Segment phare s’il en est de l’année 2020 (et plus globalement de la dernière décennie avec la montée en puissance des GAFAM), le secteur technologique ne semble plus autant bénéficier de l’adhésion des investisseurs en ce premier semestre 2021. Emportés par l’euphorie lié à la reprise économique de 2021, les opérateurs ont en effet (temporairement ?) délaissé la thématique au profit de stratégies à dominante cyclique. Entre le 16 février et le 13 mai 2021, le Nasdaq a ainsi subi un recul de 4,83%, quand l’indice des semiconducteurs et l’ETF « star » ARK Innovation affichent sur la même période des reculs respectifs de -10,65% et -35,87%. Dans le même temps, MSCI World et S&P 500 affichaient des performances de +2,22% et +4,57%. Le MSCI World Value affichait quant à lui une hausse de 8,63% sur la même période !

graph1 wise am 1806

Source Bloomberg

A la lecture de nombre d’éditoriaux financiers, il apparait que ce nouveau paradigme, davantage profitable à la value qu’aux valeurs technologiques, soit parti pour durer. En dépit de bénéfices plus que solides et de fondamentaux en constante amélioration, les valeurs technologiques ont, il est vrai, affiché une corrélation négative à la hausse des taux d’intérêt. Phénomène qui a clairement pénalisé leur orientation. Le marché se focalise sur la corrélation aux taux d’intérêt et à la valorisation… Leur intérêt finira par revenir sur la capacité de continuer à générer de la croissance rentable.

Les valeurs technologiques n’ont pourtant pas attendu l’ère des taux négatifs pour surperformer les indices généraux ! Comme évoqué en préambule, ces mêmes valeurs ont nettement battu les marchés actions tout au long de la dernière décennie, alors même que les taux d’intérêt, notamment américains, évoluaient parfois sur des altitudes sensiblement plus élevées. Le Nasdaq 100 n’a ainsi affiché aucune performance annuelle négative sur les 10 dernières années ! (à l’exception de l’année 2018, durant laquelle il affiche un recul… de 1,04% seulement !) Si l’on ne prend pas cette corrélation récente comme une garantie future, quels pourraient être les facteurs susceptibles de casser la surperformance à long terme du secteur ? Rappelons que le secteur technologique fut le principal moteur des rendements du MSCI ACWI sur des périodes de 1 an, 3 ans, 5 ans, 15 ans et 20 ans ! Surtout, le secteur a généré les meilleurs bénéfices au cours des 5 dernières années sur l’indice MSCI World… La crise sanitaire et économique des derniers mois, historique par son ampleur, aura contribué à accélérer certaines mutations de nos sociétés. Ainsi, les grandes tendances de croissance à long terme telles que la révolution technologique ont longtemps été plébiscitées par les investisseurs, notamment lors du second semestre 2020. Les valeurs technologiques, qui ont nettement surperformé pendant la pandémie ont ensuite été vendues, la hausse des taux d’intérêt réduisant la valeur actuelle des « cash-flow » futurs… Phénomène impactant en priorité les sociétés qui affichent des prévisions de croissance à long terme.

Nul doute que la progressive normalisation de nos économies, et l’amenuisement du potentiel de rattrapage des valeurs aujourd’hui privilégiées par les investisseurs, devrait, in fine, redonner ses lettres de noblesse à un segment aussi créateur de valeur sur le long terme… et qui offrent aux investisseurs une forte visibilité ! Après le « don’t fight the FED », place au « Dont bet agains’t innovation » ! La question que doit donc se poser l’investisseur aujourd’hui n’est pas de déterminer l’orientation relative à deux mois du segment de la technologie contre un indice plus large mais les valeurs qu’il entend détenir pour les 5 prochaines années !

graph2 wise am 1806

graph3 wise am 1806

 Source BlackRock

BGF Next Gen Tech:

Le fonds est rapidement devenu une référence de la place… puisqu’il pèse désormais plus de 5 milliards de dollars d’encours alors même qu’il n’en détenait que 200 millions début 2020! Bien aidé par la richesse de son processus d’investissement, et son biais “moyennes capitalisations” au sein du secteur lui aussi porteur de la technologie, le fonds affiche des performances impressionnantes depuis son lancement… Suffisant pour se placer en tête du “Peer Group” technologie que nous avons pu constituer.

Graph4 wise am 1806

Source Quantalys

Recherche, développement, production et distribution de technologies Nouvelles et émergentes… Le spectre d’investissement de BGF Next Generation Tech vise avant tout à identifier les acteurs de demain sur le thème des technologies de nouvelle génération (intelligence artificielle, informatique, automatisation, robotique, analyse technologique, e-commerce, systèmes de paiement, technologies de la communication et conception générative). Il s’appuie pour ce faire autour d’une des équipes de gestion les plus riches de la place sur ce segment. Articulé autour de Tony Kim, l’équipe en question bénéficie en effet des expertises des quatre membres de la « Portfolio Research Team »… qui peuvent eux-mêmes s’appuyer sur la « BlackRock Active Equity Platform », riche de 25 analystes dédiés à l’univers de la technologie mais aussi 1 800 analystes quantitatifs, « risk managers » et traders à travers le monde. Les gérant principal a une expérience de plus de 20 ans en tant que spécialiste du secteur. Basée à San Francisco, l'équipe bénéfice de sa proximité avec la Silicon Valley, avec les équipes locales émergentes et établies du secteur de la tech.

La stratégie se concentre sur les tendances structurelles à long terme de la technologie… et ne cherche donc pas à anticiper les corrections de court terme évoqués en introduction. Elle n’a donc pas cherché à remonter sensiblement le biais cyclique de son portefeuille pour jouer l’effet réouverture au printemps 2021, et se concentre sur son mandat de long terme. Elle considère que les secteurs à croissance séculaire comme les logiciels de communication et le commerce électronique ne montrent aucun signe d’essoufflement, et insiste notamment sur la flambée des dépenses des entreprises en matière de « cloud computing » et de transformation numérique induite par la pandémie… Une tendance évidemment appelée à se poursuivre, tout comme le bond de l’adoption de l’économie numérique par les consommateurs ! Quelle que soit la dynamique de réouverture ou le calendrier de la remontée des taux, ces thématiques restent au centre de l’évolution économique de demain… Nombre de positions détenues dans le fonds connaissent et connaitront un niveau de demande accru au gré de la modernisation des opérations des entreprises mondiales et de l’accélération du passage à l’économie numérique des consommateurs.

Intégration dans les portefeuilles :

Le process fondamental « Bottom Up », qui vise à acheter les sociétés lors de la phase « hyper croissance » qui précède la GARP (« Growth At Reasonable Price », ou Croissance à Prix Raisonnable), est de plus enrichi par l’utilisation des données et outils développés par Blackrock. En cherchant à investir sur les futurs acteurs majeurs du segment, le fonds évite ainsi les méga-capitalisations déjà implantés telles que les GAFAM, et offre en ce sens une diversification attrayante vis-à-vis d’une exposition au Nasdaq ou d’une gestion plus concentrée comme Echiquier World Next Leaders. Son univers d’investissement est, il est vrai, déjà plus que large, puisque les valeurs du Hardware (6,7 trilliards de dollars) de l’internet (8,3 trilliards), des logiciels (5 trilliards), des semi-conducteurs (3,4 trilliards) offre depuis plusieurs années une importante profondeur de marché. Il en résulte un univers d’investissement de 1 200 valeurs, notamment aux Etats-Unis et dans le monde émergent, pour un portefeuille final entre 100 et 160 positions. Le fonds investit dans l'intelligence artificielle, le « cloud computing », les sociétés qui bénéficient de l'électrification des transports et de la conduite autonome, Internet ou les compagnies qui produisent des services connectés à internet, la 5G et la technologie comme un service (les compagnies avec un modèle d'abonnement).

Si la volatilité à court terme de ce segment -pourtant historiquement très volatil- a semblé surprendre certains observateurs, il apparait nécessaire de construire ses positions progressivement, se montrer opportuniste lors des corrections, pour garder un horizon d’investissement long terme qui résiste aux effets de mode de court terme…



WiseAM est investi dans le fonds BGF Next Generation Tech pour ses OPCVM et ses portefeuilles individuels. Ceci n’est pas une recommandation d’investissement. Les performances passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures et ne sont pas constantes dans le temps.


dnca sommes nous a la veille d'un changement de cycle ?

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Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds YTD
Aperture European Innovation 10,35%
R-co Valor C EUR 7,43%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 6,41%
Centifolia C A/I 5,60%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 4,38%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 4,24%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,11%
Athymis Patrimoine P 3,81%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 3,70%
Axiom Obligataire 3,61%
IVO Short Duration SRI 3,60%
Ethna-AKTIV 3,25%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,87%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha 2,76%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,48%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 2,36%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 2,14%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 2,07%
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,04%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,86%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 1,78%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,70%
Dorval Global Allocation 1,62%
Sextant Bond Picking 1,59%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 1,57%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 1,48%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 1,38%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,32%
Betamax Global P 1,25%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 1,11%
MAM Target 2027 1,11%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,95%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,74%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C 0,60%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,55%
Echiquier ARTY A 0,54%
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,41%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 0,33%
BL Global Flexible 0,21%
Sextant Grand Large A 0,18%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 0,09%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,09%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,14%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,14%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -0,22%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,34%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,36%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,99%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,02%
GIS Euro Bond -1,16%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,38%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,42%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,49%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,13%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,21%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,69%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -2,94%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,96%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,09%

Fonds à profil de risque 5/7

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds YTD
Prévoir Pangea R 20,90%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 19,69%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 16,26%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 15,65%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 15,05%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 13,36%
Montségur Croissance C 12,82%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 12,64%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,41%
Sélection Action Rendement International 12,11%
DNB Technology 11,14%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 11,05%
Haas Actions Croissance C 10,83%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 9,95%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 9,35%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 9,16%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 9,16%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 9,14%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 9,10%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 9,06%
Claresco USA 9,01%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 8,97%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,71%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 8,68%
Europa One R 8,63%
Montségur Rendement C 8,51%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 8,41%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 8,33%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 8,32%
Renaissance Europe C 8,21%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 8,10%
Constance Be World A 8,08%
Sanso Smart Climate 8,01%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 7,98%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,96%
Clartan Valeurs C 7,95%
Copernic - RC 7,86%
Vega France Opportunités RC 7,81%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 7,78%
Seven European Equity Class I 7,62%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 7,53%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 7,38%
Lazard Equity SRI C 7,34%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 7,34%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 7,32%
BDL Transition 7,29%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 7,10%
Digital Stars Europe 7,08%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 7,07%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 7,03%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 6,97%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 6,86%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 6,79%
Claresco Innovation 6,78%
Kirao Multicaps AC 6,73%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 6,71%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 6,64%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 6,62%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 6,52%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 6,44%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 6,33%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 6,17%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 6,08%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 5,74%
Covéa Terra A (C) 5,73%
Mansartis Europe C 5,61%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 5,59%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 5,56%
Sélection Action Rendement 5,48%
COGEFI Elixir P 5,46%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,34%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 5,28%
Wise 5 5,27%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 5,24%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 5,22%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 4,99%
Norden SRI 4,75%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 4,70%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 4,68%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 4,66%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 4,62%
DNB Nordic Equities 4,50%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 4,48%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 4,47%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 4,44%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 4,31%
FFG 4,27%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 4,27%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 4,21%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 4,17%
BSO France P 4,15%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 4,06%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 3,87%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 3,80%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,43%
Kirao Smallcaps 3,26%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 3,04%
Mandarine Active Part R 2,99%
DNB Fund Future Waves 2,64%
Claresco Avenir P 2,62%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 2,61%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 2,60%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 2,46%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 2,46%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,41%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 2,28%
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,26%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 2,19%
Alterna Plus 2,15%
NN Global Impact Opps 2,13%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 2,13%
IDAM Small France R 2,01%
COGEFI Prospective P 1,99%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,97%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 1,90%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 1,80%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 1,38%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact 1,33%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 1,32%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 1,09%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities 1,05%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,95%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 0,83%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap 0,78%
HMG Rendement D A/I 0,71%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,69%
Federal Multi PME P 0,53%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,33%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,26%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,26%
Amplegest MidCaps IC 0,13%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,02%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -0,05%
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,14%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -0,27%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,36%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -0,41%
Sextant PME -0,44%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -0,56%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -0,80%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -1,09%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -1,40%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -1,43%
Amplegest PME IC -1,74%
Talence Euromidcap -1,76%
Groupama Avenir Euro -1,86%
Amplegest PME AC -2,12%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -2,32%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -2,42%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -2,68%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -3,09%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -3,13%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -3,16%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -3,19%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -3,50%
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,94%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -4,18%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -4,44%
Nova Europe A -4,89%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,03%
CM-CIC Pierre C -6,05%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -7,63%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,80%

Tous les fonds

Axiom European Banks Equity 21,36% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 20,90% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 19,69% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 16,26% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 15,65% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 15,05% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 13,36% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 12,82% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 12,64% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,41% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 12,11% 6/7
DNB Technology 11,14% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 11,05% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 10,83% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 10,83% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 10,67% 5/7
Aperture European Innovation 10,35% 4/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 9,95% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 9,45% 5/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 9,37% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 9,35% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 9,16% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 9,16% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 9,14% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 9,12% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 9,10% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 9,06% 6/7
Claresco USA 9,01% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 8,97% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 8,71% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 8,68% 6/7
Europa One R 8,63% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 8,51% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 8,46% 5/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 8,41% 6/7
Comgest Monde C 8,41% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 8,33% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 8,32% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 8,21% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 8,11% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 8,10% 6/7
Constance Be World A 8,08% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 8,01% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 7,98% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,96% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 7,95% 6/7
Copernic - RC 7,86% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 7,81% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 7,78% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 7,62% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 7,55% 5/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 7,53% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 7,43% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 7,38% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 7,34% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 7,34% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 7,32% 6/7
BDL Transition 7,29% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 7,10% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 7,08% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 7,07% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 7,03% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 6,97% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 6,86% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 6,79% 6/7
Claresco Innovation 6,78% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC 6,73% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 6,71% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 6,64% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 6,62% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 6,52% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 6,44% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 6,41% 4/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 6,33% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 6,17% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 6,14% 5/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 6,08% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 5,74% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 5,73% 6/7
OMNIBOND 5,73% 3/7
Varenne Valeur 5,65% 5/7
Mansartis Europe C 5,61% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 5,60% 4/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 5,59% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 5,56% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 5,54% 5/7
Sélection Action Rendement 5,48% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P 5,46% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,34% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 5,28% 6/7
Wise 5 5,27% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 5,24% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 5,22% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends 5,07% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 4,99% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 4,78% 7/7
Norden SRI 4,75% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 4,70% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 4,68% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 4,66% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 4,62% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 4,50% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 4,48% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 4,47% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 4,44% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 4,41% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 4,38% 4/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 4,31% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 4,27% 5/7
FFG 4,27% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 4,27% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 4,24% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 4,21% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 4,17% 6/7
BSO France P 4,15% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,11% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 4,06% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 3,87% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 3,81% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 3,80% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 3,79% 5/7
MAM Solution 3,78% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 3,70% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 3,68% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 3,61% 4/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 3,60% 4/7
OTEA 1 3,48% 5/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,43% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 3,31% 5/7
Kirao Smallcaps 3,26% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 3,25% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 3,20% 5/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 3,09% 5/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 3,04% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 3,03% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR 3,01% 5/7
Mandarine Active Part R 2,99% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,87% 4/7
BDL Convictions 2,83% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha 2,76% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 2,74% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 2,66% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 2,64% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 2,62% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 2,61% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 2,60% 6/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,48% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 2,46% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 2,46% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 2,45% 3/7
Durandal 2,45% 3/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 2,45% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,41% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 2,41% 3/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 2,41% 5/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 2,37% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 2,36% 4/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 2,28% 6/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P 2,27% 5/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund 2,27% 5/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 2,26% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 2,20% 3/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 2,19% 6/7
Alterna Plus 2,15% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 2,15% 3/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 2,14% 4/7
BDL REMPART 2,13% 6/7
NN Global Impact Opps 2,13% 6/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 2,13% 6/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 2,07% 4/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 2,04% 4/7
IDAM Small France R 2,01% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P 1,99% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 1,97% 6/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 1,91% 5/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 1,90% 6/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 1,86% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 1,82% 5/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 1,80% 6/7
Axiom 2027 1,79% /7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 1,78% 4/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 1,71% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,70% 4/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 1,63% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation 1,62% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking 1,59% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 1,57% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 1,48% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 1,38% 4/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 1,38% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact 1,33% 6/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 1,32% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,32% 4/7
Betamax Global P 1,25% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 1,23% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 1,19% 3/7
Sanso Short Duration C 1,14% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 1,11% 4/7
MAM Target 2027 1,11% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 1,09% 7/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 1,09% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities 1,05% 6/7
AIS Protect 1,03% 3/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 1,01% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,97% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,96% 2/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,95% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,95% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,94% 3/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,83% 3/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand 0,83% 6/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap 0,78% 6/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,74% 4/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 0,71% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,69% 6/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,66% 3/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C 0,60% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 0,58% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,55% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A 0,54% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P 0,53% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive 0,52% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,41% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 0,35% 5/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,33% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 0,33% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 0,32% 5/7
Dôm Reflex 0,27% 3/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,26% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 0,26% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 0,25% 3/7
BL Global Flexible 0,21% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 0,18% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC 0,13% 6/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 0,09% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,02% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -0,05% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -0,09% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,14% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,14% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,14% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -0,22% 4/7
MS INVF US Growth -0,27% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund -0,27% 5/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -0,27% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,34% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,36% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,36% 6/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -0,41% 6/7
Sextant PME -0,44% 6/7
HELIUM INVEST -0,50% 3/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,53% 5/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -0,56% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -0,68% 5/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -0,80% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,99% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,02% 4/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -1,09% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond -1,16% 4/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -1,31% 5/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,38% 4/7
NN Green Bond -1,40% 3/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -1,40% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,42% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -1,43% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,49% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -1,74% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -1,76% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -1,86% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC -2,12% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,13% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,21% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -2,32% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -2,34% 5/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -2,42% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -2,68% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,69% 4/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -2,94% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,96% 4/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,09% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -3,09% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -3,13% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -3,16% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -3,19% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -3,50% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -3,67% 2/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,94% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -4,10% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -4,18% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -4,28% 5/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -4,44% 6/7
Nova Europe A -4,89% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -5,06% 5/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,03% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -6,05% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -7,63% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,80% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -11,50% 7/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 1 mois
Aperture European Innovation -1,19%
R-co Valor C EUR 1,62%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 2,09%
Centifolia C A/I 3,09%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 1,32%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,16%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 0,35%
Athymis Patrimoine P 0,21%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -1,17%
Axiom Obligataire -0,05%
IVO Short Duration SRI 0,38%
Ethna-AKTIV 0,01%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,35%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -0,25%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 0,91%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 0,41%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,33%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,88%
NN Patrimonial BEST -1,15%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR -0,34%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -0,38%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,17%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,08%
Sextant Bond Picking 0,74%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,52%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap -0,52%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR -0,18%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 0,32%
Betamax Global P 0,63%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,16%
MAM Target 2027 -0,16%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR -0,16%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,18%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -0,12%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,14%
Echiquier ARTY A 0,26%
Invesco Pan European High Income -0,77%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 1,17%
BL Global Flexible -0,25%
Sextant Grand Large A 1,15%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 0,20%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 0,02%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,89%
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,49%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 1,10%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,50%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 0,06%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,34%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,88%
GIS Euro Bond -0,19%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,94%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,39%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,47%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,95%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,94%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -0,96%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -1,70%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -1,99%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,92%

Fonds à profil de risque 5/7

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 1 mois
Prévoir Pangea R -1,79%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 2,97%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 1,55%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 2,36%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C -0,85%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 1,04%
Montségur Croissance C -0,53%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 0,46%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 1,32%
Sélection Action Rendement International 0,76%
DNB Technology 2,80%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 0,16%
Haas Actions Croissance C 1,05%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc -1,04%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 0,08%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -1,92%
Jupiter Financial Innovation -1,17%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 0,36%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -1,77%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C -0,24%
Claresco USA 2,05%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -1,81%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 1,03%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -1,89%
Europa One R 0,42%
Montségur Rendement C 0,28%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 0,09%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund -0,66%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 1,37%
Renaissance Europe C -2,63%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR -1,39%
Constance Be World A -0,57%
Sanso Smart Climate 0,04%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 1,22%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00%
Clartan Valeurs C 1,68%
Copernic - RC 2,12%
Vega France Opportunités RC -1,25%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 0,57%
Seven European Equity Class I 0,94%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 0,27%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -1,25%
Lazard Equity SRI C -0,18%
Pictet – Water – P EUR -0,43%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 4,69%
BDL Transition 0,51%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -0,65%
Digital Stars Europe 0,09%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 0,94%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 1,11%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 2,89%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 2,15%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales -0,09%
Claresco Innovation -3,91%
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,21%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 1,01%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 1,14%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 2,32%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 -1,22%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 1,48%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 1,23%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 2,66%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,95%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A -1,60%
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,13%
Mansartis Europe C -3,14%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund -0,99%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -1,63%
Sélection Action Rendement -2,61%
COGEFI Elixir P -1,60%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth -0,30%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 0,87%
Wise 5 0,80%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC -1,81%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 0,29%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -1,39%
Norden SRI 0,37%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 1,35%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap -0,78%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,96%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 0,94%
DNB Nordic Equities -1,76%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU -1,02%
Pictet - Security – P EUR -1,99%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 0,28%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 1,10%
FFG 0,65%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,62%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 -1,86%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR -0,41%
BSO France P -2,40%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund -0,62%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 0,74%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR -1,56%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -0,70%
Kirao Smallcaps 1,05%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 1,27%
Mandarine Active Part R -3,01%
DNB Fund Future Waves 0,10%
Claresco Avenir P 2,26%
Valeur Intrinsèque P -0,11%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -0,84%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -1,92%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 0,64%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs -0,37%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -1,63%
MCA Entreprendre PME -0,05%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 2,25%
Alterna Plus 0,23%
NN Global Impact Opps -1,01%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 0,66%
IDAM Small France R 4,09%
COGEFI Prospective P 0,39%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,78%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR -6,06%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 -0,75%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -0,29%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -3,32%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 1,00%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 2,99%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -0,47%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund -5,20%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -1,74%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,87%
HMG Rendement D A/I 1,97%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -0,94%
Federal Multi PME P 1,22%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,76%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,54%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 1,89%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,21%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 2,87%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -1,26%
Amilton Premium Europe R 1,13%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -1,33%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -2,38%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 1,61%
Sextant PME 2,54%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR 1,13%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -0,87%
Roche-Brune Euro PME 1,83%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -0,71%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,53%
Amplegest PME IC 1,99%
Talence Euromidcap -0,62%
Groupama Avenir Euro -1,21%
Amplegest PME AC 1,88%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -1,46%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -0,57%
Pluvalca Initiative PME 1,32%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact 0,20%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -2,80%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -3,76%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 0,69%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC 0,96%
Portzamparc PME ISR 0,91%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -1,90%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -0,78%
Nova Europe A 0,82%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -0,54%
CM-CIC Pierre C 3,05%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -5,22%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 2,90%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 1 mois SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 6,68% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R -1,79% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 2,97% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 1,55% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 2,36% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C -0,85% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 1,04% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C -0,53% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 0,46% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 1,32% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 0,76% 6/7
DNB Technology 2,80% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 0,16% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 1,05% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C -0,30% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 5,10% 5/7
Aperture European Innovation -1,19% 4/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc -1,04% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 0,47% 5/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 0,51% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 0,08% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -1,92% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation -1,17% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 0,36% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -0,06% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC -1,77% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C -0,24% 6/7
Claresco USA 2,05% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC -1,81% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 1,03% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -1,89% 6/7
Europa One R 0,42% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 0,28% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends -1,80% 5/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 0,09% 6/7
Comgest Monde C -0,99% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund -0,66% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 1,37% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C -2,63% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work -2,18% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR -1,39% 6/7
Constance Be World A -0,57% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 0,04% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 1,22% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 1,68% 6/7
Copernic - RC 2,12% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC -1,25% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 0,57% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 0,94% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 1,88% 5/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 0,27% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 1,62% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics -1,25% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C -0,18% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR -0,43% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity 4,69% 6/7
BDL Transition 0,51% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -0,65% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 0,09% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 0,94% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 1,11% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 2,89% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 2,15% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales -0,09% 6/7
Claresco Innovation -3,91% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,21% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 1,01% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 1,14% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 2,32% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 -1,22% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 1,48% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 2,09% 4/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 1,23% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 2,66% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 0,49% 5/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,95% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A -1,60% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,13% 6/7
OMNIBOND 0,82% 3/7
Varenne Valeur -0,65% 5/7
Mansartis Europe C -3,14% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 3,09% 4/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund -0,99% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -1,63% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 0,18% 5/7
Sélection Action Rendement -2,61% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P -1,60% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth -0,30% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 0,87% 6/7
Wise 5 0,80% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC -1,81% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 0,29% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -0,18% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -1,39% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund -3,15% 7/7
Norden SRI 0,37% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 1,35% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap -0,78% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,96% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 0,94% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -1,76% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU -1,02% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR -1,99% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 0,28% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 3,00% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 1,32% 4/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 1,10% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 1,00% 5/7
FFG 0,65% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,62% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,16% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 -1,86% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR -0,41% 6/7
BSO France P -2,40% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 0,35% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund -0,62% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 0,74% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 0,21% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR -1,56% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 2,13% 5/7
MAM Solution 1,05% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR -1,17% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund -3,07% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire -0,05% 4/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 0,38% 4/7
OTEA 1 -0,31% 5/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -0,70% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc -0,48% 5/7
Kirao Smallcaps 1,05% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 0,01% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 1,24% 5/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 1,51% 5/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 1,27% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 1,57% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -1,17% 5/7
Mandarine Active Part R -3,01% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,35% 4/7
BDL Convictions 0,50% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -0,25% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -1,70% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 0,78% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 0,10% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 2,26% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P -0,11% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -0,84% 6/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 0,91% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -1,92% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 0,64% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 0,42% 3/7
Durandal 0,70% 3/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 0,53% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs -0,37% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 0,22% 3/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 0,38% 5/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 0,55% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 0,41% 4/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -1,63% 6/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P 0,61% 5/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund 1,66% 5/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -0,05% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 0,60% 3/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 2,25% 6/7
Alterna Plus 0,23% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,93% 3/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,33% 4/7
BDL REMPART 1,40% 6/7
NN Global Impact Opps -1,01% 6/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 0,66% 6/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,88% 4/7
NN Patrimonial BEST -1,15% 4/7
IDAM Small France R 4,09% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P 0,39% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,78% 6/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 0,82% 5/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR -6,06% 6/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR -0,34% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 1,37% 5/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 -0,75% 6/7
Axiom 2027 0,29% /7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -0,38% 4/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) -0,39% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,17% 4/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 0,13% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,08% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking 0,74% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,52% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap -0,52% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR -0,18% 4/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -0,29% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -3,32% 6/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 1,00% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 0,32% 4/7
Betamax Global P 0,63% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 0,93% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 0,32% 3/7
Sanso Short Duration C 0,11% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,16% 4/7
MAM Target 2027 -0,16% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 2,39% 7/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 2,99% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -0,47% 6/7
AIS Protect -1,11% 3/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 0,28% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,02% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,27% 2/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund -5,20% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR -0,16% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,20% 3/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,21% 3/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -1,74% 6/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,87% 6/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 0,18% 4/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 1,97% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund -0,94% 6/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,19% 3/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -0,12% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 0,21% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,14% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A 0,26% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P 1,22% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive 0,21% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income -0,77% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 0,20% 5/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 0,76% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B 1,17% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -0,96% 5/7
Dôm Reflex 0,28% 3/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund 0,54% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 1,89% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 0,33% 3/7
BL Global Flexible -0,25% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 1,15% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,21% 6/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 0,20% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 2,87% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -1,26% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 0,02% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR -0,89% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC 0,49% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R 1,13% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 1,10% 4/7
MS INVF US Growth -2,89% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund -0,93% 5/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -1,33% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,50% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 0,06% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -2,38% 6/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 1,61% 6/7
Sextant PME 2,54% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC 0,64% 5/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR 1,13% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC 0,59% 5/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -0,87% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund -0,34% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -1,88% 4/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME 1,83% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond -0,19% 4/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities 1,85% 5/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -0,94% 4/7
NN Green Bond -0,33% 3/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -0,71% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -1,39% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,53% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,47% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC 1,99% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -0,62% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -1,21% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC 1,88% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,95% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -2,94% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -1,46% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions 0,39% 5/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -0,57% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME 1,32% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -0,96% 4/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -1,70% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -1,99% 4/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -2,92% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact 0,20% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -2,80% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -3,76% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 0,69% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC 0,96% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -3,81% 2/7
Portzamparc PME ISR 0,91% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -4,70% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -1,90% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 4,38% 5/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF -0,78% 6/7
Nova Europe A 0,82% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat 0,42% 5/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -0,54% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C 3,05% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -5,22% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 2,90% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -1,52% 7/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 1 an
Aperture European Innovation 17,51%
R-co Valor C EUR 12,97%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 8,12%
Centifolia C A/I 8,95%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 5,54%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 6,54%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 6,33%
Athymis Patrimoine P 7,47%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 3,64%
Axiom Obligataire 11,75%
IVO Short Duration SRI 10,67%
Ethna-AKTIV 8,93%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 16,05%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -1,53%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 3,88%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 7,54%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 5,93%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 5,77%
NN Patrimonial BEST 6,64%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 7,76%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 6,21%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 10,29%
Dorval Global Allocation 4,65%
Sextant Bond Picking 0,19%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 9,45%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 11,60%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 10,09%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 9,66%
Betamax Global P 3,94%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 4,54%
MAM Target 2027 9,55%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 6,32%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 3,84%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -5,83%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 3,77%
Echiquier ARTY A 6,62%
Invesco Pan European High Income 7,24%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,52%
BL Global Flexible -2,68%
Sextant Grand Large A 4,31%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 6,16%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 4,22%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,46%
Lazard Patrimoine RC 1,02%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 4,41%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 4,22%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 2,82%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,13%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund 1,56%
GIS Euro Bond 2,83%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 2,39%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 1,96%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) 6,12%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,88%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -6,72%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,30%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets 0,38%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 3,63%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -0,45%

Fonds à profil de risque 5/7

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 1 an
Prévoir Pangea R 37,68%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 48,52%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 50,29%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 27,40%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 18,96%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 43,79%
Montségur Croissance C 14,61%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 23,58%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 36,47%
Sélection Action Rendement International 26,46%
DNB Technology 30,39%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 20,52%
Haas Actions Croissance C 15,06%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 20,47%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 29,55%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 8,31%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 24,91%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 17,53%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 12,33%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 21,70%
Claresco USA 32,21%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 11,87%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 22,54%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 10,83%
Europa One R 2,87%
Montségur Rendement C 11,75%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 15,31%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 18,95%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 18,78%
Renaissance Europe C 15,54%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 9,60%
Constance Be World A 21,08%
Sanso Smart Climate 20,15%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 19,81%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 21,36%
Clartan Valeurs C 20,24%
Copernic - RC 16,10%
Vega France Opportunités RC 10,84%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 11,69%
Seven European Equity Class I 13,23%
Digital Stars Europe Acc 9,19%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 27,69%
Lazard Equity SRI C 11,64%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 16,86%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -0,86%
BDL Transition 16,75%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 34,52%
Digital Stars Europe 9,53%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 21,63%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 12,06%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 6,50%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 10,69%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 7,71%
Claresco Innovation 31,43%
Kirao Multicaps AC 2,75%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 30,44%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 13,32%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 9,29%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 16,63%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 14,65%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 9,99%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 14,52%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 15,03%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 14,84%
Covéa Terra A (C) 7,28%
Mansartis Europe C 8,79%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 7,91%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,16%
Sélection Action Rendement 1,19%
COGEFI Elixir P 6,72%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 12,63%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 6,91%
Wise 5 3,00%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 9,06%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 9,86%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 3,34%
Norden SRI 7,34%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 6,80%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 14,57%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 6,05%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 3,37%
DNB Nordic Equities 11,95%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 6,55%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 18,57%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 6,74%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 5,59%
FFG -1,78%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 9,61%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 15,01%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 10,91%
BSO France P 7,22%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 3,87%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 3,15%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 5,09%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,94%
Kirao Smallcaps 3,21%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 9,66%
Mandarine Active Part R 4,98%
DNB Fund Future Waves 4,35%
Claresco Avenir P 2,47%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 12,06%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 7,75%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 8,74%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 3,42%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 6,79%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 3,77%
MCA Entreprendre PME 0,35%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 0,17%
Alterna Plus 6,49%
NN Global Impact Opps 0,61%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 6,80%
IDAM Small France R 4,64%
COGEFI Prospective P 0,34%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 6,43%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 0,79%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 14,24%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 2,13%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -2,78%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 4,18%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 6,62%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -25,57%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 4,00%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -3,61%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap 0,61%
HMG Rendement D A/I 0,52%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 6,45%
Federal Multi PME P 2,83%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 1,54%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -17,10%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 1,48%
Amplegest MidCaps IC 2,85%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -3,55%
Amplegest MidCaps FC 2,24%
Amilton Premium Europe R 1,25%
Amplegest Midcaps AC 1,46%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 14,45%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 1,69%
Sextant PME 0,37%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -1,95%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -4,61%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -1,56%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -8,42%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 7,17%
Amplegest PME IC -4,93%
Talence Euromidcap -5,34%
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,44%
Amplegest PME AC -6,20%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -4,97%
Ecofi Avenir Plus 4,09%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -3,70%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,23%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,66%
Varenne Selection A-EUR 2,96%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -4,76%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,52%
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,75%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -0,04%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 4,25%
Nova Europe A -11,59%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -5,58%
CM-CIC Pierre C 8,03%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -8,41%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 6,04%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 1 an SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 35,22% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 37,68% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 48,52% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 50,29% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 27,40% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 18,96% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 43,79% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 14,61% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 23,58% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 36,47% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 26,46% 6/7
DNB Technology 30,39% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 20,52% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 15,06% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 15,50% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 17,77% 5/7
Aperture European Innovation 17,51% 4/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 20,47% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 23,69% 5/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 44,32% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 29,55% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 8,31% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 24,91% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 17,53% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R 6,87% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 12,33% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 21,70% 6/7
Claresco USA 32,21% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 11,87% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 22,54% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 10,83% 6/7
Europa One R 2,87% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 11,75% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 23,71% 5/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 15,31% 6/7
Comgest Monde C 22,19% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 18,95% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 18,78% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 15,54% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 15,28% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 9,60% 6/7
Constance Be World A 21,08% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 20,15% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 19,81% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 21,36% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 20,24% 6/7
Copernic - RC 16,10% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 10,84% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 11,69% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 13,23% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 11,52% 5/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc 9,19% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 12,97% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 27,69% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 11,64% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 16,86% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -0,86% 6/7
BDL Transition 16,75% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 34,52% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe 9,53% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 21,63% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 12,06% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders 6,50% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 10,69% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 7,71% 6/7
Claresco Innovation 31,43% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC 2,75% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 30,44% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 13,32% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 9,29% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 16,63% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 14,65% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 8,12% 4/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 9,99% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 14,52% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 9,83% 5/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 15,03% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 14,84% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 7,28% 6/7
OMNIBOND 13,92% 3/7
Varenne Valeur 10,99% 5/7
Mansartis Europe C 8,79% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 8,95% 4/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 7,91% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,16% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 7,99% 5/7
Sélection Action Rendement 1,19% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P 6,72% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 12,63% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 6,91% 6/7
Wise 5 3,00% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 9,06% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 9,86% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends 15,77% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 3,34% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 27,19% 7/7
Norden SRI 7,34% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR 6,80% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 14,57% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 6,05% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R 3,37% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 11,95% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 6,55% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 18,57% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 6,74% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 6,14% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe 5,54% 4/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 5,59% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 4,05% 5/7
FFG -1,78% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 9,61% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 6,54% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 15,01% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 10,91% 6/7
BSO France P 7,22% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 6,33% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 3,87% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR 3,15% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 7,47% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 5,09% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 11,24% 5/7
MAM Solution 10,87% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 3,64% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 13,71% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 11,75% 4/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 10,67% 4/7
OTEA 1 9,63% 5/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc 3,94% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 10,41% 5/7
Kirao Smallcaps 3,21% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 8,93% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 8,83% 5/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 2,36% 5/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact 9,66% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P 0,46% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR 7,29% 5/7
Mandarine Active Part R 4,98% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 16,05% 4/7
BDL Convictions 10,54% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -1,53% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 9,26% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 3,84% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves 4,35% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P 2,47% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 12,06% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 7,75% 6/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 3,88% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 8,74% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 3,42% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 8,25% 3/7
Durandal 4,12% 3/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 6,85% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 6,79% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 3,64% 3/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 8,80% 5/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) 1,00% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 7,54% 4/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 3,77% 6/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P 1,92% 5/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -7,46% 5/7
MCA Entreprendre PME 0,35% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 4,49% 3/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) 0,17% 6/7
Alterna Plus 6,49% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 4,61% 3/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 5,93% 4/7
BDL REMPART 8,52% 6/7
NN Global Impact Opps 0,61% 6/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 6,80% 6/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC 5,77% 4/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 6,64% 4/7
IDAM Small France R 4,64% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P 0,34% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 6,43% 6/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 5,02% 5/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 0,79% 6/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 7,76% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 7,87% 5/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 14,24% 6/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy 6,21% 4/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 10,87% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 10,29% 4/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 3,66% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation 4,65% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking 0,19% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund 9,45% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 11,60% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 10,09% 4/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A 2,13% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -2,78% 6/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR 4,18% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 9,66% 4/7
Betamax Global P 3,94% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 5,94% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 5,54% 3/7
Sanso Short Duration C 3,56% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 4,54% 4/7
MAM Target 2027 9,55% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 7,55% 7/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 6,62% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -25,57% 6/7
AIS Protect -0,60% 3/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 5,16% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 3,60% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 5,00% 2/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 4,00% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 6,32% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 4,32% 3/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 4,28% 3/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -3,61% 6/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap 0,61% 6/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A 3,84% 4/7
HMG Rendement D A/I 0,52% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 6,45% 6/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 5,59% 3/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -5,83% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 7,12% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 3,77% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A 6,62% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P 2,83% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive 2,79% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 7,24% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 17,17% 5/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R 1,54% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,52% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset 2,66% 5/7
Dôm Reflex 5,05% 3/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -17,10% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R 1,48% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,98% 3/7
BL Global Flexible -2,68% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 4,31% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC 2,85% 6/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits 6,16% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -3,55% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC 2,24% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I 4,22% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,46% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC 1,02% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R 1,25% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 4,41% 4/7
MS INVF US Growth 26,55% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 3,54% 5/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC 1,46% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 4,22% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 2,82% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 14,45% 6/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR 1,69% 6/7
Sextant PME 0,37% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC 0,47% 5/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -1,95% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -0,04% 5/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -4,61% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,13% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund 1,56% 4/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -1,56% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond 2,83% 4/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -4,78% 5/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 2,39% 4/7
NN Green Bond 4,96% 3/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -8,42% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income 1,96% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 7,17% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) 6,12% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -4,93% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -5,34% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -3,44% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC -6,20% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,88% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -6,72% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -4,97% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -3,75% 5/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus 4,09% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -3,70% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,30% 4/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets 0,38% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 3,63% 4/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -0,45% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -1,23% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -1,66% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR 2,96% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -4,76% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,52% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -16,38% 2/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,75% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -11,34% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc -0,04% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 9,41% 5/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 4,25% 6/7
Nova Europe A -11,59% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -6,00% 5/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -5,58% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C 8,03% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -8,41% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR 6,04% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -13,54% 7/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 2 ans
Aperture European Innovation 7,91%
R-co Valor C EUR 6,10%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 2,86%
Centifolia C A/I 9,89%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,25%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 2,76%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 5,10%
Athymis Patrimoine P 1,81%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 0,47%
Axiom Obligataire 0,15%
IVO Short Duration SRI 4,10%
Ethna-AKTIV 3,80%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,60%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -5,52%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 1,33%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 0,03%
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,54%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,23%
NN Patrimonial BEST 1,62%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 2,03%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -0,42%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,29%
Dorval Global Allocation 0,23%
Sextant Bond Picking -3,04%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,11%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 7,88%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 2,27%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,58%
Betamax Global P -1,47%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,64%
MAM Target 2027 0,00%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 1,03%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,05%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,78%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,21%
Echiquier ARTY A 1,96%
Invesco Pan European High Income 2,18%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,31%
BL Global Flexible -4,45%
Sextant Grand Large A 1,67%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,41%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -1,64%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,11%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,54%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -2,00%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 1,77%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,13%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,12%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,94%
GIS Euro Bond -2,47%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,27%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -0,95%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,24%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,59%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -3,63%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -4,00%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,51%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 0,25%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,62%

Fonds à profil de risque 5/7

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 2 ans
Prévoir Pangea R 12,78%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 17,56%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 14,23%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 6,02%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 7,62%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 20,10%
Montségur Croissance C 9,29%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 7,69%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 13,58%
Sélection Action Rendement International 8,85%
DNB Technology 16,04%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 8,67%
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,98%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 8,50%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 1,80%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 3,32%
Jupiter Financial Innovation 0,47%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 6,58%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,90%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 5,71%
Claresco USA 14,14%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 7,47%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 7,73%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 6,46%
Europa One R 1,73%
Montségur Rendement C 8,74%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 12,44%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 5,67%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 5,84%
Renaissance Europe C 10,22%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 3,49%
Constance Be World A 7,61%
Sanso Smart Climate 5,34%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 5,53%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,67%
Clartan Valeurs C 12,88%
Copernic - RC 3,37%
Vega France Opportunités RC 8,86%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,84%
Seven European Equity Class I 6,44%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,24%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 9,77%
Lazard Equity SRI C 13,27%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 4,33%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -3,67%
BDL Transition 8,21%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 6,26%
Digital Stars Europe -2,49%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 8,30%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 5,86%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -1,81%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 11,71%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 2,24%
Claresco Innovation 0,33%
Kirao Multicaps AC -0,28%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 14,40%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 7,09%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 9,13%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 6,40%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 3,31%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -0,54%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 4,96%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 1,99%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 4,54%
Covéa Terra A (C) 0,93%
Mansartis Europe C 4,71%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 1,66%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -2,06%
Sélection Action Rendement 1,76%
COGEFI Elixir P 3,99%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,59%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,44%
Wise 5 -1,48%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 2,78%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 3,49%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -1,93%
Norden SRI 3,11%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,09%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 6,61%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,68%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -1,26%
DNB Nordic Equities 0,76%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 8,26%
Pictet - Security – P EUR -1,95%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 6,34%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 1,27%
FFG -4,49%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR -1,17%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 2,76%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 6,46%
BSO France P 8,81%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,42%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -6,56%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 2,30%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,78%
Kirao Smallcaps -0,53%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,67%
Mandarine Active Part R 0,73%
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,09%
Claresco Avenir P -2,93%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 10,61%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 2,69%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -0,16%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 3,46%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,80%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 0,21%
MCA Entreprendre PME -7,35%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,52%
Alterna Plus 1,71%
NN Global Impact Opps -4,00%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 2,44%
IDAM Small France R -0,20%
COGEFI Prospective P -8,58%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,81%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 1,86%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 6,81%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -1,64%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -3,58%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -3,65%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 7,44%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -16,44%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,50%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -5,39%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -2,47%
HMG Rendement D A/I -3,12%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,50%
Federal Multi PME P -4,07%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -1,08%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -13,90%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -1,52%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,31%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 1,33%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -1,90%
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,00%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -2,64%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 6,40%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -4,12%
Sextant PME 0,25%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -9,45%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -7,70%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -4,39%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -7,37%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,79%
Amplegest PME IC -10,45%
Talence Euromidcap -3,64%
Groupama Avenir Euro -4,78%
Amplegest PME AC -11,67%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -5,78%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -0,77%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -8,40%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -4,08%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -4,09%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -1,81%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 3,31%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -8,48%
Portzamparc PME ISR -5,67%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 4,60%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00%
Nova Europe A -11,40%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,26%
CM-CIC Pierre C -17,71%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -12,15%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -13,24%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 2 ans SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 38,65% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 12,78% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 17,56% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 14,23% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 6,02% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 7,62% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 20,10% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 9,29% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 7,69% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 13,58% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 8,85% 6/7
DNB Technology 16,04% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 8,67% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 9,98% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 6,95% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 8,27% 5/7
Aperture European Innovation 7,91% 4/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 8,50% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 7,77% 5/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR 0,50% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities 1,80% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity 3,32% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation 0,47% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 6,58% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -0,55% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 7,90% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 5,71% 6/7
Claresco USA 14,14% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 7,47% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 7,73% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC 6,46% 6/7
Europa One R 1,73% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 8,74% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends 6,11% 5/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 12,44% 6/7
Comgest Monde C 7,93% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 5,67% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 5,84% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 10,22% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 7,11% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 3,49% 6/7
Constance Be World A 7,61% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 5,34% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 5,53% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 7,67% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 12,88% 6/7
Copernic - RC 3,37% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 8,86% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 10,84% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 6,44% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 3,91% 5/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -2,24% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 6,10% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 9,77% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 13,27% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 4,33% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -3,67% 6/7
BDL Transition 8,21% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE 6,26% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -2,49% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 8,30% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 5,86% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -1,81% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 11,71% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 2,24% 6/7
Claresco Innovation 0,33% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -0,28% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 14,40% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 7,09% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 9,13% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 6,40% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 3,31% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc 2,86% 4/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R -0,54% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 4,96% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 6,28% 5/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 1,99% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 4,54% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) 0,93% 6/7
OMNIBOND 4,51% 3/7
Varenne Valeur 4,07% 5/7
Mansartis Europe C 4,71% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 9,89% 4/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 1,66% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund -2,06% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 5,95% 5/7
Sélection Action Rendement 1,76% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P 3,99% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 5,59% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 4,44% 6/7
Wise 5 -1,48% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 2,78% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 3,49% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -4,39% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age -1,93% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 22,34% 7/7
Norden SRI 3,11% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,09% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 6,61% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A -0,68% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -1,26% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities 0,76% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 8,26% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR -1,95% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 6,34% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 -4,10% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -1,25% 4/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 1,27% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend -0,67% 5/7
FFG -4,49% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR -1,17% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 2,76% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 2,76% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 6,46% 6/7
BSO France P 8,81% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 5,10% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,42% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -6,56% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 1,81% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 2,30% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 9,28% 5/7
MAM Solution 3,24% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 0,47% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 2,85% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire 0,15% 4/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 4,10% 4/7
OTEA 1 2,87% 5/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,78% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 3,54% 5/7
Kirao Smallcaps -0,53% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 3,80% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 10,35% 5/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps -3,24% 5/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,67% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -1,68% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -1,50% 5/7
Mandarine Active Part R 0,73% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR 2,60% 4/7
BDL Convictions 9,30% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -5,52% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund 0,82% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 1,70% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,09% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P -2,93% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 10,61% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C 2,69% 6/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 1,33% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC -0,16% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 3,46% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 2,18% 3/7
Durandal 0,49% 3/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 2,35% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,80% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 2,81% 3/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 2,54% 5/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) -3,38% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR 0,03% 4/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C 0,21% 6/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -3,61% 5/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -3,70% 5/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -7,35% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 2,12% 3/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -0,52% 6/7
Alterna Plus 1,71% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,88% 3/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine 0,54% 4/7
BDL REMPART 10,91% 6/7
NN Global Impact Opps -4,00% 6/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 2,44% 6/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,23% 4/7
NN Patrimonial BEST 1,62% 4/7
IDAM Small France R -0,20% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P -8,58% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,81% 6/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine 5,87% 5/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 1,86% 6/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 2,03% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 3,51% 5/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 6,81% 6/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -0,42% 4/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 7,26% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap 1,29% 4/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C 0,88% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation 0,23% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking -3,04% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -0,11% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 7,88% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 2,27% 4/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -1,64% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -3,58% 6/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -3,65% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I 1,58% 4/7
Betamax Global P -1,47% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 3,81% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A 0,98% 3/7
Sanso Short Duration C 1,51% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A 0,64% 4/7
MAM Target 2027 0,00% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 0,34% 7/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 7,44% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -16,44% 6/7
AIS Protect -4,00% 3/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine 1,74% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative 0,48% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 1,97% 2/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,50% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 1,03% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 1,87% 3/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 2,04% 3/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -5,39% 6/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -2,47% 6/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,05% 4/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -3,12% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 0,50% 6/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 2,11% 3/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,78% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 2,79% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R 0,21% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A 1,96% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P -4,07% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive -0,26% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 2,18% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 3,91% 5/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -1,08% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,31% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -2,77% 5/7
Dôm Reflex 3,29% 3/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -13,90% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -1,52% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,53% 3/7
BL Global Flexible -4,45% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 1,67% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -1,31% 6/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -0,41% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps 1,33% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -1,90% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -1,64% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 0,11% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,54% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -1,00% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés -2,00% 4/7
MS INVF US Growth -8,95% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 2,63% 5/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -2,64% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY 1,77% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR -0,13% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR 6,40% 6/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -4,12% 6/7
Sextant PME 0,25% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC 1,46% 5/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -9,45% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC 0,94% 5/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -7,70% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 1,12% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,94% 4/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -4,39% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond -2,47% 4/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -9,49% 5/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR -1,27% 4/7
NN Green Bond -3,64% 3/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -7,37% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -0,95% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) -2,79% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -0,24% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -10,45% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -3,64% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -4,78% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC -11,67% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -2,59% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -3,63% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund -5,78% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -6,31% 5/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -0,77% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -8,40% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -4,00% 4/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -3,51% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund 0,25% 4/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -3,62% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -4,08% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund -4,09% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -1,81% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps 3,31% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -8,48% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -10,41% 2/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -5,67% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -6,33% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 4,60% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -10,58% 5/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00% 6/7
Nova Europe A -11,40% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -8,34% 5/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -6,26% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -17,71% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -12,15% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -13,24% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -10,12% 7/7

Fonds à profil de risque 2/7

Fonds à profil de risque 4/7

Fonds 3 ans
Aperture European Innovation 7,39%
R-co Valor C EUR 4,19%
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -1,51%
Centifolia C A/I 8,81%
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -0,89%
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,44%
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,44%
Athymis Patrimoine P 0,24%
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 1,47%
Axiom Obligataire -0,48%
IVO Short Duration SRI 1,20%
Ethna-AKTIV 2,00%
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,48%
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -7,19%
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,20%
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,11%
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,46%
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,48%
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,98%
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 0,96%
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,14%
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,90%
Dorval Global Allocation -0,02%
Sextant Bond Picking -2,36%
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -1,79%
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 5,13%
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 0,24%
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -2,47%
Betamax Global P -0,91%
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,80%
MAM Target 2027 0,00%
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,74%
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,24%
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,68%
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,20%
Echiquier ARTY A 0,19%
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,50%
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,08%
BL Global Flexible -1,25%
Sextant Grand Large A 1,23%
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -2,78%
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -3,39%
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 1,16%
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,06%
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 1,35%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,58%
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 1,42%
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,69%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,46%
GIS Euro Bond -3,68%
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 0,00%
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -3,25%
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,63%
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,16%
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,22%
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,79%
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -6,96%
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,29%
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -4,33%

Fonds à profil de risque 5/7

Fonds à profil de risque 6/7

Fonds 3 ans
Prévoir Pangea R 8,91%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 10,50%
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 2,41%
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,66%
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 2,42%
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 0,00%
Montségur Croissance C 2,27%
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 5,30%
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,17%
Sélection Action Rendement International 5,87%
DNB Technology 10,79%
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 7,50%
Haas Actions Croissance C 3,61%
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 3,83%
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -3,19%
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -4,07%
Jupiter Financial Innovation -4,74%
CPR Invest – Climate Action 6,56%
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 0,47%
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,66%
Claresco USA 12,08%
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 0,07%
Russell Investments Low Carbon 9,41%
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -0,87%
Europa One R 2,30%
Montségur Rendement C 5,84%
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 13,49%
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 4,78%
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,40%
Renaissance Europe C 9,29%
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 2,00%
Constance Be World A 3,47%
Sanso Smart Climate 0,00%
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 4,88%
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00%
Clartan Valeurs C 8,38%
Copernic - RC 2,38%
Vega France Opportunités RC 5,54%
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 8,05%
Seven European Equity Class I 3,66%
Digital Stars Europe Acc -1,92%
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 0,48%
Lazard Equity SRI C 9,64%
Pictet – Water – P EUR 6,46%
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -13,15%
BDL Transition 4,83%
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -2,24%
Digital Stars Europe -2,04%
EdRF Big Data A EUR 10,10%
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 3,06%
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -5,88%
Dorval Manageurs Europe 4,81%
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 2,27%
Claresco Innovation -8,65%
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,57%
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 10,34%
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 5,15%
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 4,36%
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 4,50%
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 0,00%
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 2,58%
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 3,31%
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,57%
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 1,91%
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,02%
Mansartis Europe C 1,36%
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 4,04%
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,99%
Sélection Action Rendement 1,61%
COGEFI Elixir P 0,91%
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 4,05%
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 2,98%
Wise 5 -2,73%
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 3,56%
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 7,40%
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 1,25%
Norden SRI 0,87%
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,99%
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 0,00%
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 6,81%
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -1,81%
DNB Nordic Equities -1,33%
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,61%
Pictet - Security – P EUR 0,52%
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 2,27%
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 5,58%
FFG -1,83%
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,97%
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 0,84%
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 4,65%
BSO France P 8,43%
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,21%
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -8,36%
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 1,21%
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,11%
Kirao Smallcaps -0,27%
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,12%
Mandarine Active Part R 1,18%
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,11%
Claresco Avenir P -2,78%
Valeur Intrinsèque P 6,04%
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -0,73%
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,00%
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 2,78%
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,67%
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -0,95%
MCA Entreprendre PME -2,66%
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -4,17%
Alterna Plus 0,39%
NN Global Impact Opps -3,68%
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 0,00%
IDAM Small France R -1,86%
COGEFI Prospective P -13,24%
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,91%
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 4,47%
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 3,37%
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -5,16%
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -3,86%
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -3,98%
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 4,18%
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -15,56%
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,67%
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -11,85%
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,45%
HMG Rendement D A/I -0,56%
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 4,10%
Federal Multi PME P -3,31%
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -4,99%
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -15,97%
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -4,13%
Amplegest MidCaps IC -2,53%
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,65%
Amplegest MidCaps FC -3,12%
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,57%
Amplegest Midcaps AC -3,84%
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,70%
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -2,36%
Sextant PME -3,23%
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -5,14%
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -12,74%
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,73%
CG Nouvelle Asie C -11,32%
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 0,00%
Amplegest PME IC -4,94%
Talence Euromidcap -5,62%
Groupama Avenir Euro -5,77%
Amplegest PME AC -6,12%
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 1,85%
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,66%
Pluvalca Initiative PME -6,30%
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,71%
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund 4,41%
Varenne Selection A-EUR -0,42%
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -1,24%
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,87%
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,27%
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 5,30%
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00%
Nova Europe A -7,18%
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -3,38%
CM-CIC Pierre C -11,22%
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -10,18%
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,89%

Tous les fonds

Fonds 3 ans SRRI
Axiom European Banks Equity 25,72% 7/7
Prévoir Pangea R 8,91% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Technology Leaders Fund 10,50% 6/7
Pictet - Digital – P EUR 2,41% 6/7
MainFirst Global Equities Fund 0,66% 6/7
Prévoir Gestion Actions C 2,42% 6/7
BlueBox Funds Global Technology classe C 0,00% 6/7
Montségur Croissance C 2,27% 6/7
Echiquier World Equity Growth A 5,30% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Disruptive technology 12,17% 6/7
Sélection Action Rendement International 5,87% 6/7
DNB Technology 10,79% 6/7
Ofi Invest ISR Grandes Marques A 7,50% 6/7
Haas Actions Croissance C 3,61% 6/7
CM-CIC Global Leaders C 4,25% 5/7
HMG Globetrotter C 9,69% 5/7
Aperture European Innovation 7,39% 4/7
LO Funds Global Prestige P EUR Acc 3,83% 6/7
Robeco Sustainable Global Stars Equities 8,77% 5/7
Echiquier Artificial Intelligence B EUR -5,93% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Disruptive Opportunities -3,19% 6/7
MS INVF Europe Opportunity -4,07% 6/7
Jupiter Financial Innovation -4,74% 6/7
CPR Invest – Climate Action 6,56% 6/7
Sycomore Shared Growth R -3,85% 5/7
Amplegest Pricing Power IC 0,47% 6/7
Amundi Actions USA ISR P C 8,66% 6/7
Claresco USA 12,08% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power FC 0,07% 6/7
Russell Investments Low Carbon 9,41% 6/7
Amplegest Pricing Power AC -0,87% 6/7
Europa One R 2,30% 6/7
Montségur Rendement C 5,84% 6/7
Robeco Global Consumer Trends -1,06% 5/7
JOHCM Continental European Fund A EUR 13,49% 6/7
Comgest Monde C 5,28% 5/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Global Sustainable Equity Fund 4,78% 6/7
Russell Investments World Equity Fund 7,40% 6/7
Renaissance Europe C 9,29% 6/7
Sycomore Happy@Work 2,69% 5/7
Portzamparc Opportunités ISR 2,00% 6/7
Constance Be World A 3,47% 6/7
Sanso Smart Climate 0,00% 6/7
Fidelity World A-Acc-EUR 4,88% 6/7
Regnan Sustainable Water & Waste A EUR 0,00% 6/7
Clartan Valeurs C 8,38% 6/7
Copernic - RC 2,38% 6/7
Vega France Opportunités RC 5,54% 6/7
ELEVA Euroland Selection R 8,05% 6/7
Seven European Equity Class I 3,66% 6/7
First Eagle Amundi International AE-C 6,82% 5/7
Digital Stars Europe Acc -1,92% 6/7
R-co Valor C EUR 4,19% 4/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Robotics 0,48% 6/7
Lazard Equity SRI C 9,64% 6/7
Pictet – Water – P EUR 6,46% 6/7
MS INVF Asia Opportunity -13,15% 6/7
BDL Transition 4,83% 6/7
TCW Funds - TCW Global Artificial Intelligence Equity Fund - AEHE -2,24% 6/7
Digital Stars Europe -2,04% 6/7
EdRF Big Data A EUR 10,10% 6/7
Seven UCITS Seven European Eqty Fd EUR-R 3,06% 6/7
VONTOBEL mtx Sustainable Emerging Markets Leaders -5,88% 6/7
Dorval Manageurs Europe 4,81% 6/7
Flornoy Valeurs Familiales 2,27% 6/7
Claresco Innovation -8,65% 6/7
Kirao Multicaps AC -2,57% 6/7
Fidelity Global Technology A-Dis-EUR 10,34% 6/7
VONTOBEL Clean Technology 5,15% 6/7
Roche-Brune Euro Valeurs Responsables 4,36% 6/7
Pictet – Global Environmental Opportunities – P EUR : 4 4,50% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Environment & Biodiversity Impact EUR R Cap 0,00% 6/7
Carmignac Patrimoine A EUR Acc -1,51% 4/7
Mandarine Global Transition Part R 2,58% 6/7
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe B EUR 3,31% 6/7
R-co 4Change Inclusion & Handicap Equity C EUR 2,89% 5/7
Covéa Ruptures A (C) 0,57% 6/7
Echiquier Positive Impact Europe A 1,91% 6/7
Covéa Terra A (C) -0,02% 6/7
OMNIBOND 2,88% 3/7
Varenne Valeur 3,08% 5/7
Mansartis Europe C 1,36% 6/7
Centifolia C A/I 8,81% 4/7
Nordea1 - Global Climate & Environment Fund 4,04% 6/7
JPMorgan Funds - Global Healthcare Fund 3,99% 6/7
Dorval Convictions - Part R 3,36% 5/7
Sélection Action Rendement 1,61% 6/7
COGEFI Elixir P 0,91% 6/7
Jupiter Global Ecology Growth 4,05% 6/7
Fideas Smart for Climate P Actions Eurozone ISR 2,98% 6/7
Wise 5 -2,73% 6/7
Galilée Innovation Europe - RC 3,56% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Dividend Fund 7,40% 6/7
Invesco Global Consumer Trends -12,96% 7/7
CPR Invest – Global Silver Age 1,25% 6/7
Janus Henderson Horizon Biotechnology Fund 9,66% 7/7
Norden SRI 0,87% 6/7
Schroder ISF Glb Clmt Chg Eq A Acc EUR -0,99% 6/7
SLF (LUX) Equity Green Buildings & Infrastructure Impact EUR R Cap 0,00% 6/7
Arc Actions Santé Innovante A 6,81% 6/7
ELEVA Leaders Small et Mid Cap Europe R -1,81% 6/7
DNB Nordic Equities -1,33% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Equities EMU 5,61% 6/7
Pictet - Security – P EUR 0,52% 6/7
HSBC SRI Euroland Equity AC 2,27% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Multi-Asset Fund part B1 -5,38% 3/7
Carmignac Portfolio Patrimoine Europe -0,89% 4/7
Betamax Europe Smart for Climate P Actions Europe 5,58% 6/7
DWS Invest Top Dividend 5,55% 5/7
FFG -1,83% 6/7
abrdn SICAV II – Global Impact Equity Fund – A Acc EUR 1,97% 6/7
Pictet – Atlas – P EUR : 2 1,44% 4/7
Pictet – Global Megatrend Selection – P EUR : 4 0,84% 6/7
EdR SICAV Euro Sust Growth A EUR 4,65% 6/7
BSO France P 8,43% 6/7
ELEVA Absolute Return Europe R 4,44% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Positive Impact Fund 1,21% 6/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Global Leaders B EUR -8,36% 6/7
Athymis Patrimoine P 0,24% 4/7
Tocqueville Silver Age ISR 1,21% 6/7
HMG Découvertes C 6,94% 5/7
MAM Solution 4,04% 5/7
R-co Thematic Silver Plus C EUR 1,47% 4/7
TCW Relative Value US Equities Fund 0,00% 5/7
Axiom Obligataire -0,48% 4/7
IVO Short Duration SRI 1,20% 4/7
OTEA 1 -0,16% 5/7
Candriam SRI Equity Em Mkts C EUR Acc -10,11% 6/7
IVO Fixed Income EUR R Acc 1,42% 5/7
Kirao Smallcaps -0,27% 6/7
Ethna-AKTIV 2,00% 4/7
R-co Conviction Equity Value Euro C EUR 6,47% 5/7
Raymond James Funds Smicrocaps 0,51% 5/7
BNP Paribas Climate Impact -1,12% 6/7
COGEFI Flex Dynamic P -2,80% 5/7
AXAWF Global Optimal Income E Cap EUR -3,05% 5/7
Mandarine Active Part R 1,18% 6/7
Tikehau SubFin Fund - A – Acc – EUR -0,48% 4/7
BDL Convictions 5,65% 5/7
Kirao Multicaps Alpha -7,19% 4/7
Janus Henderson Balanced Fund -0,23% 5/7
HELIUM ALPHA 2,71% 4/7
DNB Fund Future Waves -3,11% 6/7
Claresco Avenir P -2,78% 6/7
Valeur Intrinsèque P 6,04% 6/7
Clartan Ethos Esg Europe Small&Mid Cap C -0,73% 6/7
DWS Concept Kaldemorgen 2,20% 4/7
Galilée World Equity Thematics – RC 0,00% 6/7
RobecoSAM Smart Energy Equities 2,78% 6/7
Axiom Short Duration Bond Fund 1,19% 3/7
Durandal -0,45% 3/7
Sycomore Allocation Patrimoine R 0,06% 3/7
Ecofi Enjeux Futurs 2,67% 6/7
Exane Pleiade Fund 0,39% 3/7
JOHCM Global Opportunities Fund A EUR 7,43% 5/7
Hesper Fund – Global solutions (T-12 EUR) -0,04% 5/7
Pictet-Multi Asset Global Opps R EUR -1,11% 4/7
CM-CIC Objectif Environnement C -0,95% 6/7
Global Proactive Portfolio - P -3,36% 5/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds - Global Macro Opportunities Fund -4,93% 5/7
MCA Entreprendre PME -2,66% 6/7
Haas Epargne Patrimoine C 0,87% 3/7
MainFirst Germany Fund (A) -4,17% 6/7
Alterna Plus 0,39% 6/7
CANDRIAM Risk Arbitrage 0,26% 3/7
Flexigestion Patrimoine -1,46% 4/7
BDL REMPART 8,81% 6/7
NN Global Impact Opps -3,68% 6/7
Dorval European Climate Initiative Part R 0,00% 6/7
Galilée Global Thematics - RC -0,48% 4/7
NN Patrimonial BEST -0,98% 4/7
IDAM Small France R -1,86% 6/7
COGEFI Prospective P -13,24% 6/7
Quadrige France Smallcaps C 2,91% 6/7
Carmignac Portfolio Emerging Patrimoine -2,12% 5/7
Pictet - Premium Brands - P EUR 4,47% 6/7
Tikehau International Cross Assets – R – Acc – EUR 0,96% 4/7
HMG DECOUVERTES PME - part C 3,53% 5/7
Pictet – Clean Energy Transition – P EUR : 5 3,37% 6/7
Axiom 2027 0,00% /7
Russell Investments Multi-Asset Growth Strategy -1,14% 4/7
GIS Global Multi Asset Income (DX) 4,79% 5/7
SLF (LUX) Bond High Yield Opportunity 2026 EUR R Cap -0,90% 4/7
Covéa Flexible ISR C -0,49% 5/7
Dorval Global Allocation -0,02% 4/7
Sextant Bond Picking -2,36% 4/7
VONTOBEL TwentyFour Strategic Income Fund -1,79% 4/7
SLF (F) Opportunité High Yield 2028 P Cap 5,13% 4/7
Tikehau 2027- R – Acc – EUR 0,24% 4/7
Echiquier Agenor SRI Mid Cap Europe A -5,16% 6/7
CANDRIAM Equities L Oncology Impact -3,86% 6/7
Portzamparc Entrepreneurs ISR -3,98% 6/7
Seven Fortress Fund : Class I -2,47% 4/7
Betamax Global P -0,91% 4/7
DNCA Invest Eurose A EUR 3,07% 3/7
Trusteam Optimum A -0,47% 3/7
Sanso Short Duration C 0,94% 3/7
DNCA Invest Beyond Alterosa A -0,80% 4/7
MAM Target 2027 0,00% 4/7
CANDRIAM Absolute Return Equity Market Neutral 2,46% 7/7
Templeton Global Climate Change Fund 4,18% 6/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – China A-Share Opportunities -15,56% 6/7
AIS Protect 0,26% 3/7
Federal Ethi-Patrimoine -0,23% 3/7
Dorval Global Conservative -0,07% 3/7
Tikehau Short Duration – R – Acc – EUR 0,73% 2/7
Janus Henderson Global Life Sciences Fund 0,67% 6/7
EdRF Income Europe A EUR 0,74% 4/7
Clartan Patrimoine C 0,89% 3/7
CANDRIAM Patrimoine Obli Inter 0,53% 3/7
Invesco Asia Consumer Demand -11,85% 6/7
Candriam Eqs L Eurp Innovt C EUR Cap -1,45% 6/7
Sanso Objectif Durable 2024 A -0,24% 4/7
HMG Rendement D A/I -0,56% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Themes Fund 4,10% 6/7
Pluvalca Rentoblig 0,72% 3/7
Gutenberg Patrimoine C -6,68% 4/7
Stratégie Rendement 1,21% 3/7
Sunny Euro Stratégic Plus R -0,20% 4/7
Echiquier ARTY A 0,19% 4/7
Federal Multi PME P -3,31% 6/7
CPR Invest – Croissance Réactive 0,20% 5/7
Invesco Pan European High Income 0,50% 4/7
Sextant Autour du Monde A 2,26% 5/7
Richelieu Family Small Cap R -4,99% 6/7
Most Diversified Portfolio SICAV-TOBAM Anti-Benchmark Euro Equity Fund part B -5,08% 4/7
BGF ESG Multi-Asset -0,43% 5/7
Dôm Reflex 2,08% 3/7
Russell Investments China Equity Fund -15,97% 6/7
Erasmus Small Cap Euro R -4,13% 6/7
HELIUM FUND 2,41% 3/7
BL Global Flexible -1,25% 4/7
Sextant Grand Large A 1,23% 4/7
Amplegest MidCaps IC -2,53% 6/7
RobecoSAM Euro SDG Credits -2,78% 4/7
QUADRIGE RENDEMENT France Midcaps -0,65% 6/7
Amplegest MidCaps FC -3,12% 6/7
Seven Diversified Fund Class I -3,39% 4/7
Lazard Credit Opportunities RC EUR 1,16% 4/7
Lazard Patrimoine RC -0,06% 4/7
Amilton Premium Europe R -0,57% 6/7
Gay-Lussac Europe Flex Diversifiés 1,35% 4/7
MS INVF US Growth -15,41% 7/7
M&G (Lux) Dynamic Allocation Fund 2,01% 5/7
Amplegest Midcaps AC -3,84% 6/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Global HY -0,58% 4/7
abrdn SICAV I – Diversified Growth Fund – A Acc EUR 1,42% 4/7
Pictet – Biotech – P EUR -0,70% 6/7
Portzamparc Europe PME ISR -2,36% 6/7
Sextant PME -3,23% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short IC -0,68% 5/7
Mandarine Europe Microcap R EUR -5,14% 6/7
Amplegest Long Short AC -1,21% 5/7
Pluvalca Disruptive Opportunities A -12,74% 6/7
Jupiter Strategic Absolute Return Bund Fund 0,69% 4/7
JPMorgan Investment Funds – Global Income Fund -2,46% 4/7
Roche-Brune Euro PME -2,73% 6/7
GIS Euro Bond -3,68% 4/7
Pluvalca Sustainable Opportunities -6,74% 5/7
abrdn SICAV I – Climate Transition Bond Fund – A Acc Hedged EUR 0,00% 4/7
NN Green Bond -5,96% 3/7
CG Nouvelle Asie C -11,32% 6/7
RobecoSAM SDG Credit Income -3,25% 4/7
Allianz Global Intelligent Cities - AT (H2-EUR) 0,00% 6/7
Edmond de Rothschild Fund Bond Allocation (part A-EUR) -1,63% 4/7
Amplegest PME IC -4,94% 6/7
Talence Euromidcap -5,62% 6/7
Groupama Avenir Euro -5,77% 6/7
Amplegest PME AC -6,12% 6/7
Nordea1 - Stable Return Fund -1,16% 4/7
Nordea 1 - Alpha 10MA Fund -1,22% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Global Listed Infrastructure Fund 1,85% 6/7
Sycomore Eco Solutions -4,07% 5/7
Ecofi Avenir Plus -1,66% 6/7
Pluvalca Initiative PME -6,30% 6/7
M&G (Lux) Global Macro Bond Fund -2,79% 4/7
CANDRIAM SRI Bonds Emerging Markets -6,96% 4/7
M&G (Lux) Optimal Income Fund -2,29% 4/7
Jupiter Dynamic Bond -4,33% 4/7
Gay-Lussac Green Impact -0,71% 6/7
Legg Mason ClearBridge Infrastructure Value Fund 4,41% 6/7
Varenne Selection A-EUR -0,42% 6/7
Quadrige Europe Midcaps -1,24% 6/7
Amundi Europe Microcaps PC -4,87% 6/7
BNP PARIBAS Diversipierre -6,35% 2/7
Portzamparc PME ISR -3,27% 6/7
Nordea 1 – Alpha 15 MA Fund -2,47% 5/7
M&G (Lux) Episode Macro Fund EUR S-H Acc 5,30% 6/7
Sofidy Selection 1 -4,69% 5/7
abrdn Global Real Estate Active Thematics UCITS ETF 0,00% 6/7
Nova Europe A -7,18% 6/7
Ecofi Agir pour le Climat -4,66% 5/7
Ecofi Trajectoires Durables -3,38% 6/7
CM-CIC Pierre C -11,22% 6/7
Allianz Pet and Animal Wellbeing - AT (H2-EUR) -10,18% 6/7
Oddo BHF Immobilier CR-EUR -8,89% 6/7
DNB Fund Renewable Energy -5,94% 7/7