A un peu plus d'une semaine du jour du scrutin, les élections américaines font actuellement la une des journaux du monde entier. En cours de discussion - le résultat possible de l'élection et son impact sur l'économie américaine et les marchés financiers. Andrea Siviero, Investment Strategist chez Ethenea Independent Investors S.A., examine certains des scénarios possibles et ce qu'ils pourraient signifier en matière d’investissements.

Andrea Siviero 600x600Le 3 novembre 2020, le peuple américain se rendra aux urnes pour participer aux élections présidentielles et législatives. Lors de ces dernières, tous les sièges de la Chambre des représentants sont à renouveler, ainsi que l'élection d'environ un tiers des représentants au Sénat. Bien qu'à ce stade, il soit difficile de prévoir lequel des principaux partis remportera la majorité à chacune de ces élections, l’on peut affirmer sans risque de se tromper que les réactions du marché seront différentes selon la combinaison des résultats. Comme il s'agit d'un tableau incroyablement complexe, et que de nombreux aspects de l'élection pourraient avoir un impact sur les marchés financiers et leurs différentes catégories d'actifs, il est à notre avis à la fois difficile et risqué de faire des prévisions. Toutefois, plusieurs scénarios possibles méritent d'être examinés de plus près.

Les marchés ont une aversion pour l'incertitude

Si un changement de président et un nouveau gouvernement peuvent avoir des effets à court terme sur les marchés, ils n'affecteront pas fondamentalement le fonctionnement ou les performances de l'économie américaine. Au cours des dernières décennies, nous avons observé que la politique monétaire a été le principal moteur des prix des actifs américains.

À moyen terme, la question de savoir qui remporte effectivement les élections est moins importante que leur marge de victoire. Un résultat clair et (si Joe Biden est élu) un changement rapide de gouvernement sont susceptibles d'être positifs tant pour les actifs à risque que pour les marchés actions. Toutefois, la situation se compliquerait considérablement en cas de résultat peu clair ou d'élection contestée. Nous sommes tous conscients que les marchés n'aiment pas l'incertitude, c'est pourquoi la perspective d'un recomptage des votes, d'une élection potentiellement truquée, d'une suspicion d'ingérence étrangère ou d'un refus d'accepter les résultats de l'élection sont susceptibles d'affecter négativement les actifs à risque et de profiter aux valeurs refuges telles que les bons du Trésor américain ou l'or.

L'avance significative de Joe Biden dans les sondages a récemment permis de rassurer les investisseurs sur le fait que nous pourrions éviter un résultat contesté. Toutefois, comme les dernières élections imprévisibles ont engendré une certaine méfiance à l'égard des sondages électoraux, nous ne devons pas exclure la possibilité d'une surprise électorale.

Les implications de la "vague bleue"

Une victoire nette de Joe Biden, accompagnée d’une victoire des démocrates au Sénat et du maintien de leur majorité à la Chambre des représentants (une "vague bleue"), augmenterait les chances qu'un important plan de relance soit approuvé rapidement. Cela serait positif tant pour les marchés actions que pour d'autres actifs à risque, tels que le crédit aux entreprises et, en particulier, les obligations à haut rendement. Cela impliquerait également une augmentation des perspectives de déficit et, par conséquent, une hausse des rendements du Trésor. Toutefois, à moyen terme, le projet de Biden d'augmenter l'impôt sur les sociétés, ainsi que de mettre en œuvre une législation radicale et des mesures antitrust strictes, est susceptible d'avoir un impact négatif à la fois sur les entreprises et sur les marchés actions.

Les deux faces d'une victoire de Trump

D'autre part, une victoire de Trump combinée à un Congrès divisé - le statu quo et un blocage politique - n'entraînerait probablement que peu de changements sur les marchés. Toutefois, on peut s'attendre à ce que de nouveaux doutes sur l'ampleur et le calendrier des mesures de relance budgétaire supplémentaires aient des répercussions négatives sur les marchés des actions à court terme. Au fil du temps, une deuxième présidence sous Trump pourrait continuer à être relativement favorable aux entreprises, notamment en vue de nouvelles réductions d'impôts, et, par conséquent, cela serait favorable aux actions.

Sur le plan international, cependant, une victoire de Trump entraînera presque certainement davantage de frictions commerciales et une escalade des conflits commerciaux avec la Chine et l'Union européenne. Cela risque d'être négatif pour l'économie mondiale et de provoquer une plus grande volatilité des marchés.

Le billet vert conservera-t-il sa force ?

Les prévisions relatives au dollar américain sont encore plus compliquées. Bien que le dollar ait été relativement fort pendant la présidence de M. Trump, il est difficile d'évaluer l'effet que l'approche de plus en plus conflictuelle du président entre ses partenaires américains et la Chine, ainsi que le retrait progressif des États-Unis du multilatéralisme et de l'engagement mondial, auront sur le billet vert au fil du temps.

De plus, la pandémie de coronavirus et la politique économique adoptée au niveau mondial pour gérer ses effets pourraient bien avoir un impact plus important sur le taux de change que le résultat de l'élection présidentielle. Cela étant dit, les dernières semaines ont montré que le dollar reste l'une des valeurs refuges les plus pertinentes en temps de crise et d'incertitude.

Positionnement des Ethna Funds

C'est précisément en raison de ce large éventail de possibilités que nous voulons, en ce qui concerne l'élection, conserver à la fois notre capacité d'action et notre flexibilité dans la gestion des  Ethna Funds. Pour Ethna-AKTIV, cela signifie que même si, sur la base de nos perspectives positives, nous supposons que les prix des actions auront tendance à augmenter au cours des trois prochains mois, nous maintenons pour l'instant le ratio de risque du fonds en territoire neutre/légèrement positif. Cela nous permettra d'utiliser les revers du marché, et les niveaux d'entrée attrayants qui en résultent, pour effectuer des achats. S'il n'y a pas de contraction post-électorale, nous sommes également disposés à acheter sur le marché haussier. Nous sommes convaincus que nos allocations en devises et en or nous placent en bonne position avant les élections, et nous nous abstenons donc de procéder à des ajustements majeurs.

Le fonds Ethna-DEFENSIV, axée sur les obligations, est positionnée de manière prudente et nous continuerons à éviter les investissements en actions à l'approche des élections américaines. Comme le solide portefeuille obligataire, qui représente 85% du portefeuille total, se concentre sur des obligations d'entreprises minutieusement sélectionnées, nous ne procéderons à aucun autre ajustement avant les élections et nous nous attendons à des rendements positifs stables à l'avenir. L'or et les positions  en francs suisses et en yens japonais devraient contribuer à stabiliser le fonds, en particulier dans l'éventualité d'un scénario négatif où les résultats des élections seraient contestés devant les tribunaux.

La prochaine élection présidentielle américaine n'a pratiquement aucun impact sur l'allocation dau sein d’Ethna-DYNAMISCH. Comme indiqué précédemment, les effets à long terme des élections sont relativement limités, de sorte que la répartition stratégique des actifs du fonds n'est pas affectée. Lors de la sélection des actions individuelles, nous nous concentrons sur les tendances fondamentales des sociétés sous-jacentes et essayons généralement de maintenir l'influence des décisions politiques binaires aussi faible que possible, de sorte qu'il n'y a pas de besoin immédiat d'ajustement. Au niveau tactique, l'élection à venir est l'un des nombreux facteurs qui influenceront la prise de décision à court terme, mais jusqu'à présent, nous n'avons guère constaté de signes nécessitant un ajustement du positionnement actuel du fonds.


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Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds YTD
Aperture European Innovation 10,35%
R-co Valor C EUR 6,64%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 5,69%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 4,73%
Centifolia C A/I 4,08%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 3,90%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 3,77%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 3,71%
Axiom Obligataire 3,61%
Athymis Patrimoine P 3,45%
IVO Short Duration SRI 3,42%
Ethna-AKTIV 3,13%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,70%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,58%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,41%
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,21%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha 1,98%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 1,81%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,60%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,46%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 1,44%
Sextant Bond Picking 1,42%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 1,35%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 1,18%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 1,17%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 1,12%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 1,01%
MAM Target 2027 0,93%
Dorval Global Allocation 0,88%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,76%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,66%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 0,62%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,54%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,48%
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,45%
Betamax Global P 0,44%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C 0,05%
Echiquier ARTY A 0,03%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,14%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,14%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -0,40%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,52%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,55%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,60%
Sextant Grand Large A -0,64%
BL Global Flexible -0,66%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -0,92%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -0,94%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -1,19%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -1,22%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,26%
GIS Euro Bond -1,42%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,44%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,50%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,72%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,83%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,59%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,78%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,91%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,04%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds YTD
Prévoir Pangea R 19,30%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 17,52%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 15,06%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 14,57%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 13,57%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 13,36%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,41%
Sélection Action Rendement International 12,05%
Montségur Croissance C 11,09%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 10,76%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 10,10%
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,35%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 9,16%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 9,10%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 8,68%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 8,41%
Claresco USA 8,36%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,30%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 8,10%
Clartan Valeurs C 7,97%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 7,91%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,72%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 7,59%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 7,58%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,46%
Constance Be World A 7,45%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 7,43%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 7,39%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 7,32%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 7,32%
Montségur Rendement C 7,31%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 7,30%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 7,18%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,16%
Vega France Opportunités RC 6,74%
Renaissance Europe C 6,74%
Kirao Multicaps AC 6,73%
Sanso Smart Climate 6,68%
Seven European Equity Class I 6,68%
Europa One R 6,59%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 6,42%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 6,28%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 5,98%
Copernic - RC 5,92%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 5,84%
Digital Stars Europe 5,75%
BDL Transition 5,62%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 5,62%
Lazard Equity SRI C 5,56%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 5,43%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 5,41%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 5,34%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 5,24%
Mansartis Europe C 5,20%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,12%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 5,09%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,92%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 4,77%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 4,74%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 4,74%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 4,70%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 4,66%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 4,65%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 4,65%
Covéa Terra A (C) 4,48%
Sélection Action Rendement 4,47%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 4,42%
COGEFI Elixir P 4,38%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 4,32%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 4,27%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 4,27%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,23%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 3,98%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 3,95%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 3,73%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 3,48%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 3,44%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 3,38%
BSO France P 3,38%
Wise 5 3,35%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,34%
Claresco Innovation 3,27%
FFG 3,16%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 3,14%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 3,11%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 3,04%
Norden SRI 3,02%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 3,00%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 2,94%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 2,83%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 2,81%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 2,77%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 2,76%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 2,74%
DNB Fund Future Waves 2,64%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 2,61%
DNB Nordic Equities 2,59%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 2,58%
Kirao Smallcaps 2,30%
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,26%
NN Global Impact Opps 2,13%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 1,80%
Alterna Plus 1,80%
Mandarine Active Part R 1,58%
Claresco Avenir P 1,56%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities 1,42%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 1,42%
COGEFI Prospective P 1,33%
IDAM Small France R 1,32%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,31%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 1,23%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 0,98%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 0,93%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,63%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 0,62%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 0,62%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 0,51%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 0,46%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 0,37%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,26%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,07%
HMG Rendement D A/I -0,01%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -0,02%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -0,31%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,36%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -0,43%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -0,49%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -0,50%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -0,57%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -0,72%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -0,82%
Federal Multi PME P -0,88%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,95%
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,96%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,27%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -1,40%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -1,48%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -1,67%
Sextant PME -1,80%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -1,88%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,17%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -2,24%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -2,72%
Amplegest PME IC -2,74%
Talence Euromidcap -2,75%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,87%
Amplegest PME AC -3,12%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -3,23%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -3,37%
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,53%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -3,56%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,17%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -4,26%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -4,44%
Portzamparc PME ISR -4,51%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -4,52%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -4,95%
Nova Europe A -6,08%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,70%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -7,36%
CM-CIC Pierre C -7,64%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,80%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Axiom European Banks Equity 19,74% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 19,30% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 17,52% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 15,06% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 14,57% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 13,57% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 13,36% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,41% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 12,05% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 11,09% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 10,76% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 10,35% 4/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 10,10% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 9,68% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 9,51% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,35% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 9,16% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 9,10% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 8,68% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 8,62% 5/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 8,46% 5/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 8,41% 6/7
Claresco USA 8,36% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,30% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 8,11% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 8,10% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 7,97% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 7,91% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 7,85% 7/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,72% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 7,59% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 7,58% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 7,55% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,46% 6/7
Constance Be World A 7,45% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 7,43% 6/7
Comgest Monde C 7,40% 5/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 7,39% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 7,32% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 7,32% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 7,31% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 7,30% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 7,18% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 7,17% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,16% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 6,74% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 6,74% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC 6,73% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 6,68% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 6,68% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 6,64% 4/7
Europa One R 6,59% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 6,42% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 6,28% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 5,98% 6/7
Copernic - RC 5,92% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 5,84% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 5,75% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 5,69% 4/7
BDL Transition 5,62% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 5,62% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 5,56% 6/7
OMNIBOND 5,51% 3/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 5,43% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 5,41% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 5,34% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 5,24% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 5,20% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,12% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 5,09% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,92% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 4,77% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 4,74% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 4,74% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 4,73% 4/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 4,70% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 4,69% 5/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 4,66% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 4,65% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 4,65% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 4,63% 5/7
Varenne Valeur 4,55% 5/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 4,48% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 4,47% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 4,42% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 4,41% 3/7
COGEFI Elixir P 4,38% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 4,32% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 4,27% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 4,27% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,23% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 4,08% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends 3,99% 7/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 3,98% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 3,95% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 3,90% 4/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 3,77% 4/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 3,73% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 3,72% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 3,71% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 3,68% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 3,61% 4/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 3,54% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 3,48% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 3,45% 4/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 3,44% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 3,42% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 3,38% 6/7
BSO France P 3,38% 6/7
Wise 5 3,35% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,34% 6/7
Claresco Innovation 3,27% 6/7
OTEA 1 3,22% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 3,21% 7/7
FFG 3,16% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 3,14% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 3,13% 4/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 3,11% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 3,04% 6/7
Norden SRI 3,02% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 3,02% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR 3,01% 5/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 3,00% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 2,94% 6/7
MAM Solution 2,88% 5/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 2,83% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 2,81% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 2,77% 6/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 2,76% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 2,74% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,70% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 2,66% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund 2,65% 5/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 2,64% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 2,61% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 2,59% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,58% 4/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 2,58% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 2,44% 3/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 2,41% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,41% 4/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 2,34% 3/7
Kirao Smallcaps 2,30% 6/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,26% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,21% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 2,18% 5/7
Durandal 2,17% 3/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 2,14% 3/7
NN Global Impact Opps 2,13% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 2,11% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha 1,98% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 1,92% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 1,84% 3/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 1,82% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 1,81% 4/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 1,80% 6/7
Alterna Plus 1,80% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 1,73% 3/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 1,71% 5/7
Axiom 2027 1,66% /7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,60% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R 1,58% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 1,56% 6/7
BDL REMPART 1,55% 6/7
BDL Convictions 1,47% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,46% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 1,44% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking 1,42% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities 1,42% 6/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 1,42% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 1,35% 4/7
COGEFI Prospective P 1,33% 6/7
IDAM Small France R 1,32% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,31% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 1,28% 5/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 1,25% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 1,23% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 1,18% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 1,17% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 1,12% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 1,12% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 1,05% 3/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 1,01% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 1,00% 7/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 0,98% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 0,93% 6/7
MAM Target 2027 0,93% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 0,93% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,92% 2/7
Dorval Global Allocation 0,88% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 0,87% 5/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P 0,86% 5/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,77% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,76% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,75% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,66% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,63% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 0,62% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 0,62% 4/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 0,62% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 0,61% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,59% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,54% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 0,51% 6/7
AIS Protect 0,48% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,48% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,47% 3/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 0,46% 6/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,45% 4/7
Betamax Global P 0,44% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 0,37% 3/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 0,37% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,26% 6/7
Dôm Reflex 0,11% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,07% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 0,07% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 0,06% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C 0,05% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A 0,03% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 0,00% 5/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -0,01% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -0,02% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,14% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,14% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,19% 5/7
MS INVF US Growth -0,27% 7/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -0,31% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,36% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -0,40% 4/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -0,43% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -0,49% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -0,50% 6/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,52% 4/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,55% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -0,57% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,60% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A -0,64% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -0,66% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -0,72% 6/7
HELIUM INVEST -0,78% 3/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -0,82% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P -0,88% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -0,92% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -0,94% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,95% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,96% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -1,19% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -1,22% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,26% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,27% 6/7
NN Green Bond -1,27% 3/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -1,35% 5/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -1,40% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond -1,42% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,44% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -1,48% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -1,49% 5/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,50% 4/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -1,67% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,72% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A -1,75% 5/7
Sextant PME -1,80% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,83% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -1,88% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,17% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -2,24% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -2,30% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,59% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -2,72% 6/7
Amplegest PME IC -2,74% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -2,75% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,78% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,87% 6/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,91% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -2,95% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,04% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC -3,12% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -3,23% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -3,37% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,53% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -3,56% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -3,67% 2/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -3,70% 5/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,17% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -4,26% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -4,44% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -4,51% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -4,52% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -4,95% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -5,67% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -5,95% 5/7
Nova Europe A -6,08% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,70% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -7,36% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -7,64% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,80% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -11,50% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 1 mois
Aperture European Innovation -1,19%
R-co Valor C EUR 0,87%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 1,39%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR -0,85%
Centifolia C A/I 1,60%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 0,83%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 0,03%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 0,67%
Axiom Obligataire -0,05%
Athymis Patrimoine P -0,14%
IVO Short Duration SRI 0,20%
Ethna-AKTIV 0,00%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,51%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -2,23%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 0,58%
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,83%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -1,00%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -0,13%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR -0,60%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,41%
Flexigestion Patrimoine -0,36%
Sextant Bond Picking 0,58%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,74%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap -0,82%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR -0,38%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -1,39%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,14%
MAM Target 2027 -0,34%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,81%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,19%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,06%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -0,37%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR -0,56%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,22%
Invesco Pan European High Income -0,57%
Betamax Global P -0,18%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -0,67%
Echiquier ARTY A -0,25%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,89%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,03%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 0,44%
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,10%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,44%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,75%
Sextant Grand Large A 0,33%
BL Global Flexible -1,11%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,80%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 0,36%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,65%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,56%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,77%
GIS Euro Bond -0,44%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,47%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,47%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,85%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,81%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -1,55%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -0,83%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,82%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -1,80%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 1 mois
Prévoir Pangea R -3,09%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund -0,08%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 0,06%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 1,40%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C -2,13%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 1,04%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 1,32%
Sélection Action Rendement International 0,70%
Montségur Croissance C -2,06%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A -1,22%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A -0,70%
Haas Actions Croissance C -0,29%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -1,92%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc -1,81%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 0,32%
Jupiter Financial Innovation -1,08%
Claresco USA 1,44%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C -0,94%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR -1,39%
Clartan Valeurs C 1,70%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -1,24%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -3,02%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -3,05%
CPR Invest – Climate Action -1,07%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR -0,46%
Constance Be World A -1,14%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR -0,05%
Russell Investments Low Carbon -0,20%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund -1,74%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 4,69%
Montségur Rendement C -0,83%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -3,13%
Pictet – Water – P EUR -0,37%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 0,28%
Vega France Opportunités RC -2,22%
Renaissance Europe C -3,95%
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,21%
Sanso Smart Climate -1,19%
Seven European Equity Class I 0,06%
Europa One R -1,46%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R -0,01%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R -0,83%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -1,17%
Copernic - RC 0,81%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR -0,46%
Digital Stars Europe -1,23%
BDL Transition -1,05%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales -1,19%
Lazard Equity SRI C -1,84%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 1,18%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -3,06%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 -2,50%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 1,76%
Mansartis Europe C -3,51%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -3,47%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -2,15%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology -0,49%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) -0,29%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 0,13%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -0,29%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 1,35%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth -0,94%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund -0,08%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 0,66%
Covéa Terra A (C) -1,31%
Sélection Action Rendement -3,55%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund -2,26%
COGEFI Elixir P -2,61%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,40%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap -0,59%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,62%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR -0,13%
EdRF Big Data A EUR -1,46%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -2,37%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A -3,47%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund -1,06%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC -3,48%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 -2,72%
BSO France P -3,13%
Wise 5 -0,33%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -0,78%
Claresco Innovation -7,07%
FFG -0,42%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC -0,96%
Pictet - Security – P EUR -3,61%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 1,27%
Norden SRI -1,29%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -0,63%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR -4,35%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -0,28%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU -2,61%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR -2,54%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe -0,40%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap -2,62%
DNB Fund Future Waves 0,10%
Valeur Intrinsèque P -0,11%
DNB Nordic Equities -2,76%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR -1,94%
Kirao Smallcaps 0,11%
MCA Entreprendre PME -0,05%
NN Global Impact Opps -1,01%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 -0,75%
Alterna Plus -0,12%
Mandarine Active Part R -4,33%
Claresco Avenir P 1,21%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -1,23%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs -1,34%
COGEFI Prospective P -0,26%
IDAM Small France R 3,39%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,11%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -1,50%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,47%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -2,93%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -2,76%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 0,68%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -2,76%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -1,27%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 1,81%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 0,05%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -1,55%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund -5,88%
HMG Rendement D A/I 1,12%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -1,67%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,65%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -2,38%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,00%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,69%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -1,70%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -0,30%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -1,77%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,80%
Federal Multi PME P 0,35%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 1,91%
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,30%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,87%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -0,71%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,52%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR 0,00%
Sextant PME 1,14%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -3,12%
Roche-Brune Euro PME 0,71%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,84%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -1,75%
Amplegest PME IC 0,95%
Talence Euromidcap -1,62%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,94%
Amplegest PME AC 0,83%
Pluvalca Initiative PME 0,75%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -0,76%
Groupama Avenir Euro -2,90%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -1,22%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC 1,51%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,01%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -0,78%
Portzamparc PME ISR 0,31%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -5,11%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -1,14%
Nova Europe A -0,44%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -1,26%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -4,99%
CM-CIC Pierre C 1,31%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 2,90%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 1 mois SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 5,26% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R -3,09% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund -0,08% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 0,06% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 1,40% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C -2,13% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 1,04% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 1,32% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 0,70% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C -2,06% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A -1,22% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation -1,19% 4/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A -0,70% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C -1,34% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 4,00% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C -0,29% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -1,92% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc -1,81% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 0,32% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities -0,29% 5/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends -1,80% 5/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation -1,08% 6/7
Claresco USA 1,44% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C -0,94% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work -2,18% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR -1,39% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 1,70% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -1,24% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -0,88% 7/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -3,02% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -3,05% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action -1,07% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 1,88% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR -0,46% 6/7
Constance Be World A -1,14% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR -0,05% 6/7
Comgest Monde C -1,91% 5/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon -0,20% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund -1,74% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 4,69% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C -0,83% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -3,13% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR -0,37% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -1,85% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 0,28% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC -2,22% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C -3,95% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,21% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate -1,19% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 0,06% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 0,87% 4/7
Europa One R -1,46% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R -0,01% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R -0,83% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -1,17% 6/7
Copernic - RC 0,81% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR -0,46% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -1,23% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 1,39% 4/7
BDL Transition -1,05% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales -1,19% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C -1,84% 6/7
OMNIBOND 0,60% 3/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 1,18% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -3,06% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 -2,50% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 1,76% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C -3,51% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -3,47% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -2,15% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology -0,49% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) -0,29% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 0,13% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -0,29% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR -0,85% 4/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 1,35% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R -0,63% 5/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth -0,94% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund -0,08% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 0,66% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 1,39% 5/7
Varenne Valeur -1,69% 5/7
Covéa Terra A (C) -1,31% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement -3,55% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund -2,26% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 3,00% 3/7
COGEFI Elixir P -2,61% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,40% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap -0,59% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,62% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR -0,13% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 1,60% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -1,36% 7/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR -1,46% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -2,37% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 0,83% 4/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 0,03% 4/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A -3,47% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 2,06% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 0,67% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund -3,07% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire -0,05% 4/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR -0,14% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund -1,06% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P -0,14% 4/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC -3,48% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 0,20% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 -2,72% 6/7
BSO France P -3,13% 6/7
Wise 5 -0,33% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -0,78% 6/7
Claresco Innovation -7,07% 6/7
OTEA 1 -0,57% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund -4,38% 7/7
FFG -0,42% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC -0,96% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 0,00% 4/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR -3,61% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 1,27% 6/7
Norden SRI -1,29% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc -0,77% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -1,17% 5/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -0,63% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR -4,35% 6/7
MAM Solution 0,21% 5/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -0,28% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU -2,61% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR -2,54% 6/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe -0,40% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap -2,62% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,51% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 0,78% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund 2,27% 5/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 0,10% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P -0,11% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -2,76% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -2,23% 4/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR -1,94% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 0,24% 3/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 0,97% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 0,58% 4/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 0,31% 3/7
Kirao Smallcaps 0,11% 6/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -0,05% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,83% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -2,56% 5/7
Durandal 0,42% 3/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,92% 3/7
NN Global Impact Opps -1,01% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 0,75% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -1,00% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR -0,02% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R -0,07% 3/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 1,37% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -0,13% 4/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 -0,75% 6/7
Alterna Plus -0,12% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 0,13% 3/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 0,15% 5/7
Axiom 2027 0,17% /7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR -0,60% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R -4,33% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 1,21% 6/7
BDL REMPART 0,82% 6/7
BDL Convictions -0,82% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,41% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine -0,36% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking 0,58% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -1,23% 6/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs -1,34% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,74% 4/7
COGEFI Prospective P -0,26% 6/7
IDAM Small France R 3,39% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,11% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C -0,20% 5/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) -0,85% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -1,50% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap -0,82% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR -0,38% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -1,39% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 0,08% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 0,18% 3/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,14% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 2,30% 7/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,47% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -2,93% 6/7
MAM Target 2027 -0,34% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 0,62% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,23% 2/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,81% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine -0,22% 5/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -0,78% 5/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,15% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,19% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,02% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,06% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -2,76% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 0,68% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -0,37% 4/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -2,76% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine -0,11% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative -0,35% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR -0,56% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -1,27% 6/7
AIS Protect -1,38% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,22% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,00% 3/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 1,81% 6/7
Invesco Pan European High Income -0,57% 4/7
Betamax Global P -0,18% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 0,01% 3/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 0,05% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -1,55% 6/7
Dôm Reflex 0,12% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund -5,88% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 0,15% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund -0,70% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -0,67% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A -0,25% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -1,54% 5/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 1,12% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -1,67% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,89% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,03% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,50% 5/7
MS INVF US Growth -2,89% 7/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,65% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -2,38% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 0,44% 4/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,00% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,69% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -1,70% 6/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,10% 4/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,44% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -0,30% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,75% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 0,33% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -1,11% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -1,77% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,80% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P 0,35% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,80% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 0,36% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 1,91% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,30% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,65% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,56% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,77% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,87% 6/7
NN Green Bond -0,18% 3/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,19% 5/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -0,71% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond -0,44% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,47% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,52% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -0,23% 5/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,47% 4/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR 0,00% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,85% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A -1,89% 5/7
Sextant PME 1,14% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,81% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -3,12% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME 0,71% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,84% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities 0,82% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -1,55% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -1,75% 6/7
Amplegest PME IC 0,95% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -1,62% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -0,83% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -2,94% 6/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,82% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -4,03% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -1,80% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC 0,83% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME 0,75% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -0,76% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -2,90% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -1,22% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -3,81% 2/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -1,01% 5/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC 1,51% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,01% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -0,78% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR 0,31% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -5,11% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -1,14% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 2,87% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -0,52% 5/7
Nova Europe A -0,44% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -1,26% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -4,99% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C 1,31% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 2,90% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -1,52% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 1 an
Aperture European Innovation 17,51%
R-co Valor C EUR 11,23%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 7,54%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 8,38%
Centifolia C A/I 7,39%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 6,08%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 5,98%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 5,04%
Axiom Obligataire 11,75%
Athymis Patrimoine P 6,98%
IVO Short Duration SRI 10,35%
Ethna-AKTIV 8,86%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 15,59%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,62%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 3,71%
NN Patrimonial BEST 6,69%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -2,39%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 7,04%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 7,34%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 9,96%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 5,13%
Sextant Bond Picking -0,14%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 9,21%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 11,19%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 9,79%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 4,36%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 5,32%
MAM Target 2027 9,30%
Dorval Global Allocation 3,76%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 3,90%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 3,65%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 8,97%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 5,74%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 3,68%
Invesco Pan European High Income 7,00%
Betamax Global P 3,06%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,42%
Echiquier ARTY A 6,10%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,46%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 5,95%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -6,52%
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,47%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 3,79%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 4,14%
Sextant Grand Large A 3,51%
BL Global Flexible -3,72%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund 1,81%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 3,26%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 2,46%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,36%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 2,89%
GIS Euro Bond 2,67%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -5,84%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 2,10%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,37%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) 5,83%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 4,32%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -1,91%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond 0,36%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets 0,67%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 1 an
Prévoir Pangea R 35,03%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 44,66%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 47,03%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 25,31%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 18,68%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 43,79%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 36,47%
Sélection Action Rendement International 25,45%
Montségur Croissance C 12,66%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 21,21%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 18,92%
Haas Actions Croissance C 14,22%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 8,31%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 18,83%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 14,40%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 22,76%
Claresco USA 30,77%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 19,24%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 9,60%
Clartan Valeurs C 20,43%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 26,57%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 11,34%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 10,89%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 14,79%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 20,81%
Constance Be World A 19,68%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 18,63%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 20,00%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 17,31%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -0,86%
Montségur Rendement C 10,63%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 9,86%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 16,20%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 16,45%
Vega France Opportunités RC 10,01%
Renaissance Europe C 14,15%
Kirao Multicaps AC 2,75%
Sanso Smart Climate 17,54%
Seven European Equity Class I 12,12%
Europa One R 1,35%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 11,24%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,32%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 7,75%
Copernic - RC 13,33%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 28,98%
Digital Stars Europe 7,00%
BDL Transition 14,75%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 6,78%
Lazard Equity SRI C 10,29%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 7,77%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 25,51%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 14,91%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 13,26%
Mansartis Europe C 8,65%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 31,26%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,12%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 10,57%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 12,85%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 8,64%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 7,30%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 6,80%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 10,52%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 8,05%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 3,17%
Covéa Terra A (C) 5,45%
Sélection Action Rendement 0,36%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 6,10%
COGEFI Elixir P 5,62%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 5,16%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 10,85%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 9,61%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 5,97%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 16,34%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 1,68%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 12,94%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 2,84%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 7,28%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 13,34%
BSO France P 6,75%
Wise 5 0,40%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,27%
Claresco Innovation 26,00%
FFG -4,15%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 5,65%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 16,30%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 9,66%
Norden SRI 5,12%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 1,42%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 1,78%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 1,01%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,43%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 4,35%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 3,86%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 11,39%
DNB Fund Future Waves 4,35%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 12,06%
DNB Nordic Equities 7,04%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 9,55%
Kirao Smallcaps 1,70%
MCA Entreprendre PME 0,28%
NN Global Impact Opps 0,61%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 14,24%
Alterna Plus 6,05%
Mandarine Active Part R 4,05%
Claresco Avenir P 1,24%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -25,10%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 5,27%
COGEFI Prospective P -0,64%
IDAM Small France R 3,34%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 5,42%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -3,56%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 5,53%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 2,23%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 6,01%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,92%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 4,90%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -0,02%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 4,94%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 3,27%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 5,22%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 2,37%
HMG Rendement D A/I 0,00%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 0,77%
Amplegest MidCaps IC 2,75%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 14,45%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,70%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,57%
Amplegest MidCaps FC 2,13%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -19,25%
Amplegest Midcaps AC 1,37%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,18%
Federal Multi PME P 0,42%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -4,88%
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,55%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,47%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -8,42%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,68%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -3,49%
Sextant PME -1,60%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 6,73%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,97%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -0,96%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -5,13%
Amplegest PME IC -6,09%
Talence Euromidcap -6,20%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -6,44%
Amplegest PME AC -7,33%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -4,83%
Ecofi Avenir Plus 1,11%
Groupama Avenir Euro -4,16%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 0,69%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -6,19%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -2,82%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 4,25%
Portzamparc PME ISR -4,85%
Varenne Selection A-EUR 2,15%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -6,69%
Nova Europe A -12,51%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -5,92%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -7,85%
CM-CIC Pierre C 5,55%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 6,04%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 1 an SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 36,06% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 35,03% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 44,66% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 47,03% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 25,31% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 18,68% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 43,79% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 36,47% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 25,45% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 12,66% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 21,21% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 17,51% 4/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 18,92% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 14,16% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 15,96% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 14,22% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 8,31% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 18,83% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 14,40% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 21,93% 5/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 23,71% 5/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 22,76% 6/7
Claresco USA 30,77% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 19,24% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 15,28% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 9,60% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 20,43% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 26,57% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 40,62% 7/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 11,34% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 10,89% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 14,79% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 11,52% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 20,81% 6/7
Constance Be World A 19,68% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 18,63% 6/7
Comgest Monde C 20,63% 5/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 20,00% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 17,31% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -0,86% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 10,63% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 9,86% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 16,20% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 4,70% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 16,45% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 10,01% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 14,15% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC 2,75% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 17,54% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 12,12% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 11,23% 4/7
Europa One R 1,35% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 11,24% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,32% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 7,75% 6/7
Copernic - RC 13,33% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 28,98% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 7,00% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 7,54% 4/7
BDL Transition 14,75% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 6,78% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 10,29% 6/7
OMNIBOND 13,40% 3/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 7,77% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 25,51% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 14,91% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 13,26% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 8,65% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 31,26% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,12% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 10,57% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 12,85% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 8,64% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 7,30% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 8,38% 4/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 6,80% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 7,15% 5/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 10,52% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 8,05% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 3,17% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 4,29% 5/7
Varenne Valeur 10,25% 5/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 5,45% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 0,36% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 6,10% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 6,14% 3/7
COGEFI Elixir P 5,62% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 5,16% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 10,85% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 9,61% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 5,97% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 7,39% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends 13,25% 7/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 16,34% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 1,68% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 6,08% 4/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 5,98% 4/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 12,94% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 11,24% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 5,04% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 13,71% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 11,75% 4/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 9,71% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 2,84% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 6,98% 4/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 7,28% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 10,35% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 13,34% 6/7
BSO France P 6,75% 6/7
Wise 5 0,40% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,27% 6/7
Claresco Innovation 26,00% 6/7
OTEA 1 9,00% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 21,06% 7/7
FFG -4,15% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 5,65% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 8,86% 4/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 16,30% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 9,66% 6/7
Norden SRI 5,12% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 9,95% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR 7,29% 5/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 1,42% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 1,78% 6/7
MAM Solution 9,78% 5/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 1,01% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,43% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 4,35% 6/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 3,86% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 11,39% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 15,59% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 3,84% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -7,29% 5/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 4,35% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 12,06% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 7,04% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 2,62% 4/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 9,55% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 3,82% 3/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -0,04% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 3,71% 4/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 8,14% 3/7
Kirao Smallcaps 1,70% 6/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 0,28% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 6,69% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 8,60% 5/7
Durandal 3,95% 3/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 4,55% 3/7
NN Global Impact Opps 0,61% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 0,83% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -2,39% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 7,55% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 6,20% 3/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 7,47% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 7,04% 4/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 14,24% 6/7
Alterna Plus 6,05% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 4,07% 3/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 0,99% 5/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 7,34% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R 4,05% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 1,24% 6/7
BDL REMPART 7,62% 6/7
BDL Convictions 8,61% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 9,96% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 5,13% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking -0,14% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -25,10% 6/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 5,27% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 9,21% 4/7
COGEFI Prospective P -0,64% 6/7
IDAM Small France R 3,34% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 5,42% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 3,32% 5/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 10,60% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -3,56% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 11,19% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 9,79% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 4,36% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 3,54% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 5,32% 3/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 5,32% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 7,35% 7/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 5,53% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 2,23% 6/7
MAM Target 2027 9,30% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 5,53% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 4,95% 2/7
Dorval Global Allocation 3,76% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 3,78% 5/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -0,01% 5/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 4,21% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 3,90% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 3,98% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 3,65% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 6,01% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,92% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 8,97% 4/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 4,90% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 4,89% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 3,16% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 5,74% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities -0,02% 6/7
AIS Protect -1,10% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 3,68% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 5,30% 3/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 4,94% 6/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 7,00% 4/7
Betamax Global P 3,06% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 6,80% 3/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 3,27% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 5,22% 6/7
Dôm Reflex 4,84% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 2,37% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,78% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 3,51% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,42% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A 6,10% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 2,38% 5/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 0,00% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 0,77% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,46% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 5,95% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive 2,06% 5/7
MS INVF US Growth 26,55% 7/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC 2,75% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 14,45% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -6,52% 4/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,70% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,57% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC 2,13% 6/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,47% 4/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 3,79% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -19,25% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 4,14% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 3,51% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -3,72% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC 1,37% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,18% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P 0,42% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund 1,81% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 3,26% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -4,88% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R 0,55% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 2,46% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,36% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 2,89% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,47% 6/7
NN Green Bond 5,14% 3/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -1,15% 5/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -8,42% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond 2,67% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -5,84% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 0,68% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -1,64% 5/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 2,10% 4/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -3,49% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,37% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 14,34% 5/7
Sextant PME -1,60% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) 5,83% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 6,73% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,97% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -0,96% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -5,67% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 4,32% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -5,13% 6/7
Amplegest PME IC -6,09% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -6,20% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -1,91% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -6,44% 6/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond 0,36% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -10,06% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets 0,67% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC -7,33% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -4,83% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus 1,11% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -4,16% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 0,69% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -16,38% 2/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -5,32% 5/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -6,19% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -2,82% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 4,25% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -4,85% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR 2,15% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -6,69% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 7,45% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -6,77% 5/7
Nova Europe A -12,51% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -5,92% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -7,85% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C 5,55% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 6,04% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -13,54% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 2 ans
Aperture European Innovation 7,91%
R-co Valor C EUR 5,70%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 2,51%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 5,57%
Centifolia C A/I 9,10%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 2,59%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,93%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,57%
Axiom Obligataire 0,15%
Athymis Patrimoine P 1,63%
IVO Short Duration SRI 4,01%
Ethna-AKTIV 3,74%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,52%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -0,07%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 1,30%
NN Patrimonial BEST 1,70%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -5,87%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -0,24%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,90%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,17%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,20%
Sextant Bond Picking -3,12%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,22%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 7,71%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 2,16%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,82%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -0,79%
MAM Target 2027 0,00%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,14%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,47%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,08%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,23%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,83%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,17%
Invesco Pan European High Income 2,20%
Betamax Global P -1,87%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -7,03%
Echiquier ARTY A 1,70%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,11%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,53%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,65%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,73%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -1,87%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 1,64%
Sextant Grand Large A 1,25%
BL Global Flexible -4,87%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,89%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -2,36%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,55%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,00%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,21%
GIS Euro Bond -2,59%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -3,25%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,00%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,38%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,41%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 0,44%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -4,04%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,53%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,55%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 2 ans
Prévoir Pangea R 12,04%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 16,49%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 13,64%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 5,53%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 6,92%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 20,10%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 13,58%
Sélection Action Rendement International 8,82%
Montségur Croissance C 8,45%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 6,79%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 8,20%
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,25%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 3,32%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 8,07%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 12,67%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 0,12%
Claresco USA 13,80%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 5,34%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 3,49%
Clartan Valeurs C 12,89%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 1,13%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,22%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 6,79%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 5,81%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,42%
Constance Be World A 7,29%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 5,29%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 7,07%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 5,17%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -3,67%
Montségur Rendement C 8,13%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 5,78%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 4,25%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 5,27%
Vega France Opportunités RC 8,32%
Renaissance Europe C 9,47%
Kirao Multicaps AC -0,28%
Sanso Smart Climate 4,69%
Seven European Equity Class I 5,97%
Europa One R 0,77%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 5,14%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,06%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,94%
Copernic - RC 2,30%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 14,01%
Digital Stars Europe -3,62%
BDL Transition 7,36%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 1,68%
Lazard Equity SRI C 12,32%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 8,53%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 8,76%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 5,81%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 4,50%
Mansartis Europe C 4,51%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,28%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -2,28%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 6,23%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 1,36%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 10,60%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -1,29%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,09%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,25%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 3,21%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -2,88%
Covéa Terra A (C) 0,33%
Sélection Action Rendement 1,27%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 1,09%
COGEFI Elixir P 3,45%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,05%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 2,25%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR -1,17%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 3,92%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 6,25%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -2,42%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 3,54%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,14%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 1,90%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 2,35%
BSO France P 8,41%
Wise 5 -2,51%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,82%
Claresco Innovation -1,34%
FFG -5,00%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 5,67%
Pictet - Security – P EUR -2,59%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,67%
Norden SRI 2,25%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,03%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 2,38%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -7,03%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 7,39%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 1,79%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 0,52%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 5,62%
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,09%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 10,61%
DNB Nordic Equities -0,21%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 5,64%
Kirao Smallcaps -0,99%
MCA Entreprendre PME -7,35%
NN Global Impact Opps -4,00%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 6,81%
Alterna Plus 1,53%
Mandarine Active Part R 0,04%
Claresco Avenir P -3,42%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -16,28%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,29%
COGEFI Prospective P -8,88%
IDAM Small France R -0,54%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,47%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -5,13%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 1,87%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -0,46%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -1,28%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -1,29%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 1,69%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 2,47%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 7,16%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -4,10%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,28%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,81%
HMG Rendement D A/I -3,95%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -2,32%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,53%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 6,40%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -1,45%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,45%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -2,12%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -14,26%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -2,85%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -2,05%
Federal Multi PME P -4,93%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 0,86%
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,41%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,46%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -7,37%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -4,64%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -9,96%
Sextant PME -0,44%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -3,01%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -4,92%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -3,62%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -5,97%
Amplegest PME IC -10,91%
Talence Euromidcap -4,12%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -8,67%
Amplegest PME AC -12,13%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -8,66%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,34%
Groupama Avenir Euro -5,59%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 4,94%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -9,22%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -4,66%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00%
Portzamparc PME ISR -5,95%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -2,50%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 2,36%
Nova Europe A -11,95%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,60%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -12,02%
CM-CIC Pierre C -18,41%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -13,24%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 2 ans SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 37,72% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 12,04% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 16,49% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 13,64% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 5,53% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 6,92% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 20,10% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 13,58% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 8,82% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 8,45% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 6,79% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 7,91% 4/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 8,20% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 6,40% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 7,70% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,25% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 3,32% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 8,07% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 12,67% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 7,36% 5/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 6,11% 5/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 0,12% 6/7
Claresco USA 13,80% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 5,34% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 7,11% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 3,49% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 12,89% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 1,13% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -0,20% 7/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,22% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 6,79% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 5,81% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 3,91% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,42% 6/7
Constance Be World A 7,29% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 5,29% 6/7
Comgest Monde C 7,42% 5/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 7,07% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 5,17% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -3,67% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 8,13% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 5,78% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 4,25% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -1,44% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 5,27% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 8,32% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 9,47% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -0,28% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 4,69% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 5,97% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 5,70% 4/7
Europa One R 0,77% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 5,14% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,06% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,94% 6/7
Copernic - RC 2,30% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 14,01% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -3,62% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 2,51% 4/7
BDL Transition 7,36% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 1,68% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 12,32% 6/7
OMNIBOND 4,40% 3/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 8,53% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 8,76% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 5,81% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 4,50% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 4,51% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 5,28% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -2,28% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 6,23% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 1,36% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 10,60% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -1,29% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 5,57% 4/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,09% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 5,53% 5/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,25% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 3,21% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -2,88% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend -0,50% 5/7
Varenne Valeur 3,53% 5/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 0,33% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 1,27% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 1,09% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 -4,10% 3/7
COGEFI Elixir P 3,45% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,05% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 2,25% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR -1,17% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 3,92% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 9,10% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -4,81% 7/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 6,25% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -2,42% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 2,59% 4/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,93% 4/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 3,54% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 9,24% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,57% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 2,85% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 0,15% 4/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 3,10% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,14% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 1,63% 4/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 1,90% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 4,01% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 2,35% 6/7
BSO France P 8,41% 6/7
Wise 5 -2,51% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,82% 6/7
Claresco Innovation -1,34% 6/7
OTEA 1 2,74% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 21,52% 7/7
FFG -5,00% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 5,67% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 3,74% 4/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR -2,59% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,67% 6/7
Norden SRI 2,25% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 3,39% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -1,50% 5/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,03% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 2,38% 6/7
MAM Solution 2,55% 5/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -7,03% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 7,39% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 1,79% 6/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 0,52% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 5,62% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,52% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 1,70% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -3,51% 5/7
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,09% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 10,61% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -0,21% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -0,07% 4/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 5,64% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 2,82% 3/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -1,97% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 1,30% 4/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 2,12% 3/7
Kirao Smallcaps -0,99% 6/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -7,35% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 1,70% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 0,61% 5/7
Durandal 0,35% 3/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,87% 3/7
NN Global Impact Opps -4,00% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) -3,50% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -5,87% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 9,66% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 2,04% 3/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 3,51% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -0,24% 4/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 6,81% 6/7
Alterna Plus 1,53% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 1,88% 3/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps -3,89% 5/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,90% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R 0,04% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P -3,42% 6/7
BDL REMPART 10,59% 6/7
BDL Convictions 8,58% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,17% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,20% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking -3,12% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -16,28% 6/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,29% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,22% 4/7
COGEFI Prospective P -8,88% 6/7
IDAM Small France R -0,54% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,47% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 0,71% 5/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 7,01% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -5,13% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 7,71% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 2,16% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,82% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 1,50% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 0,91% 3/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -0,79% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 0,29% 7/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 1,87% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -0,46% 6/7
MAM Target 2027 0,00% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 3,66% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 1,95% 2/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,14% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 5,32% 5/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -4,28% 5/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 2,01% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,47% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 1,77% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,08% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -1,28% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -1,29% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,23% 4/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 1,69% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 1,53% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,30% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,83% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 2,47% 6/7
AIS Protect -4,23% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,17% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 2,01% 3/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 7,16% 6/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 2,20% 4/7
Betamax Global P -1,87% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 2,69% 3/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -4,10% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,28% 6/7
Dôm Reflex 3,21% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,81% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,44% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 2,80% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -7,03% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A 1,70% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -2,92% 5/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -3,95% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -2,32% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,11% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,53% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,61% 5/7
MS INVF US Growth -8,95% 7/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,53% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 6,40% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,65% 4/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -1,45% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,45% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -2,12% 6/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,73% 4/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -1,87% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -14,26% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 1,64% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 1,25% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -4,87% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -2,85% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -2,05% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P -4,93% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,89% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -2,36% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 0,86% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,41% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,55% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,00% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,21% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -3,46% 6/7
NN Green Bond -3,57% 3/7
Amplegest Long Short IC 1,04% 5/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -7,37% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond -2,59% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -3,25% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -4,64% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC 0,53% 5/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,00% 4/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -9,96% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,38% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 2,82% 5/7
Sextant PME -0,44% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,41% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -3,01% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -4,92% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -3,62% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -9,95% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 0,44% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -5,97% 6/7
Amplegest PME IC -10,91% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -4,12% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -4,04% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -8,67% 6/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,53% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -5,77% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,55% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC -12,13% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -8,66% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,34% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -5,59% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 4,94% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -10,41% 2/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -6,97% 5/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -9,22% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -4,66% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -5,95% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -2,50% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 2,36% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -11,23% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -8,77% 5/7
Nova Europe A -11,95% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,60% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -12,02% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -18,41% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -13,24% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -10,12% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 3 ans
Aperture European Innovation 7,39%
R-co Valor C EUR 3,84%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -1,81%
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 2,21%
Centifolia C A/I 7,96%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,30%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,22%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,23%
Axiom Obligataire -0,48%
Athymis Patrimoine P 0,07%
IVO Short Duration SRI 1,10%
Ethna-AKTIV 1,96%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,57%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 0,98%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,18%
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,92%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -7,45%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,32%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 0,83%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,98%
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,81%
Sextant Bond Picking -2,44%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -1,89%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 5,00%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 0,14%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,98%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,46%
MAM Target 2027 0,00%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,36%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -1,03%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,30%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -2,69%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,55%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,22%
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,51%
Betamax Global P -1,25%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,91%
Echiquier ARTY A -0,06%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 1,16%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -2,83%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,45%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,30%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -3,59%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,68%
Sextant Grand Large A 0,89%
BL Global Flexible -1,62%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,42%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 1,01%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 1,02%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,61%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 0,00%
GIS Euro Bond -3,73%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -0,96%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -3,27%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,03%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,77%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,17%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,81%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -4,27%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -7,09%

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 3 ans
Prévoir Pangea R 8,31%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 9,83%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 2,06%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,27%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 1,75%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 0,00%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,17%
Sélection Action Rendement International 5,84%
Montségur Croissance C 1,70%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 4,62%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 7,04%
Haas Actions Croissance C 2,86%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -4,07%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 3,54%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 13,59%
Jupiter Financial Innovation -4,96%
Claresco USA 11,82%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,33%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 2,00%
Clartan Valeurs C 8,39%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -3,60%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -0,25%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -0,64%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 5,95%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00%
Constance Be World A 3,24%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 4,70%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,85%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 4,46%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -13,15%
Montségur Rendement C 5,12%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -1,58%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 6,41%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 6,83%
Vega France Opportunités RC 4,89%
Renaissance Europe C 8,60%
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,57%
Sanso Smart Climate 0,00%
Seven European Equity Class I 2,98%
Europa One R 1,46%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 2,17%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 7,19%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,72%
Copernic - RC 1,33%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 10,04%
Digital Stars Europe -3,39%
BDL Transition 3,97%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 1,55%
Lazard Equity SRI C 8,61%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 3,67%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -0,13%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 4,11%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 2,69%
Mansartis Europe C 1,23%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -2,69%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,83%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,36%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,11%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 3,67%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 1,80%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,99%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 3,82%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 7,21%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -6,79%
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,71%
Sélection Action Rendement 1,02%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 3,65%
COGEFI Elixir P 0,33%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 6,20%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 0,00%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,97%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 2,37%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 8,79%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 0,82%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 1,14%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,03%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 2,76%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 0,57%
BSO France P 7,91%
Wise 5 -3,58%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,14%
Claresco Innovation -9,43%
FFG -2,30%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 1,52%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 0,08%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,12%
Norden SRI -0,12%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,65%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 4,83%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -8,65%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 4,86%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 0,70%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 4,76%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 0,00%
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,11%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 6,04%
DNB Nordic Equities -2,87%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 3,95%
Kirao Smallcaps -1,00%
MCA Entreprendre PME -2,73%
NN Global Impact Opps -3,68%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 3,37%
Alterna Plus 0,24%
Mandarine Active Part R 0,49%
Claresco Avenir P -3,37%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -15,46%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,15%
COGEFI Prospective P -13,64%
IDAM Small France R -2,33%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,13%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -11,74%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,79%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -1,73%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,00%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -4,97%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -1,62%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 2,03%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 3,96%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -4,64%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 3,95%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,38%
HMG Rendement D A/I -1,32%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -5,66%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -3,12%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,70%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -5,54%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,32%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -3,70%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -16,33%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -4,42%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -4,80%
Federal Multi PME P -4,38%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -1,52%
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,18%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -2,35%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -11,32%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -2,94%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -5,70%
Sextant PME -3,72%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 0,00%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -3,44%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund 4,73%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 1,71%
Amplegest PME IC -5,49%
Talence Euromidcap -6,19%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -13,45%
Amplegest PME AC -6,67%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -6,63%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -2,44%
Groupama Avenir Euro -6,52%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 5,53%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -5,41%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,38%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00%
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,74%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -1,07%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -2,18%
Nova Europe A -7,77%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -3,90%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -10,09%
CM-CIC Pierre C -11,95%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,89%
DNB Technology 0,00%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 3 ans SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 24,42% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 8,31% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 9,83% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 2,06% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,27% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 1,75% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 0,00% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,17% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 5,84% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 1,70% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 4,62% 6/7
Aperture European Innovation 7,39% 4/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 7,04% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 3,72% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 9,20% 5/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 2,86% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -4,07% 6/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 3,54% 6/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 13,59% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 8,37% 5/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends -1,06% 5/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation -4,96% 6/7
Claresco USA 11,82% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,33% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 2,69% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 2,00% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 8,39% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -3,60% 6/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -6,03% 7/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -0,25% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -0,64% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 5,95% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 6,82% 5/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00% 6/7
Constance Be World A 3,24% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 4,70% 6/7
Comgest Monde C 4,81% 5/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,85% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 4,46% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -13,15% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 5,12% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -1,58% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 6,41% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -4,52% 5/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 6,83% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 4,89% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 8,60% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,57% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 0,00% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 2,98% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 3,84% 4/7
Europa One R 1,46% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 2,17% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 7,19% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,72% 6/7
Copernic - RC 1,33% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 10,04% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -3,39% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -1,81% 4/7
BDL Transition 3,97% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 1,55% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 8,61% 6/7
OMNIBOND 2,79% 3/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 3,67% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -0,13% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 4,11% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 2,69% 6/7
Mansartis Europe C 1,23% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -2,69% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,83% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 4,36% 6/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,11% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 3,67% 6/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 1,80% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 2,21% 4/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,99% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 2,76% 5/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 3,82% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 7,21% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -6,79% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 5,67% 5/7
Varenne Valeur 2,62% 5/7
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,71% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement 1,02% 6/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 3,65% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 -5,38% 3/7
COGEFI Elixir P 0,33% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 6,20% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 0,00% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,97% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 2,37% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 7,96% 4/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -13,26% 7/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 8,79% 6/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 0,82% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,30% 4/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,22% 4/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 1,14% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 6,73% 5/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,23% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 0,00% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire -0,48% 4/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 7,83% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,03% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 0,07% 4/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 2,76% 6/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 1,10% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 0,57% 6/7
BSO France P 7,91% 6/7
Wise 5 -3,58% 6/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,14% 6/7
Claresco Innovation -9,43% 6/7
OTEA 1 -0,28% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 9,11% 7/7
FFG -2,30% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 1,52% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 1,96% 4/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 0,08% 6/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,12% 6/7
Norden SRI -0,12% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 1,32% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -3,05% 5/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -2,65% 6/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 4,83% 6/7
MAM Solution 3,46% 5/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -8,65% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 4,86% 6/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 0,70% 6/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 4,76% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 0,00% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,57% 4/7
HELIUM ALPHA 2,71% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -4,81% 5/7
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,11% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 6,04% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -2,87% 6/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 0,98% 4/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 3,95% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 0,41% 3/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -3,27% 5/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,18% 4/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 1,14% 3/7
Kirao Smallcaps -1,00% 6/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -2,73% 6/7
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,92% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -0,41% 5/7
Durandal -0,57% 3/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,26% 3/7
NN Global Impact Opps -3,68% 6/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) -0,13% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -7,45% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 5,65% 5/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R -0,19% 3/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 3,39% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,32% 4/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 3,37% 6/7
Alterna Plus 0,24% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 0,62% 3/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps -0,20% 5/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 0,83% 4/7
Mandarine Active Part R 0,49% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P -3,37% 6/7
BDL REMPART 8,60% 6/7
BDL Convictions 4,86% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,98% 4/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,81% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking -2,44% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -15,46% 6/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,15% 6/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -1,89% 4/7
COGEFI Prospective P -13,64% 6/7
IDAM Small France R -2,33% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,13% 6/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C -0,55% 5/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 4,52% 5/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -11,74% 6/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 5,00% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 0,14% 4/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,98% 4/7
Sanso Short Duration C 0,93% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A -0,55% 3/7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,46% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 2,34% 7/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R -0,79% 6/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -1,73% 6/7
MAM Target 2027 0,00% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 2,91% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,71% 2/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,36% 4/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine -2,59% 5/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -3,91% 5/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,50% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -1,03% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,79% 3/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,30% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,00% 6/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -4,97% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -2,69% 4/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -1,62% 6/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine -0,40% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative -0,23% 3/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,55% 4/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 2,03% 6/7
AIS Protect -0,17% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,22% 4/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,65% 3/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 3,96% 6/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,51% 4/7
Betamax Global P -1,25% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 1,14% 3/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -4,64% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 3,95% 6/7
Dôm Reflex 2,02% 3/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,38% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,33% 3/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 2,13% 5/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,91% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A -0,06% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -0,54% 5/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -1,32% 6/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -5,66% 6/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 1,16% 4/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -2,83% 4/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,15% 5/7
MS INVF US Growth -15,41% 7/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -3,12% 6/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,70% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,45% 4/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -5,54% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -4,32% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -3,70% 6/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,30% 4/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -3,59% 4/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -16,33% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,68% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 0,89% 4/7
BL Global Flexible -1,62% 4/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -4,42% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -4,80% 6/7
Federal Multi PME P -4,38% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,42% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 1,01% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -1,52% 6/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,18% 6/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 1,02% 4/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,61% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 0,00% 4/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -2,35% 6/7
NN Green Bond -5,92% 3/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,98% 5/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -11,32% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond -3,73% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -0,96% 4/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -2,94% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -1,51% 5/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -3,27% 4/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -5,70% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,03% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 1,24% 5/7
Sextant PME -3,72% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,77% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 0,00% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -3,44% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund 4,73% 6/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -7,41% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,17% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 1,71% 6/7
Amplegest PME IC -5,49% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -6,19% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,81% 4/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -13,45% 6/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -4,27% 4/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -2,08% 5/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -7,09% 4/7
Amplegest PME AC -6,67% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -6,63% 6/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -2,44% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -6,52% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 5,53% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -6,35% 2/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -4,78% 5/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -5,41% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,38% 6/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00% 6/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,74% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -1,07% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -2,18% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -5,33% 5/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -5,18% 5/7
Nova Europe A -7,77% 6/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -3,90% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -10,09% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -11,95% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,89% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -5,94% 7/7
DNB Technology 0,00% 6/7