenne Selection A-EUR 2,14%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -4,43%
CM-CIC Pierre C 11,88%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -5,39%
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,76%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 4,25%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 12,93%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -6,82%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -7,13%
Nova Europe A -10,76%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,37%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 1 an SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 40,79% 7/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 48,01% 6/7
Prévoir Pangea R 32,95% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 50,95% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 24,85% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 25,15% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 36,47% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 27,13% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 17,78% 6/7
DNB Technology 33,33% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 10,57% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 21,70% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 16,88% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 19,96% 6/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 11,64% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 17,75% 4/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 14,43% 5/7
Clartan Valeurs C 22,40% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 15,58% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 14,24% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 11,38% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 19,80% 6/7
Claresco USA 34,30% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 6,44% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 13,34% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 16,67% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 22,84% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 39,54% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 11,40% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 22,97% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 10,95% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 11,26% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 21,35% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 14,71% 5/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 6,34% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 9,91% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 17,89% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 20,18% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 12,07% 6/7
Constance Be World A 20,66% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 21,60% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 11,59% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 8,96% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 18,46% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 10,02% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 19,91% 5/7
R-co Valor C EUR 13,85% 4/7
Renaissance Europe C 14,17% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 27,76% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 19,66% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 15,42% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 19,17% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -0,86% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 10,69% 5/7
Comgest Monde C 20,10% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps AC 2,75% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 17,95% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 8,92% 6/7
Europa One R 2,32% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 9,15% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 32,89% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 4,46% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 10,82% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 17,38% 5/7
BDL Transition 16,09% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 13,28% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 15,12% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 10,72% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 8,45% 5/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 11,58% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 0,91% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 41,14% 7/7
COGEFI Elixir P 7,14% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 7,46% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 3,18% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 20,92% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 7,52% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 7,88% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 6,53% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 13,02% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 5,88% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 12,64% 5/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 12,08% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 9,35% 6/7
OMNIBOND 13,17% 3/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 5,94% 5/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 34,56% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 3,50% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 6,05% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 7,49% 4/7
Norden SRI 9,36% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 13,34% 6/7
Varenne Valeur 10,01% 5/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 11,43% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 10,78% 6/7
Copernic - RC 12,63% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 6,42% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 3,91% 6/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 15,82% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 8,01% 4/7
BSO France P 6,94% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 25,22% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 12,91% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 20,64% 7/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 6,96% 6/7
FFG -2,71% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 10,70% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 5,05% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 6,14% 3/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 9,61% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 6,16% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 11,67% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 4,64% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 13,66% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 7,80% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 18,20% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 6,87% 6/7
Axiom Obligataire 12,14% 4/7
BDL Convictions 11,61% 5/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 6,02% 4/7
NN Global Impact Opps 2,11% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends 14,87% 7/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 1,21% 5/7
OTEA 1 10,27% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 1,02% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 5,74% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 10,76% 4/7
Ethna-AKTIV 9,43% 4/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 13,17% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps 4,61% 6/7
BDL REMPART 9,38% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 2,30% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 3,62% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 16,01% 4/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 9,66% 6/7
Software Conviction Fund 43,08% 6/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR 8,05% 5/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 6,59% 4/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 3,09% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 10,16% 5/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 3,32% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 6,93% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 9,12% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 3,78% 6/7
MAM Solution 10,22% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 4,59% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 4,35% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 7,64% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P 1,82% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 8,07% 3/7
Lauxera HealthTech -3,72% 6/7
Wise 5 0,40% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -8,09% 5/7
Durandal 4,28% 3/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 1,34% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 1,16% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,40% 4/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 3,58% 3/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -2,99% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 3,42% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 2,68% 6/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 8,33% 5/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 4,41% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 11,47% 5/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 6,82% 6/7
Alterna Plus 6,43% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 4,34% 3/7
Mandarine Active Part R 3,77% 6/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 6,66% 3/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 7,26% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 2,97% 4/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -2,57% 4/7
Claresco Avenir P 2,57% 6/7
Claresco Innovation 27,99% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 12,33% 4/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 9,02% 7/7
IDAM Small France R 4,53% 6/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 7,52% 4/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 2,50% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 3,78% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 10,50% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 8,63% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking 0,05% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 5,74% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 6,40% 4/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 8,38% 4/7
Dorval Global Allocation 4,42% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 5,77% 5/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 10,08% 4/7
Trusteam Optimum A 5,70% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 15,68% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 6,57% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 8,87% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 4,86% 6/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 6,16% 3/7
AIS Protect -0,78% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 9,90% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 4,76% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 3,53% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 4,82% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 5,02% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 4,62% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 4,22% 5/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 5,08% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 9,62% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 4,11% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 4,40% 3/7
LF Rendement Global 2028 10,09% 4/7
Betamax Global P 3,96% 4/7
Dorval Global Conservative 3,32% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 3,81% 4/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -0,19% 5/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap 0,00% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 8,04% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 1,47% 6/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 3,33% 5/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 5,45% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 4,07% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 7,10% 3/7
Echiquier ARTY A 6,54% 4/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 3,91% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 4,68% 4/7
HELIUM FUND 2,79% 3/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -20,92% 6/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 5,38% 6/7
LF Credit Innovation 6,36% 4/7
Dôm Reflex 4,90% 3/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,92% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R 2,08% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,42% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -15,59% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund 3,04% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 6,10% 4/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,94% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 9,78% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 1,92% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 4,68% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC 3,33% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive 2,03% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -5,32% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 2,82% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 3,74% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,27% 5/7
Sextant PME 0,66% 6/7
BL Global Flexible -3,23% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,69% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC 2,71% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -2,64% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -0,81% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -0,78% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 2,24% 6/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 16,40% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -4,01% 6/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC 1,93% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -3,22% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 8,61% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,16% 4/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,91% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 2,87% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 1,98% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 2,24% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 2,91% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -0,75% 6/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -6,27% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P 0,69% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -3,30% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond 2,97% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -6,89% 6/7
NN Green Bond 4,91% 3/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) 5,95% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -4,97% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -1,46% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC -6,08% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,74% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets 1,24% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -10,67% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 4,34% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -6,26% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -3,80% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond 0,18% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 1,12% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth 25,54% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,12% 4/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus 1,17% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -2,82% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR 2,14% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -14,35% 2/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -4,43% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C 11,88% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -5,39% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,76% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 4,25% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 12,93% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -6,82% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 7,45% 5/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -7,13% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -6,49% 5/7
Nova Europe A -10,76% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,37% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -13,54% 7/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 2 ans
Aperture European Innovation 8,44%
R-co Valor C EUR 8,55%
Centifolia C A/I 9,54%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 3,41%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 5,58%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 5,58%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,12%
Axiom Obligataire 0,44%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 2,81%
IVO Short Duration SRI 4,09%
Ethna-AKTIV 3,77%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,95%
Athymis Patrimoine P 1,46%
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,37%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 1,95%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -0,20%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 2,34%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -5,88%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 8,11%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 0,31%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,50%
Sextant Bond Picking -3,01%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,61%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 0,38%
Invesco Pan European High Income 2,85%
Dorval Global Allocation 0,44%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 2,41%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 1,53%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,24%
MAM Target 2027 0,00%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 1,00%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,70%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,21%
LF Rendement Global 2028 2,05%
Betamax Global P -1,15%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,04%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,24%
Echiquier ARTY A 2,24%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -1,24%
LF Credit Innovation 0,00%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,01%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,01%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,03%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,51%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 2,10%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,57%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 0,08%
Sextant Grand Large A 2,06%
BL Global Flexible -3,68%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,82%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,55%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,66%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -2,03%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -0,42%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,69%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,96%
GIS Euro Bond -2,28%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,10%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -2,67%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 1,11%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,33%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -3,69%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 2 ans
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 18,88%
Prévoir Pangea R 12,46%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 17,59%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 6,62%
Sélection Action Rendement International 10,49%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 13,58%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 2,15%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 6,24%
DNB Technology 17,37%
Montségur Croissance C 8,75%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 8,69%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 13,46%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 9,36%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 4,72%
Clartan Valeurs C 13,51%
Haas Actions Croissance C 8,69%
Seven European Equity Class I 7,17%
Montségur Rendement C 9,55%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 9,94%
Claresco USA 16,30%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 6,33%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,91%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 19,46%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,79%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 7,36%
Vega France Opportunités RC 9,16%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 6,49%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 4,35%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 6,35%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 5,72%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 6,61%
Lazard Equity SRI C 13,41%
Constance Be World A 9,60%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,80%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 11,16%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 3,53%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,15%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -1,59%
Renaissance Europe C 10,95%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 3,01%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 6,20%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 6,99%
Sanso Smart Climate 6,34%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -3,67%
Kirao Multicaps AC -0,63%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 7,24%
Mansartis Europe C 5,74%
Europa One R 1,14%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 8,68%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 15,73%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 0,62%
BDL Transition 7,75%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,80%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 4,92%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 3,88%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 10,85%
Sélection Action Rendement 2,94%
COGEFI Elixir P 4,52%
Digital Stars Europe -3,08%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -0,12%
Pictet - Security – P EUR -0,07%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 6,46%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 1,95%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,81%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 3,24%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 3,84%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 7,34%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 0,00%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 8,33%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 4,18%
Covéa Terra A (C) 0,49%
Norden SRI 3,01%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 4,82%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 7,04%
DNB Nordic Equities 1,01%
Copernic - RC 2,92%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 8,53%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -4,68%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 4,43%
BSO France P 9,41%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 10,23%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 2,98%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 0,69%
FFG -3,86%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 2,02%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR -1,17%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 6,48%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 3,09%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 7,57%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -8,50%
NN Global Impact Opps -1,50%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -1,84%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -1,15%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 10,21%
Kirao Smallcaps -1,04%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,55%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,67%
Software Conviction Fund 0,00%
MCA Entreprendre PME -6,85%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,33%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 0,52%
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,09%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 1,98%
COGEFI Prospective P -7,62%
Lauxera HealthTech 0,00%
Wise 5 -1,41%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,35%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -0,82%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 0,17%
HMG Rendement D A/I -2,44%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 1,90%
Alterna Plus 1,93%
Mandarine Active Part R 0,68%
Claresco Avenir P -3,61%
Claresco Innovation 1,64%
IDAM Small France R -1,00%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 3,35%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 1,15%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 8,37%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -3,68%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,64%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,90%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 7,58%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -1,48%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,97%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -14,42%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -0,39%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -1,18%
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,26%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -11,12%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -1,05%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 3,50%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,75%
Sextant PME -0,23%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -2,34%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -4,75%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -8,87%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -2,03%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 0,60%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -3,07%
Talence Euromidcap -3,28%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 9,90%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -5,11%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -2,45%
Federal Multi PME P -5,08%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -5,53%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -7,88%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -4,84%
Amplegest PME AC -11,97%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -3,13%
Amplegest PME IC -10,98%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 4,65%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,74%
Groupama Avenir Euro -5,48%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -1,42%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -9,03%
CM-CIC Pierre C -15,63%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -9,20%
Portzamparc PME ISR -6,37%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -10,46%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -9,81%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 1,93%
Nova Europe A -11,60%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,36%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 2 ans SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 38,51% 7/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 18,88% 6/7
Prévoir Pangea R 12,46% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 17,59% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 6,62% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 10,49% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 13,58% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 2,15% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 6,24% 6/7
DNB Technology 17,37% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 8,75% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 8,69% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 13,46% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 9,36% 6/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 4,72% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 8,44% 4/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 7,70% 5/7
Clartan Valeurs C 13,51% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 8,69% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 7,17% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 9,55% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 9,94% 6/7
Claresco USA 16,30% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 0,35% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 6,33% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 7,53% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,91% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 19,46% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,79% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 8,91% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 7,36% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 9,16% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 6,49% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 7,60% 5/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 4,35% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 6,35% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 5,72% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 6,61% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 13,41% 6/7
Constance Be World A 9,60% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,80% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 11,16% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 3,53% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,15% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -1,59% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 8,45% 5/7
R-co Valor C EUR 8,55% 4/7
Renaissance Europe C 10,95% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 3,01% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 6,20% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 6,99% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 6,34% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -3,67% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 3,78% 5/7
Comgest Monde C 9,27% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -0,63% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 7,24% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 5,74% 6/7
Europa One R 1,14% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 8,68% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 15,73% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 0,62% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 9,54% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 5,48% 5/7
BDL Transition 7,75% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,80% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 4,92% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 3,88% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 6,05% 5/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 10,85% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 2,94% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 3,98% 7/7
COGEFI Elixir P 4,52% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -3,08% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -0,12% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR -0,07% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 6,46% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 1,95% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,81% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 3,24% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 3,84% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 3,71% 5/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 7,34% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 0,00% 6/7
OMNIBOND 4,29% 3/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 0,94% 5/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 8,33% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 4,18% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 0,49% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 3,41% 4/7
Norden SRI 3,01% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 4,82% 6/7
Varenne Valeur 4,05% 5/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 7,04% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 1,01% 6/7
Copernic - RC 2,92% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 8,53% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -4,68% 6/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 4,43% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 5,58% 4/7
BSO France P 9,41% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 10,23% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 2,98% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 26,17% 7/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 0,69% 6/7
FFG -3,86% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 10,67% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 2,02% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 -4,10% 3/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR -1,17% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 5,58% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 9,45% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,12% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 6,48% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 3,09% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 7,57% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -8,50% 6/7
Axiom Obligataire 0,44% 4/7
BDL Convictions 9,56% 5/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 2,81% 4/7
NN Global Impact Opps -1,50% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -3,44% 7/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -0,81% 5/7
OTEA 1 2,78% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -1,84% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -1,15% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 4,09% 4/7
Ethna-AKTIV 3,77% 4/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 10,21% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps -1,04% 6/7
BDL REMPART 11,52% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,55% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps -2,71% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,95% 4/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,67% 6/7
Software Conviction Fund 0,00% 6/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -0,61% 5/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 1,46% 4/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -6,85% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 3,34% 5/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,33% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,37% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 1,98% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 0,52% 6/7
MAM Solution 3,31% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 1,95% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,09% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 1,98% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P -7,62% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 2,20% 3/7
Lauxera HealthTech 0,00% 6/7
Wise 5 -1,41% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -3,04% 5/7
Durandal 0,35% 3/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,35% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) -3,26% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -0,20% 4/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 2,56% 3/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -0,82% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 0,17% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -2,44% 6/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 3,51% 5/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 2,15% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 7,70% 5/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 1,90% 6/7
Alterna Plus 1,93% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,87% 3/7
Mandarine Active Part R 0,68% 6/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 2,38% 3/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 2,34% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 0,89% 4/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -5,88% 4/7
Claresco Avenir P -3,61% 6/7
Claresco Innovation 1,64% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 8,11% 4/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 1,10% 7/7
IDAM Small France R -1,00% 6/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 0,31% 4/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 3,35% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 1,18% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,50% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 1,15% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking -3,01% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,61% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 0,38% 4/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 2,85% 4/7
Dorval Global Allocation 0,44% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 3,71% 5/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 2,41% 4/7
Trusteam Optimum A 1,33% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 8,37% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 1,53% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,24% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -3,68% 6/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 3,69% 3/7
AIS Protect -4,18% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 0,00% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 1,00% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 1,51% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,64% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 2,05% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 2,13% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 6,99% 5/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 2,01% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,70% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,21% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 1,79% 3/7
LF Rendement Global 2028 2,05% 4/7
Betamax Global P -1,15% 4/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,53% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,04% 4/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -4,33% 5/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,90% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 7,58% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -1,48% 6/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -2,18% 5/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 2,16% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,24% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 3,00% 3/7
Echiquier ARTY A 2,24% 4/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,97% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -1,24% 4/7
HELIUM FUND 2,53% 3/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -14,42% 6/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -0,39% 6/7
LF Credit Innovation 0,00% 4/7
Dôm Reflex 3,42% 3/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -1,18% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,26% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,01% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -11,12% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,01% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,03% 4/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,51% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -1,05% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 3,50% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 2,10% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,75% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,35% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,57% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 0,08% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 2,06% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short IC 1,05% 5/7
Sextant PME -0,23% 6/7
BL Global Flexible -3,68% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,82% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -2,34% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -4,75% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -8,87% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC 0,55% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -2,03% 6/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 5,16% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 0,60% 6/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -3,07% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -3,28% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 9,90% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,55% 4/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,66% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -2,03% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -5,11% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -0,42% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,69% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -2,45% 6/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,96% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P -5,08% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -9,32% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond -2,28% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -5,53% 6/7
NN Green Bond -3,28% 3/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,10% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -7,88% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -4,84% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC -11,97% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -3,13% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -2,67% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -5,40% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 1,11% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -10,98% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -6,80% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,33% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 4,65% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth -5,39% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -3,69% 4/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,74% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -5,48% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -1,42% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -11,11% 2/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -9,03% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -15,63% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -9,20% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -6,37% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -10,46% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -9,81% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -11,23% 5/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 1,93% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -8,34% 5/7
Nova Europe A -11,60% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,36% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -10,12% 7/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 3 ans
Aperture European Innovation 7,58%
R-co Valor C EUR 4,46%
Centifolia C A/I 9,20%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -1,99%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 2,21%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,64%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,07%
Axiom Obligataire -0,38%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,36%
IVO Short Duration SRI 1,11%
Ethna-AKTIV 2,21%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,46%
Athymis Patrimoine P -0,06%
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,72%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,43%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 0,89%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 0,95%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -7,46%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 5,22%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,31%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,79%
Sextant Bond Picking -2,50%
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,62%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,19%
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,85%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,03%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 0,26%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,84%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -1,90%
MAM Target 2027 0,00%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,95%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -2,88%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,94%
LF Rendement Global 2028 -1,28%
Betamax Global P -0,97%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,28%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,21%
Echiquier ARTY A 0,05%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -3,37%
LF Credit Innovation 0,00%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 1,11%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,08%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -2,79%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,35%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,54%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,67%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 1,19%
Sextant Grand Large A 1,03%
BL Global Flexible -1,56%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,26%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,63%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -0,87%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 0,97%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -3,20%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 0,00%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,00%
GIS Euro Bond -3,67%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,74%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -6,92%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,10%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -4,33%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,81%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 3 ans
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 10,33%
Prévoir Pangea R 7,96%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 2,50%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,21%
Sélection Action Rendement International 6,16%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,17%
Jupiter Financial Innovation -2,99%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 1,18%
DNB Technology 11,03%
Montségur Croissance C 1,56%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 5,32%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 14,81%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 7,46%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 2,89%
Clartan Valeurs C 9,09%
Haas Actions Croissance C 3,10%
Seven European Equity Class I 3,92%
Montségur Rendement C 5,92%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 3,81%
Claresco USA 12,86%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 3,10%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 10,02%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 0,34%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -0,06%
Vega France Opportunités RC 5,57%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,83%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -4,14%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -1,01%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 6,54%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 5,29%
Lazard Equity SRI C 9,74%
Constance Be World A 3,82%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 9,35%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 8,12%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 2,61%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,49%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -1,83%
Renaissance Europe C 8,63%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -3,75%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 5,14%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 6,16%
Sanso Smart Climate 0,00%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -13,15%
Kirao Multicaps AC -3,29%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 4,73%
Mansartis Europe C 1,29%
Europa One R 1,82%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 4,34%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 10,60%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,97%
BDL Transition 4,20%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 4,28%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 3,29%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 8,62%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 4,42%
Sélection Action Rendement 1,36%
COGEFI Elixir P 0,71%
Digital Stars Europe -2,93%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 1,49%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 1,12%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 2,31%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 4,12%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 2,83%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 0,00%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 1,85%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,43%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 1,86%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -2,39%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 5,79%
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,49%
Norden SRI 0,36%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 1,34%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 4,62%
DNB Nordic Equities -1,69%
Copernic - RC 1,23%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,59%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -7,91%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 1,18%
BSO France P 8,24%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -0,30%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,16%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,85%
FFG -1,72%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,31%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,97%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 0,00%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 2,67%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 9,06%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,19%
NN Global Impact Opps -3,22%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -10,96%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -6,84%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 6,18%
Kirao Smallcaps -0,47%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -3,97%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,12%
Software Conviction Fund 0,00%
MCA Entreprendre PME -1,93%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 5,58%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 4,76%
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,11%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -1,01%
COGEFI Prospective P -13,07%
Lauxera HealthTech 0,00%
Wise 5 -3,72%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,69%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -3,85%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -1,37%
HMG Rendement D A/I -0,41%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,21%
Alterna Plus 0,33%
Mandarine Active Part R 0,60%
Claresco Avenir P -2,91%
Claresco Innovation -9,61%
IDAM Small France R -1,80%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,26%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 4,92%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 3,21%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -4,24%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 1,98%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,79%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 3,99%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -5,75%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,79%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -17,16%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,00%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -5,36%
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,47%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -16,81%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 0,00%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 1,79%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -3,35%
Sextant PME -3,03%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -3,93%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 2,67%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -5,18%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -4,52%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -1,24%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -4,65%
Talence Euromidcap -5,25%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,69%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -2,69%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund 5,37%
Federal Multi PME P -4,37%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -10,81%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -13,19%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -3,35%
Amplegest PME AC -6,14%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,87%
Amplegest PME IC -5,54%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 5,89%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -2,41%
Groupama Avenir Euro -6,36%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -0,41%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -6,28%
CM-CIC Pierre C -10,95%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -5,19%
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,17%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -7,36%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -9,96%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -2,17%
Nova Europe A -7,75%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -4,16%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 3 ans SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 27,81% 7/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 10,33% 6/7
Prévoir Pangea R 7,96% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 2,50% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,21% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 6,16% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,17% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation -2,99% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 1,18% 6/7
DNB Technology 11,03% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 1,56% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 5,32% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 14,81% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 7,46% 6/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 2,89% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 7,58% 4/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 4,04% 5/7
Clartan Valeurs C 9,09% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 3,10% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 3,92% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 5,92% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 3,81% 6/7
Claresco USA 12,86% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -4,13% 5/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 3,10% 6/7
HMG Globetrotter C 9,14% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 10,02% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 0,34% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 8,80% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -0,06% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 5,57% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,83% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 2,27% 5/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -4,14% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -1,01% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 6,54% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 5,29% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 9,74% 6/7
Constance Be World A 3,82% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 9,35% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 8,12% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 2,61% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,49% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -1,83% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends -1,09% 5/7
R-co Valor C EUR 4,46% 4/7
Renaissance Europe C 8,63% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -3,75% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 5,14% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 6,16% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 0,00% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -13,15% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 6,73% 5/7
Comgest Monde C 4,91% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -3,29% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 4,73% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 1,29% 6/7
Europa One R 1,82% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 4,34% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 10,60% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,97% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 9,20% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 0,00% 5/7
BDL Transition 4,20% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 4,28% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 3,29% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 8,62% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 3,44% 5/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 4,42% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 1,36% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -6,08% 7/7
COGEFI Elixir P 0,71% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -2,93% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 1,49% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 1,12% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 2,31% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 4,12% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 2,83% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 0,00% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 1,85% 6/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 8,40% 5/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,43% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 1,86% 6/7
OMNIBOND 2,61% 3/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 6,33% 5/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -2,39% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 5,79% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,49% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -1,99% 4/7
Norden SRI 0,36% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 1,34% 6/7
Varenne Valeur 2,97% 5/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 4,62% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -1,69% 6/7
Copernic - RC 1,23% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,59% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -7,91% 6/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 1,18% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 2,21% 4/7
BSO France P 8,24% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -0,30% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,16% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 8,99% 7/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,85% 6/7
FFG -1,72% 6/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 7,11% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,31% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 -5,38% 3/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,97% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,64% 4/7
HMG Découvertes C 6,70% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,07% 4/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 0,00% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 2,67% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 9,06% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,19% 6/7
Axiom Obligataire -0,38% 4/7
BDL Convictions 5,97% 5/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,36% 4/7
NN Global Impact Opps -3,22% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -12,32% 7/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -2,87% 5/7
OTEA 1 -0,02% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -10,96% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -6,84% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 1,11% 4/7
Ethna-AKTIV 2,21% 4/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 6,18% 6/7
Kirao Smallcaps -0,47% 6/7
BDL REMPART 9,53% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -3,97% 6/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 0,16% 5/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,46% 4/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,12% 6/7
Software Conviction Fund 0,00% 6/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -3,02% 5/7
Athymis Patrimoine P -0,06% 4/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -1,93% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 1,29% 5/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 5,58% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,72% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -0,16% 5/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 4,76% 6/7
MAM Solution 3,44% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,43% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,11% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -1,01% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P -13,07% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 1,17% 3/7
Lauxera HealthTech 0,00% 6/7
Wise 5 -3,72% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -4,61% 5/7
Durandal -0,47% 3/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,69% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 0,01% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 0,89% 4/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 0,43% 3/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -3,85% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -1,37% 6/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -0,41% 6/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 3,37% 5/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 0,84% 3/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 4,92% 5/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,21% 6/7
Alterna Plus 0,33% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,21% 3/7
Mandarine Active Part R 0,60% 6/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R -0,09% 3/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 0,95% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 2,33% 4/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -7,46% 4/7
Claresco Avenir P -2,91% 6/7
Claresco Innovation -9,61% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 5,22% 4/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 2,61% 7/7
IDAM Small France R -1,80% 6/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,31% 4/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,26% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C -0,65% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,79% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 4,92% 6/7
Sextant Bond Picking -2,50% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,62% 4/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,19% 4/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,85% 4/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,03% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 2,84% 5/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 0,26% 4/7
Trusteam Optimum A -0,42% 3/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 3,21% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,84% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -1,90% 4/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -4,24% 6/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 3,21% 3/7
AIS Protect -0,04% 3/7
MAM Target 2027 0,00% 4/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,95% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 0,93% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 1,98% 6/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,75% 2/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,61% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine -2,66% 5/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine -0,27% 3/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -2,88% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,94% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,86% 3/7
LF Rendement Global 2028 -1,28% 4/7
Betamax Global P -0,97% 4/7
Dorval Global Conservative -0,10% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,28% 4/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -3,94% 5/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,79% 6/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 3,99% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -5,75% 6/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -0,20% 5/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,69% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,21% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 1,22% 3/7
Echiquier ARTY A 0,05% 4/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,79% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -3,37% 4/7
HELIUM FUND 2,34% 3/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -17,16% 6/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,00% 6/7
LF Credit Innovation 0,00% 4/7
Dôm Reflex 2,04% 3/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -5,36% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,47% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 1,11% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -16,81% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,08% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -2,79% 4/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,35% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 0,00% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 1,79% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,54% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -3,35% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive 0,00% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,67% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 1,19% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 1,03% 4/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,70% 5/7
Sextant PME -3,03% 6/7
BL Global Flexible -1,56% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,26% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -3,93% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 2,67% 6/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -5,18% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -1,24% 5/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -4,52% 6/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 1,98% 5/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -1,24% 6/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -4,65% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -5,25% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,69% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,63% 4/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -0,87% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 0,97% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -2,69% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -3,20% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 0,00% 4/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund 5,37% 6/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,00% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P -4,37% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -6,92% 5/7
GIS Euro Bond -3,67% 4/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -10,81% 6/7
NN Green Bond -6,07% 3/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,74% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -13,19% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -3,35% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC -6,14% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,87% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -6,92% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -2,14% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,10% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -5,54% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -4,69% 5/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -4,33% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 5,89% 6/7
MS INVF US Growth -15,66% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,81% 4/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -2,41% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -6,36% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -0,41% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -6,50% 2/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -6,28% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -10,95% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -5,19% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,17% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -7,36% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -9,96% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -5,33% 5/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -2,17% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -5,33% 5/7
Nova Europe A -7,75% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -4,16% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -5,94% 7/7